
作者&投稿:水轻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1)词尾辅音 + 词首元音
My name is..... Take a look at it..... Not at all. Can I help you? Time is up. Good idea
Take it easy. Finish it in a minute if it is not difficult. Try to finish the job as soon as possible.
(2)词尾元音 + 词首元音 ①加J
Thank you for coming to see me off I hope you will enjoy it Hurry up Don’t worry about it
I can do it Go on with your work
How often do you swim? How about seeing a film this evening

词尾爆破音(b p t g k ) + 词首爆破音(b p t g k )
Have a good time. A big cake Take care Please sit down What do you mean Ask bob to sit behind me No need to finish it now.
A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

(1)词尾摩擦音 + 摩擦音
I need some more money What would you advise me to do? You must pay in advance
(2)词尾爆破音 + 爆破音
That joke You shouldn’t treat women like object Can I take a picture with you?


(1)元音 + 清辅音 + 元音
City letter water pretty citizen.
The sooner,the better I think you’d better see a doctor Your story just doesn’t hold water What’s the matter with you? Stay out of this matter
(2)元音 + T + L
I have a little problem
I’ll think about it Can I have a look at it Not all Say it again

(1)相互同化 ① t + j →t
Nice to meet you I know a lot about you
I know you can speak good english
Take care that you dont spoil your new clothes How about you (2)d+j--打不出
Could you tell me where the bus stop is Did you finish your homework yesterday Would you show me the bathroom
(3)s+j--打不出来 God bless you
Baby i miss you everyday
Now look what a mess you have done (4)z+j--打不出来 How is your boyfriend Hows your family 第二大规律:顺向同化
(1)名词变复数:i want to buy a lot of english books (2)动词变第三人称单数:she works in zaidong education (3)动词变过去式或过去分词;she looked very blue yesterday (4)T+s :all of the students stop reading
(5)D+s:my friends in america send me a message that the economic forecast is pleasant there

(1)before i eat dinner , i read the newspaper for a while
(2)He is not the man he used to be (3)Dont worry , you get used to it in no time (4)You have to get off here (5)That is all he has to do (6)I had to go and talk with jim 第六大技巧 异化

(1)sp+元音:how do you spend your leisure time Action speak louder than words (1)sk+元音:im so scared
If i were a millionaire i would start a school
(3)st+元音 if you are ready,you may start your work Would you like some steak?
(4)str+元音:the work is still strange to him He struck me with a stick

看过美语歌词或美语电影的同学。。。。。。。 (1)want to ----wanna what do you wanna do (2) Be going to -----be gonna im gonna study abroad (3)Have got to --gotta i gotta see you
(4)Because ----cause i broke up with my boyfriend cause i dont like him (5)Give me ----gimme gimme that book (6)Out of -----outta get outta here (7)You ---ya how are ya
(8)Are you -- where are you going (9)And ---n youn me rockn roll
(10)What is the ---whatsa whatsa matter (11)Old ---ol look at that olman (12)Sure--sher are you sher
(13)Goodbye----gbye im leaving gbye
(14)What are you wachya/wacha wachya doing here (15)Ing---in we are talikin about the education in china (16)Let me --lemme lemme give you an example

8. 略读 第一大规律:词尾的爆破 Very good Im a student Never give up
第二大规律:意群结尾的爆破音 I could cause i believe i could
Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night I think you shouldnt push him too hard

9.被击穿的H音 (1)him--im dont tell im (2)Her--er please call er

Hey jude ,孙燕姿的hey jude。

10.弱读三大规律:把元音弱化为 打不出来 Ladies and gentlemen You and me
I have an english teacher I’ll be back in half an hour My wife and i are very happy
第二大规律:弱化为同类音长音---短音 Me give me a sec to change film We why don’t we go out for a walk She she has an accent
第三大规律:弱到不发音 Difficult Intention Information

11.鼻腔爆破 Good night Good morning Let me help you
Her goodness was apparent to everyone I’m a student

I have been very busy lately Where have you been lately I met the old lady in the shop He slept badly
His foot was badly hurt

13.同类音消失 What does the man mean This shop is so romantic How was the party last night These clothes are so beautiful

14.t音的消失(杀手音n) Internet i enjoy surfing on the internet Twenty i take 20 thousand dollars with me International be an International chinese

15.音的连读、 For example
My friend comes from a country far away I will keep my promise forever There is ten minutes left
There are over 600,000 kinds of insects in the world

16.辅音连缀 S+m he’s a smart businessman S+n his shirt is as white as snow S+l did you sleep well S+w no sweet without sweat P+l what’s your plan for the future P+r the price of that house is high G+l i am very glad that you could come S+p+r the rumor quickly spread through S+t+r he was a strict farther

17. 情态动词完成时过去将来时缩写
Could have ----could’a tom could’a finished homework Must have------must’a i must’a very strange experience Should have ----should’a i should have done it

Would have -----would’a they would’a come to the meeting if he had known about it

18. of不规则缩读
Kind of ---kinda that is one kind battle in this war
A lot of ---a lotta this week we are getting a lotta brand new information Lots of --lotsa they all contain lotsa water
Sort of----sorta i sorta like’m
Bunch of ----buncha the intent is for a buncha lawyers to make money Because of --becausea it’s because of that theoretical possibility that some people think it may be better to change




一、 连读

1、 以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读
如:I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice.
这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读
以辅音结尾 指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同u[ju:.]niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。
2、以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅音
what wil(l he) [wili]do?
Ha(s he) done it before?
Mus(t he) [ti] go?
Can he do it?
Should he….?
Tell him to ask her….
Lea(ve him) [vim].
For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似)

二、 音的同化

1、 辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dэ]:Would you....?
2、 辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[t∫]: Can’t you:。。。。?
3、 辅音[s]与[j]相邻时, 被同化为[∫]: Miss you

三、 失音
1、 辅音爆破音或摩擦音后面跟的是爆破音、破擦音和摩擦等,前面的辅音要失去爆破。
这样的例子有很多很多, 红色标注的辅音不发音:
Sit down: 发音再次的老师都不会发出 [t] 音
Contact lens:
Big cake
Dad told me
Huge change
Good night

四、 浊化
1、[S] 后面的清辅音要浊化
Discussion: [k] 浊化成 [g]
Stand: [t] 浊化成[d]
Expression: [p]浊化成
2、美音中:[t] 在单词的中间被浊化成[d]
writer, 听起来和 rider 的发音几乎没有区别
out of



spy /spai/ 轻辅音浊化就应该是/sbai/
spoon/spu:n /轻辅音浊化就应该是/sbu:n/
star /sta:/ 轻辅音浊化就应该是 /sda:/
清辅音在/s/后浊化 如stick 中t读作/d/





色达县13597776798: 英语音标中变音是怎么回事?详尽一点,我问过3遍了, -
裔郝尚德:[答案] 1.在英语发音中,音标s后跟的如tr、t、p等要变音的,2.S 后的清辅音在重读时要读成其相对的浊辅音,例如 student 中s 后的 [t] 读成 [d],s 后的[p] 读成 [b]3.如果S后的清辅音不重读,就不变音.建议学习--英语语音学习(...

色达县13597776798: 什么是英语音变 -
裔郝尚德:[答案] 简单的说就是遇见S要浊化和英美不同的发音习惯问题. 一、简单认识 按照英语读音的习惯,在s音后面的清辅音会读成相应的浊辅音.这就是清辅音浊化. 例如: spy /spai/ 轻辅音浊化就应该是/sbai/ spoon/spu:n /轻辅音浊化就应该是/sbu:n/ star /sta:/ ...

色达县13597776798: 请问英语音标中的音变是怎么一回事?谢谢 -
裔郝尚德: 习惯.正常现象.

色达县13597776798: 英语音标还有变音??? -
裔郝尚德: 变音?有些清辅音跟在s后面发 浊辅音.像k就发g,p发d. 个人理解.

色达县13597776798: 英语变音规则 -
裔郝尚德: [s]后面 [t]→[d],[k]→[g],[p]→[b],[tr]→[dr]. 如study,school,sport,street student speak star

色达县13597776798: 英语变音(要有音标)jeans,great,seaside(ea) schoolbags,looks,helps(s) person,university,exercise (er) garden,quarter,market (ar) cousin,enough,should(ou) ... -
裔郝尚德:[答案] ea jeans {i:} great {ei} seaside {i:} s schoolbags{z},looks{s},helps{s} er person{ɜ:},university{ɜ:},exercise{ə} ar garden{a:},quarter{ɔ:},market{a:} ou cousin{ʌ},enough{ʌ},should{u} th earth{θ},other{ð},than {ð} 不同的单词:great,schoolbags,exercise,...

色达县13597776798: 请问英语音标中的那些清辅音和浊辅音要变音英语音标中的清辅音当同浊辅音一同的时候,那些要变读法 -
裔郝尚德:[答案] s如果是首字母的话,后面的清辅音全部都要读他相对的浊辅音,这个是规律,如果要问为什么那就没有意思了.要从历史,从词汇学说起.比如:school [k->g] strong [tr -> dr] 如果是s非首字母的话后面的清辅音不会变,比如说:master [t -> t]

色达县13597776798: 英语音标中的元音和辅音是什么意思 -
裔郝尚德: 在英语单词中切记元音是母音,辅音是子音.英语单词是由26个英语字母的集合.26个英文字母中,元音有5个.它们是:A E I O U(Y) 剩下的字母都叫做辅音.英语中的48个音标当中,这5个辅音产生的音叫作元音,共20个;其余的28个辅音是由字母当中的21个辅音字母演变出来的. 在英语单词中切记元音是母音,辅音是子音.辅音和元音相撞,即产生音变. 举例如下:辅音字母 p b c d t f l m n . 元音字母 a e i o u . 现将这些字母组合在一起. p-e-n 形成一个单词 pen . beautiful.

色达县13597776798: 英语音标中变音是怎么回事?比如s后的音要变音 -
裔郝尚德: 当s所在的音节是重读音节时.s后面的清辅音要浊化,如 sport,p要浊化,student,t要浊化

色达县13597776798: 英语的变音规则~!! -
裔郝尚德: 从严格意义上讲这不能称作“浊化”,而应叫做“送气音变为非送气音”. 不过称为“浊化”更容易理解. 具体来说就是[s]后面 [t]→[d],[k]→[g],[p]→[b],[tr]→[dr]. 如study,school,sport,street. 要注意所在的音节要重读才需要“浊化”,否则就无所谓,比如master,monster

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