
作者&投稿:爱宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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1.Don't shout.The baby is _sleep_______.
After work,he felt ___sleepy___when he saw an alien.(sleep)
2.He was very _surprised_____ when he saw an alien.
To his _surprised____,the alien went into the Museum of Flight.(surprise)
3.They often ___walk_____ to school.
They were __walking_____down the street when the UFO landed.(walk)
4.Dr Martin Luther King's __murder
____took place about thirty years ago.
Dr Martin Luther King was __murdered
_____thirty years ago.(murder)
5.When we heard the _exciting______news,we were_excited_____.(excite)
6.If we often eat ___healthy____food, we are in good __health_____.(healthy)
7.He has got a __bad____cold.If he doesn't have a good rest,he'll feel __bad____.(bad)
8.Her mother __decides___to agree with her daughter's_ decision_____.(decide)
9.You are _luckly_______,you have a chance to visit Beijing.
There was an accident yesterday.But __luckily______,no one hurt badly.(luck)
1.The teacher told me not to be late again.(改为直接引语)
“_Don't____ _be_____ late again."the teacher said to me.
2.He said that he would go to see his grandpa the next day.(改为同义句)
He said,"__I____ __will____ go to see __my___ grandpa __Tomorrow____."
3."You can do better in history."my history taecher said to me.(改为间接引语)
My history teacher said __me___ __can____ do better in history.
4.Use your head,then you'll find a way.(改为同义句)
_____ _____ use your head,you'll find a way.
5.It is not a good idea to copy others' homework,I think.(改为同义句)
I _don't____ __think____ it __is___ a good idea to copy others' homework.
1.Will kinds go to school ?
__No,they will not___________________.They'll stay at home.
2.__What were you diong when the UFO arrived _________________?
I was sitting in the barber's chair when the UFO arrived.
3.My brother plays his stereo loudly.___What can I do____________?
Why don't you talk to him about it?
4.___.What did she say____________________?
She said she could speak three languages.
5.____Are you going to the party in your new jeans.
Yes.I am.I'm going to the party in my new jeans.

1.Don't shout.The baby is sleeping.
After work,he felt asleep when he saw an alien.(sleep)
2.He was very surprised when he saw an alien.
To his surprise,the alien went into the Museum of Flight.(surprise)
3.They often walk to school.
They were walking down the street when the UFO landed.(walk)
4.Dr Martin Luther King's murder took place about thirty years ago.
Dr Martin Luther King was murdered thirty years ago.(murder)
5.When we heard the exciting news,we were excited.(excite)
6.If we often eat healthy food, we are in good health.(healthy)
7.He has got a badly cold.If he doesn't have a good rest,he'll feel bad.(bad)
8.Her mother decides to agree with her daughter's decision.(decide)
9.You are lucky,you have a chance to visit Beijing.
There was an accident yesterday.But luckily,no one hurt badly.(luck)
1.The teacher told me not to be late again.(改为直接引语)
“don't be late again."the teacher said to me.
2.He said that he would go to see his grandpa the next day.(改为同义句)
He said,"I will go to see my grandpa tomorrow."
3."You can do better in history."my history taecher said to me.(改为间接引语)
My history teacher said I could do better in history.
4.Use your head,then you'll find a way.(改为同义句)
If you use your head,you'll find a way.
5.It is not a good idea to copy others' homework,I think.(改为同义句)
I don't think it is a good idea to copy others' homework.
1.Will kinds go to school ?
No,they will not。They'll stay at home.
2.what were you doing when the UFO arrived?
I was sitting in the barber's chair when the UFO arrived.
3.My brother plays his stereo loudly.what can i do ?
Why don't you talk to him about it?
4.what did she say?
She said she could speak three languages.
5.Are you going to the party?
Yes.I am.I'm going to the party in my new jeans.

sleeping asleep
surprised surprise
walk walking
murdering murdered
exciting excited
healthy health
bad worse
decides decision
lucky luckly

Don't be
I will , my , tomorrow
I could
If you
think it,not

What will you do when the UFO arrived?
What should I do?
How many languages can she speak?
Will you go to the party in your new jeans?

1.sleeping asleep
2.surprised surprise
3.walk walking
4.murder murdered
5.exciting excited
6.healthy health
7.bad worse
8.decided decision
9.lucky luckily
1.don't be
2.i will my tomorrow
3.i could
4.if you
5.don't think is
2.where were you when the UFO arrived.
3.doesn't he
4.how many language could she speak
5.are you going to the party


您好,有必要的 下既然因故这么好 就应该坚持下去 加油 新概念我听了还不错


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营池含珠: 给你一些建议和方法,希望对你 有所帮助: 1、课前预习 每次上课前一天晚上看第二天的课,这样你上课是把不太理解的可以重 点听一下,不会的可以当堂问,学习效率极大提高. 2、上课认真听课 老师上课讲一分钟等于你课下一个小时,上...

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