
作者&投稿:蔽哄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the heavy – how you like me now http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=The%20Heavy%20%A8%43%20How%20You%20Like%20Me%20Now

A million little pieces:数以万计
Feeds the dying light:照亮夜空
And breathes me back to life:也让我复活
In your eyes:你的眼中
I see something to believe in:我看见信仰
Your hands are like a flame:你的双手如同火焰
Your palms the sweetest pain:你的手掌是最甜蜜的疼痛
Let the darkness lead us into the light:让黑暗带领我们走入光明
Let our dreams get lost feel the temperature rise:梦想迷失 感受温度上升
Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
Like a starship speeding into the night:就像飞船在夜空疾驰而过
You and I get lost in the infinite lights:你我迷失于这无尽的光芒之中
Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
So alive:如此鲜活
Your touch is like the daylight:你的触碰如同火热的阳光
Burning on my skin:欲火中烧
It turns me on again:又让我兴奋不已
You and I:你我
Survivors of the same kind:同样的幸存者
And we're the only ones:我们是唯一
Dancing on the sun:在阳光下起舞的人
Let the darkness lead us into the light:让黑暗带领我们走入光明
Let our dreams get lost feel the temperature rise:梦想迷失 感受温度上升
Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
Like a starship speeding into the night:就像飞船在夜空疾驰而过
You and I get lost in the infinite lights:你我迷失于这无尽的光芒之中
Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
Diamonds are forever but all we need is just tonight:钻石永存 但你我只需要今夜
We're monumental tremors that can freeze the speed of life
Just like particles that's falling from heaven all over the stars
Hear you calling for me:我听见你在呼唤我
Hear you calling me on from afar:我听见你在遥远的地方呼唤我
Let the darkness lead us into the light;让黑暗带领我们走入光明
Let our dreams get lost feel the temperature rise:梦想迷失 感受温度上升
Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
I feel the heat as we collide:当你我碰撞 我感受到了滚烫的热度
Like a fever that feels so right:一场高温 就是这种感觉
So baby tell me one more beautiful lie:所以宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧
One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

《Ignite》由挪威两位电音制作人Alan Walker与K-391合作的单曲,通过Alan Walker的唱片公司Mer Musikk和索尼音乐娱乐公司发行。
旋律主要来源于K-391的《Godzilla》,并融入了Marvin Divine的风格,纯音乐版正式发行于2017年4月7日。
人声版本通过LIQUID STATE LIMITED唱片公司正式发布,歌曲由挪威歌手Julie Bergan与韩国歌手SEUNGRI(胜利)共同演唱,正式发行于2018年5月11日。

是 the heavy – how you like me now


是The heavy how you like me now
Now there was a time
When you loved me so
I could have been wrong
But now you needed to know
See, I've been a bad, bad, bad, bad man
And I'm in deep, Yes I am
I found a brand new love for this man
And I can't wait till you see
I can't wait

So how you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now

How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now

Remember the time
When I eat you up
You know that I wasn't lyin'
that you can't give up
So if I was to cheat
on you baby would you see right through me
If I sing a sad, sad, sad, sad song
would you give it to me

How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now

How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now

Does that make you love me baby
Does that make you want me baby
Does that make you love me baby
Does that make you want me baby

How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now

ignite Alan walker

是this is love

Miley Cyrus - The Climb

是不是大众全系列的广告啊?没错的话应该是Diana Vickers的Jumping Into Rivers 曲风情新 被歌手演绎得也很特别

心风雅 行光华 CC是大众旗下一款标准的轿跑车,将轿车的灵活稳定性与跑车的超强灵敏度完美结合。它采用4门无框设计,舒适而又动感;内饰具有明显运动风格,延续了大众汽车高档商务轿车系列车型的风格,色彩鲜明的高级真皮跑车座椅以及真皮智能运动型方向盘彰显了大众CC速度与动感激情的特征。此外,大众CC还...

CC心风雅,行光华 glamour comes standard

又是什么车与大众一贯的低调风格背道而驰?没错,它就是CC,之所以叫“CC”只因为Comfort Coupe“舒适跑车”这个定义,系啦!它就是一款华丽、动感、舒适、个性的另类车型。国产之后的CC又能带给我们什么惊喜呢?今天,我们特别请来了试车手阿浩为我们试驾一下,一汽大众CC2.0T。诱人曲线 唯美外观 ...


到4S店用电脑关吧,这功能进中国的时候默认为开启状态,如果默认为关闭状态的话就不能作为主推的功能卖点来做广告啦。要主推这个功能,在第一次到中国验车的时候必须设定为默认开启。这就是中国的检验机制,找4S店用5052电脑去关了它吧,这就和启停功能一样,都是默认开启,才允许做宣传。谢谢 ...

2015-12-03 一汽一大众CC2万公里保养都换什么东西 1 2015-05-20 大众宝来2.3万公里保养项目有哪些? 1 2013-01-14 汽车行驶二万公里后该如何保养 27 更多类似问题 > 大众汽车的相关知识2011-06-07 大众汽车保养项目 7 2008-11-23 大众汽车报价 126 2011-01-23 大众汽车最新广告曲 270 2009-06...

这首歌叫:ignite 歌词:Fireflies:萤火虫 A million little pieces:数以万计 Feeds the dying light:照亮夜空 And breathes me back to life:也让我复活 In your eyes:你的眼中 I see something to believe in:我看见信仰 Your hands are like a flame:你的双手如同火焰 Your palms the ...

一汽大众cc广告 男主角是谁?

又是什么车与大众一贯的低调风格背道而驰?没错,它就是CC,之所以叫“CC”只因为Comfort Coupe“舒适跑车”这个定义,系啦!它就是一款华丽、动感、舒适、个性的另类车型。国产之后的CC又能带给我们什么惊喜呢?今天,我们特别请来了试车手阿浩为我们试驾一下,一汽大众CC2.0T。诱人曲线 唯美外观 ...

葫芦岛市13256966905: 一汽大众cc 广告曲 -
谏程乐松: 是 the heavy – how you like me now http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=The%20Heavy%20%A8%43%20How%20You%20Like%20Me%20Now

葫芦岛市13256966905: 一汽大众cc广告曲 -
谏程乐松: 这个 http://so.56.com/video/%e4%b8%80%e6%b1%bd%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%97%e5%b9%bf%e5%91%8a%e6%9b%b2/

葫芦岛市13256966905: 一汽·大众CC 的广告,背景歌曲 -
谏程乐松: Mozella - This Is Love 试听:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/z2mpauddo_0/ 已发给你,注意查收 别忘了尽快采纳,别采纳错~

葫芦岛市13256966905: 一汽大众CC的电视广告太美、太棒了,有谁知道这则广告的主题曲叫什么名字,谢谢! -
谏程乐松: the heavy – how you like me now

葫芦岛市13256966905: 2011一汽大众CC广告歌 -
谏程乐松: 是不是大众全系列的广告啊?没错的话应该是Diana Vickers的Jumping Into Rivers 曲风情新 被歌手演绎得也很特别

葫芦岛市13256966905: 一汽大众'CC'的广告主题歌是什么名?
谏程乐松: 广告歌曲叫:this is love 作者是:Mozella(请注意不是Mozilla,因为网上都是Mozilla导致找不到资源

葫芦岛市13256966905: 一汽大众cc汽车的广告背景音乐 -
谏程乐松: the heavy – how you like me now http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=The%20Heavy%20%A8%43%20How%20You%20Like%20Me%20Now

葫芦岛市13256966905: 求歌!一汽大众CC广告歌曲《this is love》
谏程乐松: is..Mozella 链接 http://224.cachefile18.rayfile.com/e46e/zh-cn/download/38d90078d40582c94f5a44190dc361ef/preview.mp3

葫芦岛市13256966905: 一汽大众CC2011的广告歌 我记得好像中央五台放的广告~ -
谏程乐松: Mozella - This Is Love 试听:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/z2mpauddo_0/ 别忘了尽快采纳

葫芦岛市13256966905: 大众CC广告主题曲叫什么?
谏程乐松: 广告歌曲叫:this is love 作者是:Mozella(请注意不是Mozilla,因为网上都是Mozilla导致找不到资源)

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