
作者&投稿:申钱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.
This novel mainly wrote one old person alone in marine fishes. He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. But he met the shark fish, the old person causes all one's skill and the shark fish fight, the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds.
This book promulgates the truth, not showed the person how regardless of, most feared is does not have the confidence. The confidence is just like is the automobile motor, is power which the person goes forward.

The protagonist, Jane Eyre, as the author depicted, is very plain. But almost every reader, including me, must prefer Jane to any other young ladies in this novel. I think Jane possesses a kind heart, an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage. She loves Mr. Rochester even more when loses his hand and sight.
She never gives up her own independence and never easily follows the instructions or advices from people around her. Instead, Jane Eyre choose insist on her own beliefs and standards.
At first, Jane Eyre met her best friend, Helen Burns, in the Lowwood School. Though they two really intimate to each other, Jane cannot totally agree with Helen’s ideas about life and people. As Jane grows up, she choose to leave the school and work as a teacher, regardless of the critiques from others.
After the secret reveals that the insane woman in the old castle attic the insane woman is Mr. Rochester's wife, Jane Eyre is not willing to lose her dignity, condescends to her own desire. Actually, she leaves resolutely and silently.
Because of those kinds of brave and independent choices, Jane Eyre becomes one of the greatest women in my mind definitely.



  《The Old Man and the Sea》
  The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.
  This novel mainly wrote one old person alone in marine fishes. He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. But he met the shark fish, the old person causes all one's skill and the shark fish fight, the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds.
  This book promulgates the truth, not showed the person how regardless of, most feared is does not have the confidence. The confidence is just like is the automobile motor, is power which the person goes forward.
  I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.

  《David Copperfield》
  It is the same as read other novels of Dickens' too to read" David Copperfield", People feel every personage --From protagonist to warder not speaking --It is ready to appear , lifelike. This because Dickens very much can play up angry to a great extent Atmosphere, the method is that the detail is delineated. At the time of writing to Mr.Murdstone teach David such as him, have published a question in this way: "If I go to the cheese shop to buy 4,000 pieces of extra quality cheese in Gloucester ……" he will it shows to be" extra quality cheese of Gloucester" in detail only, but this set off appear personality of Mr.Murdstone vividly even more just --Mechanical, intend to embarrass David. He describes David's banquet, each kind of vegetables is not described well at all in it, Whether and this it make people unable to feel even more vivid too,like in among. Can enter silk enter and deduct detail of describing, it is obvious Dickens one outsight and realize strength better people more like this. He draws support from his pen Tell reader abundant impression of him whether make readers rise and fall of the happiness, anger, grief and joy with him.

  Many child on reading the book, think book this for what child write .Because of Dickens Colored attention, in a lot of places , he comes to describe the personage and things in terms of a child, Enable child to appreciate thoroughly, feel that this is written for them .But,walk out people childhood after at the time of the book not stressed, can find these every one far than staying by we the memories for being heavy, make even more by people a sentimental book. .Novel lovely nurse Peggotty, harsh cruel and ferocious stepfatherMr.Murdstone and seemingly serious but good-natured old woman of aunt, Leaves the unforgettable impression on readers .The protagonist's growth road is bumpy and indignant, full of twists and turns or ups and downs Have fully shown difficulty and bitterness that ordinary people seek survival under the abominable environment .

  《Sister Carrie》
  Vivid Heroine

  ——On Sister Carrie

  Carrie was such an ordinary rural girl at the beginning of the story. Sitting on the seat of a bus, she couldn’t help feeling exciting at the sight of the metropolis’ spectacle. She was impressed deeply by large crowd on the avenue, the spacious square or tall buildings.

  Far more different from other heroines, Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white, nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer, nor was she so clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch.

  What attracted her most, after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries, fashion shoes, smart handbags displaying in the shop windows, the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that one day, she could wear all of these, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration.

  And this was not merely a dream. Because she had large eyes which can earn others’ sympathy, even love. She had wonderful figure which can win others’ hearts. However, anything she got, anywhere she reached, had not come from her ambition. Things happened, and then she accepted. That’s what she had just done — just to accept willingly from the bottom of her heart. She was not at all an evil woman who would give anything for the fortune or fame. However, she would give uo something for a better life when her instinct defeated her intellect.

  That was Carrie, a girl had her own desire, a human being just like many others in the realistic world.

  There’s one sentence written in chapter VIII:” When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect understanding has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.” However, how many people can go that further.

  And I want to quote another sentence to wind up my essay:

  “In Carrie — as in how many of our wordings do they not? — instinct and reason, desire and understanding, were at war for the mastery.”






依着这样的思路,从作者的叙述中,隐约可以看出,作者将中国的几千年发展历史分为了三段:第一段是中央集权、官僚体系、意识形态逐渐形成的时期,从商周发端,到秦汉隋唐;第二段是从城市商业和国际(边境)贸易中产生了商业社会的种子,但这种子在官僚体系、自耕农经济和意识形态面前,只是发展出了服务于宫廷地主玩乐所需的奢侈品生产与商业,这一段从宋元到明清,中间从王安石变法到张居正变法,似有着搞“数目字管理”的意向,但数目字管理的条件仍未具备,变法必然失败;第三段是清末受到外来侵略与冲击,开始寻找强国的途径,从清末的洋务自强运动到维新变法、立宪改革,再到辛亥革命、五四运动、抗日战争、解放战争、土地革命,直到改革开放,这一波一波的革命终于推翻了封建帝制,也也创造了“一个新的高层机构”和“一个新的低层机构”。而“现在中国当前的任务,则是在高层机构和低层机构间敷设有制度性的联系(institutional links)才能从上至下,能够以经济及法治的方法管理,脱离官僚政治的垄断。”



I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story. This is definitely a book everyone can relate to.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St. Petersburg. The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyer's life.

Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs. What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood. The book is filled with Tom's adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper. Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of. The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such as how pirates and robbers work, that are so innocent, they could only come from a child. It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics. The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.

The book is a little difficult to read at first. Personally, it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book. Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms (which I'm sure uses terms even young children already know), the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.













茶花女读后感I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past.I think Marguerite was right in saying that no one truly cared about her, but only wanted something from her, the only exceptions being Armand and Julie Duprat. Of course, the Comte de G. and Comte de N. wanted her body and appearance. The Duke needed to “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could never replace his dead daughter. If he truly cared, he could have helped her leave her lifestyle without “keeping” her himself. And lastly, Prudence was a blood-sucking leech who used Marguerite almost worse than the men. I also think she was jealous of the fact that Marguerite had so much more courage than herself and someone truly loved her.















这本书中,在所有人物中,有很多我喜欢的,比如:大军事家孙膑、能屈能伸的刘邦、大诗人李白等等。最让我佩服的人物就是唐朝宰相狄仁杰。狄仁杰被武则天任宰相以后,以荐贤任能而闻名于世,经他向女皇举荐而被任用,最后成为公侯将相者有数十人之多。 最让人敬佩的是他内举不避亲,敢于推荐自己的亲人为官,这也是很多人所不敢做的。传说,有一天武则天要宰相狄仁杰物色一个尚书郎人选。狄仁杰毫无顾忌地推荐了自己的长子狄光嗣。武则天采纳了他的意见。任命狄光嗣为地官员外郎。狄光嗣到任后,非常勤政爱民,不贪不暴,得到多方面的赞扬。武则天知道后,非常高兴地说:“狄仁杰不避嫌,敢于举荐自己有真才实学的儿子为官,这才是将相之德啊!” 同时,如果他的孩子为官有不正的地方,他也绝对不庇护,予以惩罚,非常地公道。狄仁杰的次子狄景晖,初为官时比较谨慎,然而随着官位的不断晋升,就变得不能约束自己。特别是升任魏功参军以后,更是行为放荡,贪财好色,欺压百姓,激起当地群众的严重不满。身为宰相的狄仁杰察觉后,断然罢免他的官职。很多大臣都为狄景晖求情,希望狄仁杰给儿子一个改错的机会。但狄仁杰坚持贬子宫职的态度不变,并教育儿子说:“贤者当举,贪暴当罚。这是用人之道,兴邦之法。”


英语读后感——读《夏洛特的网》有感(2008-12-21 14:11:44)标签:杂谈
Impressions after reading Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web is a wonderful and entertaining book, which written by E B.White. It mainly talks about the friendship between a spring pig and a spider.

A spring pig, just a simple pig wants to see the winter snow. But it should be killed at the Christmas dinner. The pig lived in the farm, where also lived many other kinds of animals, such as horses, cows, geese, a rat and a spider. And who is Charlotte ? It is the spider. At first, when the little pig came into the house, other animals didn’t like him, except a spider. She asked him be quiet so that she could work hard at night, and she would like to make friends with the pig. It made the pig so happy that he had a nice sleep. And then they became good friends. The pig told the spider that his dream, then the spider promised that she would help him to make his dream come true. In the way she made some miracles to make people know the pig cannot be killed. At last, the pig saw the winter snow but the spider died. However, the pig knew the spider was always living nearby him.

The spider said that she wasn’t the maker of those miracles but the pig was, because of the friendship, the great friendship. It is so moving.

So remember we also can make miracles as long as we make more friendship with others. Let’s make the world more friendly, more harmoniously.

How to make friends with others? What should we do about it? I think the spider, Charlotte , has given us a good example. In order to stop the pig, who named Wilbur, from being killed at Christmas dinner, Charlotte has the idea of writing words in her web extolling Wilbur's excellence, such as “some pig”. Thanks to Charlotte 's efforts, Wilbur not only lives, but also goes to the county fair with Charlotte and wins a prize. Charlotte ’s action holds the point of view that it is widely accepted that helping others and doing others good should be encouraged. That means it is a great pleasure to do others a favor when they are in trouble.

I can’t agree more with the spider’s action, because I felt pleased and satisfied at heart every time when I managed to help others. Sometimes anyone in society may get stuck and need assistance, and at this time people around shouldn’t be mean to do them a favor. As a consequence, to construct a harmonious society, the demand of the spirit of helping others is restless. As long as we put our heart to help others, we will make more friends with others. Only in this way can we make a harmonious society.

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