
作者&投稿:尧败 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, doesn’t 改为didn’t 2, milks 改为 milk 3, taking 改为 take 4, others 改为 else 5, is 改为 are

The doctor tried to persuade him to give (up) smoking but failed.
give in是屈服,give up是放弃。放弃吸烟(即戒烟)

The soldier was (badly) wounded and sent to a hospital at once.<顺便请翻译出来>

I didn't go to bed until midnight last night.
go to bed,固定搭配。

When you are in trouble, come to me for help.

After listening to his advice, she found (it) impossible to finish the task on time.

His poor mother did all she could (to) buy him the expensive toy.

Respecting others (does) everybody good.<顺便请翻译出来>

The price of the computer is very (high).

You will surely (succeed) in the exam if you work hard.

The field, (删除了being) covered with green crops, extends as far as the mountain foot.
如果加being的话,就是暗示extends和covered with green crops有必要的联系。但是这里田地有多宽广跟种没种庄稼没关系,所以去掉。

The doctor tried to persuade him to give (up) smoking but failed.
give in是屈服,give up是放弃。放弃吸烟(即戒烟)

The soldier was (badly) wounded and sent to a hospital at once.<顺便请翻译出来>

I didn't go to bed until midnight last night.
go to bed,固定搭配。

When you are in trouble, come to me for help.

After listening to his advice, she found (it) impossible to finish the task on time.

His poor mother did all she could (to) buy him the expensive toy.

Respecting others (does) everybody good.<顺便请翻译出来>

The price of the computer is very (high).

You will surely (succeed) in the exam if you work hard.

The field, (删除了being) covered with green crops, extends as far as the mountain foot.
如果加being的话,就是暗示extends和covered with green crops有必要的联系。但是这里田地有多宽广跟种没种庄稼没关系,所以去掉。

The doctor tried to persuade him into giving up smoking but failed.

The soldier was badly wounded and sent to hospital at once.<顺便请翻译出来>

I didn't go to bed until midnight last night.

When you are in trouble, come to me for help.

After listening to his advice, she found it impossible to finish the task on time.

His poor mother did all she could buying him the expensive toy.

Respecting others do everybody goods.<顺便请翻译出来>

The price of the computer is very high.

You will surely fail in the exam if you don't work hard.

The field, covered with green crops, extends as far as the mountain foot.<顺便请翻译出来>

His poor mother did all she could buying him the expensive toy.

此句中的buying应该为to buy ( 不定式作目的状语)

1.in改为up give in 屈服,让步 give up 放弃
2.bad改为badly wounded受伤的,形容词,应用副词badly修饰,而不能用形容词bad
3.去掉the go to bed 上床睡觉,而不是go to the bed(到床上去,不一定睡觉)
4.将and改为“,” 这两个句子并不应该用and连接,否则就成了一个很长的状语。而实际上前半句为后半句的状语,两者构成状语从句,故这么改
5.found后面加it find it + adj. + to do固定句型,表示发现(认为)做什么事(to do)很怎么样(adj.)
6.could后面加to do all one can to 固定句型,表示金某人所能去做某事
7.do改为does或在do前加can respecting others整个作为句子的主语
8.expensive改为high 主语为price. price只能用high/low修饰。expensive/cheap用来直接修饰所买的物品
9.work前面加don't “如果你(不)努力,你就一定会考砸。”
10.field改为ground 虽然field也有“地”的意思,但是一般要加定语指特定的土地,或用于着某一领域,故不能用在这里,而应用ground,表示一般的场地

1)The doctor tried to persuade him (to give改giving) in smoking but failed.
persuade sb. doing sth.固定用法

2)The soldier was bad wounded and (been)sent to a hospital at once.<顺便请翻译出来>

3)I didn't go to (不要the) bed until midnight last night.
go to bed 固定用法

4)When you are in trouble (,去掉and) come to me for help.

5)(去掉After) listening to his advice, she found impossible to finish the task on time.

6)His poor mother did all she could buy him the expensive toy.

7)Respecting others do everybody good.<顺便请翻译出来>

8)(去掉The price of )the computer is very expensive.
price 通常不用expensive来修饰.

9)You will surely fail in the exam if you (加don't)work hard.

10)The filed,(去掉being) covered with green crops, extends as far as the mountain foot.<顺便请翻译出来>

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1.how 修改为 what 2.chose 修改为 choose 3.take 修改为 taking 4.but 修改为 and 5.we will learn little about 后面增添 the 6.your 修改为 our 7.knowledges 修改为 knowledges 8.Some classmates suggest we can中的can划掉或者换成should 9.thought 修改为 think 10.many 修改为 much ...

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庄虾宁泰:[答案] looking 改为 watching

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