
作者&投稿:刁枝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My favorite countries are Germany and China.












  Germany are the vast majority of germans. Residents believe in Christianityaccounted for about half, while 46% of people believe in the Catholic church.
  Germans German discipline, pay attention to credibility, the extreme self-esteem, others warm, very emotional importance. Love music.
  Call attention to the Germans, is a distinctive feature in the interpersonal contacts. Improper term for Germans, usually greatly displeased the other side.
  Under normal circumstances, do not address him by the German name. Its full name, or only its name, can also. And the Germans speak, do not neglect the "you" and "you" the two person pronoun usage. For acquaintances, friends,peers, can "you" proportionality. In Germany, known as the "you" that respect,saying "you", said equality, close.
  The Germans pay more attention to the hair. In Germany, men should not shave their heads to avoid being treated as "Neo Nazi" molecular. German girl's hair style for short hair or long hair perm hair, most of them are marriedwomen.
  The Germans pay attention to dress, go out when must be neatly dressed,clean; meet said hello to the title, does not address him by name; date time,strong sense of time; others warm, hospitable, attitude, honest and reliable;the banquet, the man sat in women and people of higher status on the left side, the lady leaving and returning to the table, the man must stand up to show politeness; please the Germans dine, prior arrangements must be made for. To talk to them about the best wilderness scenery, personal amateur love a lot for sports activities. Answer the phone would be the first to tell each other their names.
  The Germans most like to eat pork, followed in order to turn the beef. A variety of sausage made of pork, so that the Germans eat a hundred tire.Abstain from eating walnuts.
  If you also drink beer and wine, to drink and drink beer, wine, or else be regarded as harmful to health.
  Whispering in public places, is considered very rude.
  In Germany, Rosa Memorial dedicated to, can not give people. Taboo in brown, red, dark blue.
  Clothing and other goods packaging Jiyong Nazi symbols.

Germany is located in western Europe, east of Poland, the Czech Republic, south of Austria, Switzerland, west Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, north and adjacent North Sea and Baltic Sea is connected with the Nordic countries across the sea. National political system, parliamentary republic. Federal President as head of state. The federal government by the Federal Chancellor and Federal Minister and several members, the Federal Prime Minister head of government. Germany is the world's fourth largest economy. Highly developed industrial countries, economic strength among the first in Europe. October 3, 1990, the Cold War divided the 41 years since German re-unification, so that day was identified as Germany's National Day.

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everythingcan be done well.我的名字是温妮。我是一个15岁的女孩。我生活在美丽的城市赣州。我是一个活泼,可爱和聪明的女孩。在学校,我最喜欢的科目是数学。也许有人认为很难学好的。但我喜欢它。我相信,如果你尽力,什么都可以做得很好。【点击了解更多课程内容】您有任何的问题和不明白的地方...

广州也是一个人口众多的大城市,有着最好的生活便利。广州有许多购物中心和小吃摊,为居民提供了便利。交通也为像我这样的工人和学生在日常生活中提供了便利。因此,广州作为一个著名的城市,充满活力和便利,使它成为我最喜欢的城市。【三】🌸🌸🌸案例来咯 英语作文:There are ...


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占金快力: Germany is a democratic parliamentary federal republic of 16 states (Bundesländer).The country previously consisted of several sovereign states with their own history,culture,and religious affiliation.Germany was first unified as a nation-state ...

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占金快力: Germany is a country in Western Europe. It is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic; to the south by Austriaand Switzerland; and to the west by France, Luxembourg, ...

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占金快力: The Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is one of the world's leading industrialized countries, located in the heart of Europe. It is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark and the Baltic Sea, to the east by ...

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占金快力: 德国位于欧洲中部,东邻波兰、捷克,南接奥地利、瑞士,西接荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国,北接丹麦,濒临北海和波罗的海,是欧洲邻国最多的国家.德国是高度发达的工业国,经济总量居欧洲首位、世界第四.德国自然资源较为贫乏,除...

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占金快力: Germany is a very developed country and is a major player on a world scale. It is a country of technology as many know it as "the country that makes all the good cars". Germany is located in Northern Europe and their history can be tracked back to as far as 1st century BC.这些刚刚好54字,我不知道你是想要加长到10句话吗?

乌达区18929388130: 我最喜欢的国家是德国和中国.翻译成英文 -
占金快力:[答案] 我最喜欢的国家是德国和中国. My favorite countries are Germany and China.

乌达区18929388130: 英语作文 喜欢德国的理由 -
占金快力: 我坐在从德国法兰克福飞往上海的飞机上.正是长途飞行中的睡眠时间,机舱已熄灯,我蹑手蹑脚地起身去厕所.座位离厕所比较远,我穿过很多排座位,吃惊地发现,我同时穿过了很多排iPad.不睡觉玩iPad的,基本上都是中国人,而且他们基本上都是在打游戏或看电影,没见有人读书.

乌达区18929388130: 德国概况英语介绍 -
占金快力: GermanyA country of north-central Europe. Occupied since c. 500 B.C. by Germanic tribes, the region became part of the Frankish empire by the sixth century A.D. Later it became a loose federation of principalities and the nucleus of the Holy ...

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