
作者&投稿:宾胃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Artist: Eminem
Album: Encore
Song: Like Toy Soldiers

[Intro: interpolation of "Toy Soldiers" by Martika]
Step by step, heart to heart
Left right left, we all fall down..

[Chorus: interpolation of "Toy Soldiers"]
Step by step, heart to heart
Left right left, we all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit, torn apart
We never win, but the battle wages on
We're toy soldiers

[Verse 1]
I'm supposed to be the soldier, who never blows his composure
Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
I ain't never 'sposed to show it, my crew ain't supposed to know it
Even if it means goin toe to toe with the Benzino
It don't matter I'd never drag 'em in battles that I can handle
'less I absolutely have to, I'm supposed to set an example
I need to be the leader, my crew looks for me to guide 'em
If some shit ever does pop off, I'm supposed to be beside 'em
That Ja shit, I tried to squash it, it was too late to stop it
There's a certain line you just don't cross, and he crossed it
I heard him say Hailie's name on a song, and I just lost it
It was crazy, the shit went way beyond some Jay-Z and Nas shit
And even though the battle is won I feel like we lost it
I spent so much energy on it, honestly I'm exhausted
And I'm so caught in it, I almost feel I'm the one who caused it
This ain't what I'm in hip-hop for, it's not why I got in it
That was never my object, for someone to get killed
Why would I want to destroy somethin I helped build?
It wasn't my intentions, my intentions were good
I went through my whole career without ever mentionin {Suge}
And that was just out of respect, for not runnin my mouth
And talkin about somethin that I knew nothin about
Plus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn't my beef
So I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth
While he's all over TV, now I'm talkin a man
who literally saved my life, like fuck it I understand
This is business, and this shit just isn't none of my business
I'm still knowin this shit could pop off at any minute, because

[Chorus: interpolation of "Toy Soldiers"]
Step by step, heart to heart
Left right left, we all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit, torn apart
We never win, but the battle wages on
We're toy soldiers

[Verse 2]
There used to be a time when, you could just say a rhyme and
wouldn't have to worry about, one of your people dyin
But now it's elevated, cause once you put someone's kids in it
the shit gets escalated, it ain't just words no more is it?
It's a different ball game, you call names and you ain't just rappin
We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happenin
Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him
And asked him not to start it, he wasn't gonna go after him
Until Ja started yappin in magazines how he stabbed him
Fuck him, 50 smash him, mash him and let him have it
Meanwhile my attention's pulled in another direction
Some receptionist at The Source who answers phones at his desk
has an erection for me and thinks that I'll be his resurrection
Tries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new record
But now he's fucked the game up, cause one of the ways I came up
was through that publication, the same one that made me famous
Now the owner of it, has got a grudge against me for nothin?
Well fuck it, that motherfucker could get it too, fuck him then
But I'm so busy bein pissed off, I don't stop to think
That we just inherited 50's beef with Murder INC
And he's inherited mine, which is fine, ain't like either of us mind
We still have soldiers that's on the front line
that's willin to die for us as soon as we give the orders
Never to extort us, strictly to show they support us
And maybe shout 'em out in a rap or up in the chorus
To show them we love 'em back and let 'em know how important it is
to have Runyon Avenue soldiers up in our corners
Their loyalty to us is worth more than ANY award is
But I ain't tryin to have none of people hurt or murdered
It ain't worth it, I can't think of a perfecter way to word it
Than to just say that I love y'all too much to see the verdict
I'll walk away from it all, 'fore I let it go any further
But don't get it twisted, it's not a plea that I'm coppin
I'm just willin to be the bigger man if y'all can quit poppin
off at your jaws well then I can, cause frankly I'm sick of talkin
I'm not gonna let someone else's coffin rest on my conscience cause

[Chorus: interpolation of "Toy Soldiers"]
Step by step, heart to heart
Left right left, we all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit, torn apart
We never win, but the battle wages on
We're toy soldiers

I’m a soldier, i’m a soldier,i’m a soldier, i’m a soldier...我是个战士,我是个战士Yo’, never was a thug, just infatuated with guns,我不是混蛋,只是喜欢枪never was a gangsta, ’til I graduated to one,我不是恶棍,直到我手握一支枪and got the rep of a villain, for weapon concealin’,我代表邪恶,因为我有了武器took the image of a thug, kept shit appealin’,邪恶的象征下,我屁滚尿流willin’ to stick out my neck, for respect if it meant life or death,如果要死,砍脑袋时,会给我一点面子吗?never live to regret what I said, when you’re me, people just want to see,我说的绝对没错if it’s true, if it’s you, what you say in your rap’s,哪天你和我一样,没有人会理你what you do, so they feel,如果你也是个战士,就通通说出来as part of your obligation to fulfill,他们认为这是你应尽的义务when they see you on the streets, face to face, are you for real, In confrontation ain’t no conversation,搞清楚,这场战争游戏是没有赔偿的if you feel you’re in violation, any hesitation’ll get you killed,稍一迟疑,你马上就会死if you feel it, kill it, if you conceal it, reveal it,看到就要杀,决不要手软being reasonable will leave you full of bullets, pull it, squeeze it,扣扳机,使劲的扣,把子弹打光,引诱我,推动我!我操!till it’s empty, tempt me, push me, pussies,有一点点理智,你就会被打得像蜂窝I need a good reason to give this trigger a good squeeze...我要一个正当的理由用力的扣扳机[CHORUS]I’m a soldier, these shoulder’s hold up so much,我是个战士 每个人都英姿挺拔they won’t budge, i’ll never fall or fold up,他们一动也不动,我也永远不会倒下,永不屈服i’m a soldier, even if my collar bone’s crush or crumble,我是个战士 就算我粉身碎骨无所谓I will never slip or stumble,我也奋勇向前,绝不倒下i’m asoldier, these shoulder’s hold up so much,they won’t budge,我是个战士 每个人都英姿挺拔i’ll never fall or fold up,他们一动也不动,我也永远不会倒下,永不屈服i’m a soldier, even if my collar bone’s crush or crumble,我是个战士 就算我粉身碎骨I will never stumble...我也奋勇向前,绝不倒下I love pissin’ you off,我就是故意要让你不爽,这样我才会爽it get’s me off, like my lawyer’s, when the fuckin’ judge let’s me off,就像我的律师成功地让法官放我走all you motherfuckers gotta do is set me off,你们这些混蛋要做的,就是让我自由i’ll violate and all the motherfuckin’ bet’s be off,我要搞破坏,一定要达到我的目的i’m a lit fuse, anything I do brings in news,我是个点着的火药线,我干的每件事都要上新闻pistol whippin’ motherfuckin’ bouncers,子弹射倒了那个6尺2吋混蛋的保镖six-two, who needs bullets, soon as I pull it,谁要子弹啊?只要我扣扳机就有啦you sweat bullets, an excellent method to get rid of the next bully,用子弹打倒那些恶徒,肯定是最好的方法it’s actually better cause instead you murderin’,如果不这么干,死的就是你you can hurt em’ and come back again and kick dirt at ’em,你会听到我走回来,在他身上多踢两下it’s like pourin’ salt in the wounds, assault and get sued,我要在伤口上洒盐,再殴打几下,然后我会被告上法院you can smell the lawsuits soon as I waltz in the room,我走进来,你就可以多几件诉讼案件everybody halts and stops, calls the cops,每个人的心脏都停止跳动,赶快叫警察来吧all you see is bitches comin’out their halter tops,你看到的全都是一群母狗,从头到尾都是runnin’ and duckin’ out the Hot Rocks只会在 Hot Rock 的停车场奔跑、乞怜parking lot, you’ll all get shot whether its your fault or not, cause...你们全都该死,不管这是不是你的错[CHORUS]I spit it slow so these kids know that i’m talkin’ to ’em,我讲慢一点,这些小鬼才会知道我在和他们说话give it back to these damn critics and sock it to em,给这些光说不练的家伙一点颜色瞧瞧i’m like a thug, with a little bit of Pac influence, I spew it,我是个恶徒,带有一点上一代的影响and look how I got you bitches rockin’ to it,我吐,看我怎么吓死你们这一群母狗you motherfuckers could never do it like I could do it,你们这些混蛋永远都跟不上我don’t even try it, you’ll look stupid, do not pursue it,别想试,你会看起来跟傻瓜一样don’t ever in your life, try to knock the truest,不要浪费生命,事实是不能改变的I spit the illest shit, ever beendropped to two inch,我要拉出最恶心的屎,你们就会注意到我so ticky-tock listen as the sound ticks on the clock,以牙还牙,就像时钟的钟摆一样listen to the sound of Kim as she licks on a cock,听听Kim口交的声音listen to the sound of me spillin’ my heart through this pen,听听钢笔刺穿我心脏的声音motherfuckers know that i’ll never be Marshall again,这些混蛋都知道,我再也不维护正义full of controversy until I retire my jersey,太多争议了,一直到我退伍为止’til the fire inside dies and expires at thirty,一直到我怒火停熄,年过三十,无效为止and Lord have mercy on any more of these rappers that verse me,上帝保佑那些和我说话的人吧and put a curse on authorities in the face of adversity, i’m a...咀咒那些当权者吧,即使要被咀咒的人太多[CHORUS]Yo’ left, yo’ left, yo’ left, right, left, yo’ left, yo’ left, yo’ left, right, left, yo’ left,yo’ left, yo’ left, right, left, yo’ left, yo’ left, yo’ left, right, left...左脚 右脚 左右左左脚 右脚 左右左左脚 右脚 左右左左脚 右脚 左右左

I'm a soldier
I'm a soldier
I'm a soldier
I'm a soldier

Verse 1
Yo... Never was a thug, just infatuated with guns, Never was a gangsta, till I
graduated to one
And got the rep of a villain, for weapon concealin'
Took the image of a thug,
kept shit appealin'
willin' to stick out my neck, for respect if it meant life or death, never live
to regret what I said
when you're me, people just wanna see, if it's true, if it's you, what you say
in your raps, what you do
so they feel, as part of your obligation to fulfill, when they see you on the
streets, face to face, are you for real
in confrontation ain't no conversation, if you feel you're in violation, any
hesitation'll get you killed
if you feel it, kill it, if you conceal it, reveal it
Bein' reasonable will leave you full of bullets, pull it, squeeze it
till it's empty, tempt me, push me, pussies, I need a good reason to give this
trigger a good squeeze...

I'm a soldier, these shoulders hold up so much, they won't budge, I'll never
fall or fold up
I'm a soldier, Even if my collar bones crush or crumble, I will never slip or
I'm a soldier, These shoulders hold up so much, they won't budge, I'll never
fall or fold up
I'm a soldier, Even if my collar bones crush or crumble, I will never stumble

Verse 2
I love pissin' you off, it gets me off, like my lawyers, when the fuckin' judge
lets me off
all you motherfuckas gotta do is set me off, I'll violate and all the
motherfuckin' bets be off
I'm a lit fuse, anything I do bring it's news, pistol whippin' motherfuckin'
bouncers, six-two, who needs bullets?
Soon as I pull it, you sweat bullets, an excellent method to get rid of the
next bully
It's actually better cause instead you murderin', you can hurt 'em and come
back again and kick dirt at 'em
it's like pourin' salt in the wounds, assault and get sued, you can smell the
lawsuits soon as I waltz in the room
everybody halts and stops, calls the cops, all you see is bitches comin' out
their halter tops
runnin' and duckin' out to the Hot Rocks parkin' lot, you'll all get shot
whether its your fault or not, 'cuz...


Verse 3
I spit it slow so these kids know that I'm talkin' to 'em, give it back to
these damn critics and sock it to 'em
I'm like a thug, with a little bit of Pac influence, I spew it, and look how I
got you bitches rockin' to it
you motherfuckas could never do it like I could do it, don't even try it,
you'll look stupid, do not pursue it
don't ever in your life, try to knock the truest, I spit the illest shit, ever
been dropped to two inch
so ticky-tock listen as the sound ticks on the clock, listen to the sound of
Kim as she licks on a cock
listen to the sound of me spillin' my heart through this pen, motherfuckers
know that I'll never be Marshall again
Full of controversy until I retire my jersey, till the fire inside dies and
expires at thirty
and Lord have mercy on any more of these rappers that verse me, and put a curse
on authorities in the face of adversity
I'm a...


Yo Left, Yo Left, Yo Left, Right, Left
Yo Left, Yo Left, Yo Left, Right, Left
Yo Left, Yo Left, Yo Left, Right, Left
Yo Left, Yo Left, Yo Left, Right, Left

其中的Verse 1-3表示章节。
Chrous 是合唱部分。

there is no sight,
all the trees go black and blind.

he's already been trapped,
later he'll been sold abroad.

dreaming without sleep,
wishing you could save his soul.

try to kill himself for free,
bleed to make himself awake.

he went off to be a freak,
fight until the end of time.

in the land of guilts and lies
watching blood run out to dry.

he can never slip away,
waiting for a chance to slide.

turn around this world and cry,
spell his name in mud with pride.

there is no sight,
all the trees go black and blind.

he's already been trapped,
later he'll been sold abroad.

dreaming without sleep,
wishing you could save his soul.

try to kill himself for free,
bleed to make himself awake.

he went off to be a freak,
fight until the end of time.


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1. 生死不离 (成龙) 2. 北京欢迎你 (群星) 3. 假如 (BOBO) 4. 爱与希望 (林俊杰) 5. 承诺 (群星) 6. 彩色羽翼 (f.i.r.) 7. 出门靠朋友 (王宝强) 8. 现在就想见的人 (品冠) 9. 不用说出口 (陈好) 10. 和寂寞说分手 (爱戴) 11. 你是此生最美的风景 (js) 12. 让自己亮...

中原区15181197641: 谁能提供Eminem的歌的歌词中文翻译,哪首都行,谢谢! -
乐正俩血尿: Yeah It's my life 这是我的生活 But all in words I guess 却全部换成语言 [Verse 1] Have you ever loved someone so much you'd give an arm for? 你试过爱谁...

中原区15181197641: 《mockingbird》中英文歌词 -
乐正俩血尿: 这是首Eminem阿姆写给女儿的歌 他曾经因为圣诞节买不起礼物而自责整夜哭泣 他向女儿抱歉曾经的破碎婚姻 他近乎寻短见--《Mockingbird》是EM与女儿生活的希望 他走过去了 I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right ...

中原区15181197641: eminem写给他女儿的一首歌叫什么名字? -
乐正俩血尿: 有几首都是写给女儿的 MOCKINGBIRD WHEN I'M GONE 还有一首是跟女儿一起唱的 MY DAD'S GONE CRAZY

中原区15181197641: eminem ..hard to forget about dre..的 歌词 -
乐正俩血尿: Y'all know me, still the same O.G., but I been low key Hated on by most these niggaz wit no cheese, no deals and no G's No wheels and no keys, no boats no snowmobiles, and no ski's Mad at me cause I can finally afford to provide my family wit ...

中原区15181197641: 阿姆有首从头饶舌到底的歌 我想知道叫什么名字 -
乐正俩血尿: 应该是他的lose yourselfEminem - Lose Yourself Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted…One moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy Theres vomit...

中原区15181197641: 推荐几首好听的歌
乐正俩血尿: 快乐由我 快乐出发

中原区15181197641: 急求:Eminem 歌曲名称 与歌词.见补充. -
乐正俩血尿: Lose Yourself---Eminem Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted…One moment Would you capture it or just let it slip?His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, ...

中原区15181197641: EMINEM《Lose Yourself》的歌词 -
乐正俩血尿: [00:09.50]Lose Urself-Eminem 迷失了自己(埃米纳姆)[00:32.83]Look ! 听着!![00:34.86]If U had one shot.如果有东西打动你.[00:39.63]One opportunity.也许是一个机会.[00:41.

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