
作者&投稿:骑夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语。。帮帮忙。。 根据汉语意思完成句子。。~

My dog likes __running__ _after__ __balls__.
Look! The workers _are_ _building_ the house _with__ ___stones.
You can not do the eye exercise __with__ _your___ __eyes__ __wide__ _open___.
The mother gave a _gentle___ __touch__ on her baby is face.

This is a map of China.

  1. continue to learn

  2. Both and

  3. is related to

  4. without saying

  5. send to

  6. all/different kinds of


    We should take this meeting seriously.

     Everyone should play a part in saving water.

    You can share your problem with your best friends.

     That house fell down yesterday afternoon.

     I hope you can keep this secret to yourself

    At last, please add some salt to the fish soup.

     Are you ready to hold your birthday party?

    He played a great role at that party.

    John dressed up like a little girl yesterday.

我打算继续学画画。I am going to (go on learning) to paint.
李华和李杰都外向。(Both) Li Hua (and) Li Jie are outgoing.
我认为那与温度有关。I think that (it is related to) the temperature.
她没有说一句话就离开了会议室。She left the meeting room (without saying) a word.
We will (give) many gifts (to) Mrs.Wang on Teacher's Day.
The library has (all kinds of) books for you to choose from.

We should take this meeting seriously.
每个人都应该参与节约用水。(play a part)
Everyone should play a part in saving water.
You can share your problem with your best friends.
昨天下午,那座房子倒塌了。(fall down)
The house fell down yesterday afternoon.
我希望你能保守这个秘密。(keep...to oneself)
I hope that you can keep the secret to yourself.
Finally, please add some salt to the fish soup.
你准备好举行你的生日聚会了吗?(be ready to)
Are you ready to have your birthday party?
在那次聚会中他起了很大的作用。(play a great role)
He played a great role in the party.
昨天约翰打扮得像个小女孩。(dress up)
Yesterday, John was dressed up as a little girl.

  1. go on learning

  2. Both ...and

  3.  is in connection with / 如果多个空就写has something to do with

  4. without saying

  5. send...to

  6. all kinds of

  7. We should take this meeting seriously.

  8. Everyone should play a part in saving water.

  9. You can share your problems with your best friend.

  10. The house fell down yesterday afternoon.

  11. i hope you can keep the secret to yourself.

  12. In the end, please add some salt to the fish soup.

  13. Are you read to have your birthday party?

  14. He played a great role at that party.

  15. John dressed up as a young girl yesterday.


(辨析: at weekends\/on weekends 都是正确的表达,资料显示前者是英式英语,后者是美式英语,都是泛指的“在周末”;at the weekend 与 on the weekend 是特指在“某个”周末)3.The cat ate the fish and (ran away), so my mother (was very angry with) it.(短语:be angry with s.b...

She is too old_to___take___a __tourism___.2.抄袭别人的家庭作业是不对的.It`s not right for you to __copy___others’___homework___.3.令我惊奇的是他写得那么好.To___my___surprise___,he wrote so well.4.不要把食物带入教室.如果你这样做,老师会把它拿走的.Don`t b...

求学霸!!!根据汉语意思完成英语句子 每空一词
4.interesting to listen to 5.has been ,since 6.see,cooking\/cook 7.on,tennis team on the team队里的成员 He is by far the best player on the team.他是该队最好的队员.来自《简明英汉词典》

英语。根据汉语意思 完成句子 每空一词
1.difficult to learn或者hard to learn两者皆可 2.would return from return from 从什么地方回来 return to 回什么地方去 3.boarden the 用board的动词形式 4.Helping others;feel happy 动词放句首要用ing形式。other加s才可以用作名词,单独用的话是个形容词,后面要加名词来用。

1. make up 2. There must ne 3. be playing

3.fell into(坠入,掉落)4. will fall behind(fall behind为固定词组“落后”)5. fall(fall是美式英语,英式英语秋天是autumn)1. possible.(后面说他很strong,所以有可能获胜)2.impossible(不可能。没有帮助是不可能学好英语的)

3.The fishermen (make a living)by fishing in the sea.4.We've (sold out)all the books.5.He (set out)Australia yesterday.6.All kinds of models are (on sale)in this shop.答案应该是这样的,敬请放心借鉴!make a living谋生 set out启程 be on sale出售 这几个都是固定词组,...

根据汉语意思完成句子1.我想知道是否有公共汽车去他们学校 2.我们需...
1 I would like to know if there is a bus to go to their school two and we need to learn how to use polite and talk to people in English 3. Library is located opposite the school buildings, and to find information easily. 4 in order to catch the last bus, she ran to...

1.The dentist said if there was something wrong with my teeth, I shouldn't eat too much hot food.2.Don't worry about you illness.I'm sure you will be better soon.3.The doctor said I shouldn't eat anything in 24 hours.4.I started to have a cold two days ago....

根据汉语意思完成句子,要英语 1,未来会是什么样子呢? 2她不同意我的观...
1. What will future looks like?2. She dont agree my opinion 3. Do you know how to make milk shake?4. My grandpa opened TV to watch news channel 5My sister likes to walking on the street which enterprises arounded.

旌阳区18527846497: 英语练习题 一、根据汉语意思完成句子 1.我认为包饺子很容易 l think - ____ - _____ - _____ - _____ - _____一、根据汉语意思完成句子 1.我认为包饺子很容... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案] 1 it easy to make dumplings 二 1 were 2.ate,last week 3.where did.move

旌阳区18527846497: 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一次.1、我发现要把我自己的意思让别人明白并不容易.I - _ - __ - __ - __ - __ - myself understood.2、王老师不厌其烦地给我... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案] 1 find it difficult to make 2.goes out of his way 1.What time am supposed

旌阳区18527846497: 完成句子 ; 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词. 1. 他喜欢和人们谈话. He likes to                               ... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案] 1. talk to / with 2. also; musician 3. good with4. What; today 5. swimming club

旌阳区18527846497: 英语翻译一、根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空次数不限.1.钢笔被用来书写.The pen - ________________.2.他们把全部时间都用在了工作上.They - ______... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案] 1. The pen is being used to write. 2. They spends/spent/have spent all their time on the work.(取决于什么时态,习惯就用第三人称,过去式,或者一般完成式都可以) 3. I haven't visited/seen my aunt for a long time, so I want to visit her this winter ...

旌阳区18527846497: 一根据汉语意思完成英语句子我打算继续学画画.I am going to - --- - ------ - ---- - to paint.李华和李杰都外向.---- - Li Hua - ---- - Li Jie are outgoing.我认为那与温度有... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案] continue to learnBoth andis related towithout sayingsend toall/different kinds of二根据汉语意思及括号内所给英文提示,翻译句子We should take this meeting seriously.Everyone should play a part in saving water.You can share your problem with your ...

旌阳区18527846497: 根据汉语意思完成英语 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词. 1.这个用英语怎么说? - _________ - this - _________ - English?2.咱们... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案] 1. What's in 2. Let's have (eat) 3. Thanks for 4. lots of 5. plays well

旌阳区18527846497: 英语 根据汉语意思,完成句子 -
帅宗盐酸: 1.(They are)Jim's books. Please give (it to) him.2. She (works at) the school (as) a liararian.3. I want (him to help) the boy.4. He often (tells stories to)his daughter.5. I (get) some money (from) my mother , and go (to call) my father.

旌阳区18527846497: 英语(根据汉语意思完成英文句子,没空一词)1.当我敲门的时候,我听见他正在弹奏钢琴.I hear him_____the piano when I knock______the door.2.我宁愿... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案] playing; at; knock at:敲门; living;to; prefer doing to doing sth;

旌阳区18527846497: 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词.我确信你能在这个比赛中干得好.I am sure you根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词.我确信你能在这个比赛中干得好.... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案] do a good job

旌阳区18527846497: 完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词.(5分)小题1:我们为李娜感到骄傲.We - __________ - ____________ - ____________of ... -
帅宗盐酸:[答案]小题1:take pride in/ are proud of 小题2:is , good 小题3:supporting actor 小题4:will be built

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