
作者&投稿:毋青 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Long-term equity investments accounted in the cost method are valuated according to their initial investment costs which be affected by additional investments or disinvestments. Profit or cash dividends declared to be distributed by the investees are recognized as investment income in the current period.

In case the accounting policies and fiscal period adopted investees are different from those of the Company, the investees’ financial statements will be adjusted according to the Company’s accounting policies and fiscal period and profits and losses on investments. Regarding the investees’ changes in the owners’ equities except net profits and losses, the carrying value of long-term equity investments will be adjusted and recorded into the owners’ equities.
To recognize the net profits and losses from the investees, we firstly adjust the investees’ net profits on the basis of the fair value of the investees’ recognizable assets etc. when the investments are obtained. Then, regarding profits and losses from insider trancastions between the Company and the investees and insider transactions between subsidiaries included into the consolidated statements and the investees, we account and offset the amounts attributable to the Company as per the shareholding ratio. And finally we recognize profits and losses on investments.

In case the fair value of the investee’s recognizable assets cannot be reliably determined or there is little difference between the fair value and carrying value of the investee’s recognizable assets, the investment income will be accounted as per the investees’ net carrying profits and losses as well as the shareholding ratios.


The initial costs of long-term entity investments are recognized as follows.
① The initial capital of long-term equity investments acquired by business combinations under the same control are, on the date of acquisition, confirmed as the shares of the carrying value of the owners’equities of the merged parties. Capital reserves are used to adjust the differences between acquisition costs and the initial capital. In case the differences cannot be offset by capital reserves, retained earnings will be adjusted.

② The initial capital of long-term equity investments acquired by business combinations under different control are determined as the transaction-date fair value of related assets, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or undertook plus the costs directly linked with the acuisitions. We account, without considering the amounts of minority interests, the recognizable assets and liabilities including contingent liabilities of the merged parties on the acuisition date as per the assets’ or liabilities’ fair value. We record the acquisition costs exceeding the shares of the fair value of the merged parties’ recognizable net assets acquired by us as goodwill. And we directly confirm the acquisition costs lower than the shares of the fair value of the merged parties’ recognizable net assets on the consolidated income statement.

The long term stock options(你确定是股权吗?) acquired by business combination under common control (或者直译:Business combination controlled by the same party) is recognized as initial investments of stock options in proportion to the book value of shareholders' equity (or partnership equity如果是合作制) at the acquisition date;the difference between the purchase price and the initial investments is adjusted to capital reserve. If capital reserve is not enough to balance out, retain earning is then adjusted.



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安徽省13946087895: 中译英 - 长期股权投资的初始计量 -
中叔垂抗痨: The initial costs of long-term entity investments are recognized as follows.① The initial capital of long-term equity investments acquired by business combinations under the same control are, on the date of acquisition, confirmed as the shares of the...

安徽省13946087895: 试述长期股权投资的初始计量 -
中叔垂抗痨: 一、长期股权投资初始计量原则长期股权投资在取得时,应按初始投资成本入账.长期股权投资的初始投资成本,应分别企业合并和非企业合并两种情况确定.本章所指长期股权投资,包括以下内容:(1)投资企业能够对被投资单位实施控制的权益性投资,即对子公司投资;(2)投资企业与其他合营方一同对被投资单位实施共同控制的权益性投资,即对合营企业投资;(3)投资企业对被投资单位具有重大影响的权益性投资,即对联营企业投资;(4)投资企业持有的对被投资单位不具有共同控制或重大影响,并且在活跃市场中没有报价、公允价值不能可靠计量的权益性投资.企业合并是将两个或两个以上单独的企业合并形成一个报告主体的交易或事项.

安徽省13946087895: 长期股权投资什么时候初始计量和后续计量? -
中叔垂抗痨: 长期股权投资的计量分为初始计量和后续计量,其中初始计量就是初始购买日长期股权投资成本的确定,与初始计量会计处理有关的情形分为同一控制下和非同一控制下;而后续计量就是根据投资公司日后经营,对长期股权投资的场面价值进行调整.长期股权投资(Long-term investment on stocks)是指企业持有的对其子公司、合营企业及联营企业的权益性投资以及企业持有的对被投资单位不具有控制、共同控制或重大影响,且在活跃市场中没有报价、公允价值不能可靠计量的权益性投资.企业对其他单位的股权投资,通常是为长期待有,以期通过股权投资达到控制被投资单位,或对被投资单位施加重大影响,或为了与被投资单位建立密切关系,以分散经营风险.

安徽省13946087895: 长期股权投资的初始投资成本怎么计算? -
中叔垂抗痨:[答案] 长期股权投资初始成本按账面余额(或公允价值)和相关税费之和确认,如果账面余额小于公允价值,就以公允价值为初始计量,并将多出来这部分确认营业外收入,如果账面余额大于公允价值,就不做调整,按账面余额计量.

安徽省13946087895: 长期股权投资的初始计量分为成本法计量和权益法计量.( ) -
中叔垂抗痨: 这是长期股权投资的后续计量方法,而非初始计量.初始计量方法分权益结合法和购买法.

安徽省13946087895: 长期股权投资初始成本计量和后续计量 -
中叔垂抗痨: 1、如果是指同一控制下企业合并形成的长期股权投资(即由控股合并形成的长期股权投资),那么初始计量是以“取得的对方(被合并方)所有者权益账面价值的份额”作为长期股权投资的初始投资成本,而不是你说的以“对方资产的账面价...

安徽省13946087895: 长期股权投资初始计量
中叔垂抗痨: A公司与甲公司同为乙公司的子公司,所以属于统一控制下的企业合并,不谈公允,不计损益. A公司几乎没有错误,只是长期股权投资明细注意不要自己捏造.成本法没有明细. B公司没有明说就看成是非同一控制下的企业合并,借:长期股权投资 320 贷:银行存款 320

安徽省13946087895: “初始计量”与“后续计量” -
中叔垂抗痨: 初始计量指的是对一项业务(主要涉及资产)入账时针对入账金额和入账方式(科目)等得核算计量;后续计量是对经初始计量后价值变动的资产和负债进行的新起点计量,不仅要对资产和负债的价值变动进行反映,而且要对因价值变动而产生...

安徽省13946087895: 长期股权投资的初始计量分为成本法计量和权益法计量对吗 -
中叔垂抗痨: 不对,长期股权投资在初始确认是都是按照初始投资成本进行计量,只有在后续计量的时候才会分为权益法和成本法.长期股权投资是指企业持有的对其子公司、合营企业及联营企业的权益性投资以及企业持有的对被投资单位不具有控制、共同控制或重大影响,且在活跃市场中没有报价、公允价值不能可靠计量的权益性投资.

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