
作者&投稿:宗圣官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我的学习计划大二 英语作文带中文翻译~

我的学习计划(My Study Plan)
  We suddenly feel that time passes so fast. We still remember the first day we come to this famous middle school, but now, two and a half years has passed. Have you ever looked back and thought, what you did and learnt in the two and a half years? And how much did you learn from teachers, books or in any other ways?To ask yourselves, have you ever wasted time? If you say “never”, that’s very good. But if you say “Yes, often,” it is so regretful. But everything has passed anyhow, we can’t get it back, so the only thing we can do is, to make better use of the time.
  From now on, study hard. It’s not so late that everything can’t be changed yet. Everything is possible only if you try your best to do it. Believe yourselves, “Every man has his price.” Maybe you are good at study, you are good at singing or you do well in drawing……
  So I always believe myself no matter where, no matter when. It’s very important, I think. Let’s try our best and put our heart into it. Wish you make good results in the last exam.

New term is coming. I am going to concentrate on my study and spend more time learning English because I am weak in it. I will try as hard as possible to improve my spoken English because my oral English is really bad。 I will ask my teacher and friends for help when I have problem.I will do sports every day because its good to keep healthy. I will help others when they are in trouble and help my parents with more housework.新学期就要来了。我将专注于我的学习,花更多的时间学习英语,因为我英语较差。我将试着尽可能努力提高我的英语口语,因为我的英语口语很糟糕。当我有问题,我会问我的老师和朋友寻求帮助。我将每天做运动因为它很。


English Study Plan for Second Term of the First Year in College:


  1. Write English diary every day.每天记英语日记

  2. Read English articles for more than half an hour every day.每天读半小时以上英语文章。

  3. Watch English orginal vedios for one hour or so every day.每天看一个小时左右的原版英文视频。

  4. Practise Reading & Comprehension questions every day.每天练习阅读理解。

  5. Go to the English Corner when there is time.有时间就去英语角。


大学转专业后需要修大一课程吗 转专业补修课程的方式
一、大学转专业后需要修大一课程吗 转专业是不需要从大一开始重读的。大一的课程比较基础,不涉及专业课的部分,因此在大一第一学期结束或者大一第二学期结束的时候转专业是不需要重新从大一开始学的,转专业之后补几门课就可以了。二、转专业补修课程的方式 1、组班补修 由教务处协调开课院(系)...


各位前辈,小弟今年刚刚进入大学请问英语考级现在大一就可以考吗? 谢谢...
英语专业直接考专业英语,分别是专业英语四级、六级和八级,专科学历考过四级就可以了 本科学校:非英语专业英语有大学英语四级和六级,过了四级才可以报考六级,四级一般为必须考,六级不一定要考的,每学期考一次,过了就不用考 报考是大一下学期才有资格的,一般是大二才给考的 英语专业直接考专业英语...


你好 如果专业差异比较大,建议就不需要参加原来专业的实训了【摘要】大一第二学期结束后转专业需要参加原来专业的实训吗?【提问】你好 如果专业差异比较大,建议就不需要参加原来专业的实训了【回答】建议,不如将有限的时间,集中在后面的专业中哦【回答】那大数据技术专业与大飞机专业的差异大吗?【提问...

会计基础 财务管理

大一第二学期 星期一 张震峰 线性代数(0738)(1-13,2401) 陈乐怡 综合英语II(B级)(英M2)(1376)(1-17,4202) 星期二 赵维加 法律基础(0100)(1-17,梯二) 戴滨林 高等数学II(B级)(0338)(1-17,2313) 包亚钧 政治经济学Ⅱ(0753)(16,梯三) 星期三 包亚钧 政治经济学Ⅱ(0753)(1-14 16-17...

我在北大教商英-To be or not to be?从本学期的第一堂课想到的


沙洋县13919379756: 大专大一第二学期的英语学习计划用英语来写的,带中文 -
帅苇关节: 大专大一第二学期的英语学习计划用英语来写 English Study Plan for Second Term of the First Year in College: 大一第二学期英语学习计划: 1. Write English diary every day.每天记英语日记 2. Read English articles for more than half an hour ...

沙洋县13919379756: 求一份大一英语新学期新计划.2000字,用英文写 -
帅苇关节: I am glad to see that the new term is coming.In the new term,I decide to make some changes.At first,I must study hader than before and get good marks.Secondly,I wanna make more friends and help the people who are in need.Finnally,I want to do ...

沙洋县13919379756: 用英语制定新学期英语学习计划 -
帅苇关节: 1.I will read English every morning.2.I want to learn new words by heart.3.I am going to listen to the teacher carefully in class.4.I will do my homework by myself.

沙洋县13919379756: 谁能帮我写一篇大学关于英语的学习计划(用英语写) -
帅苇关节: first ,make a time table is very important ,this will make best use of my time . i wil spend hald an hour in the morning reading english , make some small notes which i write some strange words on,in order to recite the words conviniently.after school, ...

沙洋县13919379756: 大一英语学习的总结,写这学期的英语学习情况及下学期的英语学习计划.80词左右,英语大神帮帮忙~ -
帅苇关节: I have learned a lot during this term.Compared to English learing in High School,i do a lot oral English exercise,for example,daily talk with my roomies.And i make a plan to learn an English song every two weeks.What's mors ,i became a fan of the ...

沙洋县13919379756: 我的英语学习计划的英语 -
帅苇关节: 对应的英语: My English study/learning plan. 例如: I've made my English learning plan.

沙洋县13919379756: 用英语写下学期的努力学习计划,50~60词 -
帅苇关节: Study hard, make progress every day, come on! Nothing is hard if you put you heart into it (好好学习,天天向上,加油!世上无难事只怕有心人)

沙洋县13919379756: 下个学期就要到了我们要早作计划,请用英文写出自己的英语学习计划 -
帅苇关节: 10 new words everyday morning reading for 20min everyday in the morning from 6:40 to 7:00 listening practise for half an hour everyday one reading a day two writing a week oral English corner everynight for half an hour This is just a general ideal and need more detailed plan to adopt it

沙洋县13919379756: 我是大一新生,英语老师让用英语写的短期和长期的英语学习计划,短期我是想每天花半个小时背单词,早上听 -
帅苇关节: In the short run, I plan to spend half an hour per day to recite English words. In the mean time, I will practice English speaking as well as reading each morning. I also make up my mind to study hard in class, that is, listen carefully, answer questions ...

沙洋县13919379756: 英语学习计划500字 -
帅苇关节: 有基础的: 一、总则: 1、坚持每一天,充分利用一切可以利用的时间学英语.没有持之以恒的学习和大量的时将做保障,一切都是空谈. 2、每天听写一篇文章,以此文章为中心,展开一天的学习. 3、听说读写译五项都要练,以听说为主. ...


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