
作者&投稿:步嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There is no tomorrow that we can't get to.
We complain tomorrow,maybe it is the future that many people expect but can't get.

1. Whether it can avoid the problem you say?
2. We don't have this file because we don't do shipment packaging

I have some matters want to ask you to help.
Such thing in your over there?

1:My some matters want to ask you to help.
2:Such thing in your here?


1.I have something that need your help.
2.Is that(it) in your place?

1 I have some matters wants to you help.
2Is the things in your here?

1, I some matters wants to ask you to help
2.So thing at are you here?

In week,I have saturday ang sunday two free days,the first week until fifth week mornning ,I have a piant class,afternoon I have no class.

1.我同你相识过 2.唔想了解,唔想知,唔想明

我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 一、增译法 指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语...

虽然这是我第一次用这种方式介绍自己,但是我相信我会有个良好的'表现。hope that through this simple introduction, you can remember my name .remember my face and i believe that we will become friends in no distant future.希望通过这个简单的介绍,更多的人们能认识我,记住我的样子。也同样相信我们不久...

...2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学
楼上的没有注意,这些句子都要用虚拟语气哦。1.If I were you, I would try again.2. If you had worked hard, you would be a college student now.3. I was sick that day, or I would have come to your birthday party.4. But for your help, I couldn't have made such great...

You make me feel my heart beat, while I can make you feel the first love.

这两句话的意思分别是:1、我当时迷恋着桃花,竟舍不得离开湖上。2、月景之美,更是难以形容。那花的姿态,柳的柔情,山的颜色,水的意味,更是别有情趣韵味。出自:袁宏道 〔明代〕《晚游六桥待月记》原文:余时为桃花所恋,竟不忍去。湖上由断桥至苏堤一带,绿烟红雾,弥漫二十余里。歌吹为...

I have a pet cat. I call it Lemon.(合并成一句话)?
这是两个简单句,可以用并列连词and合并为一句话:I have a pet cat and I call It Lemon。这句话的意思是:我有一只宠物猫,我叫它Lemon。

求 翻译:我的卧室里面有一幅画
1.我的卧室里面有一幅画 用“There is\/are...句式”There is a picture in my bedroom.2.怀特小姐有一件迷你裙 用“Sb have\/has...句式”Miss White has a mini skirt.说明,一般在什么地方有什么都用“There is\/are...”句式,而讲某人有什么的时候则用“Sb have\/has...”的句式。

...1:我没有好看的衣服 2:我没有漂亮的脸蛋 3:我没有崇高的地
1:我没有好看的衣服 1:私はきれいな服 2:我没有漂亮的脸蛋 2:私はキレイな颜 3:我没有崇高的地位 3:私は崇高な地位 4:我没有够用的金子 4:私の金子足りない 5:我还很幼稚,只剩下一颗童心,善良的默默呵护你.5:私はまだ、残り1粒の童心、善良な黙々としてあなたを加护して...

大方县15094639126: 两句话求助,请帮忙翻译下,英文,谢谢 -
郴明力尔: 1 Please let us know your more requirements about the goods, so we can rework according to your requirements2 I got a new design which I feel very good. Please have a look at the attachment. If you need it, I can send the samples to you.语法 单词都基本没问题 希望能帮到你 望采纳 谢谢

大方县15094639126: 找朋友帮忙翻译两句话,翻译成英文的 -
郴明力尔: 1. you do not konw me thoroughly, just as i do not know you.2. this has nothing to do with religion, but belief.

大方县15094639126: 英语.比如我想委托一个人帮我办事,我想跟他说 我把所有的事情都交给你负责了.这句话怎么翻译啊 -
郴明力尔: 要委托别人帮忙:Would you do me a favour?交代完事情后,一切都拜托你了:Everything is up to you.

大方县15094639126: 两句话请帮忙翻译下英文,谢谢! -
郴明力尔: 上面的翻译也可以,我稍作改动:Please note:we are able to print certain simple texts and(/with) patterns on the box,you can specify the details,the printing color can only be black.Please provide us the final ARTWORK in a week,these can help us to insure the date of delivery

大方县15094639126: 麻烦帮忙翻译2句 句子 谢谢 -
郴明力尔: 第一句翻译同上 第二句:只有你去我才去.

大方县15094639126: 【汉译英】有句话不知道怎么翻译,请达人帮忙! -
郴明力尔: 如果项目上没有重大紧急的事情的话,我想在下周一请一天假.因为我有些私人事情只能在下周一才能办 If there's not any emergent thing, I want to ask for one-day leave for next Monday because of some personal affairs which can be done only in that day.

大方县15094639126: 帮忙翻译两句话吧!急用啊~~ -
郴明力尔: I had sent you an e-mail to you on May 12th. I don't know why you didn't receive it, maybe it's due to the internet problems. I will send you another copy later o

大方县15094639126: 两句话需要翻译下,请帮忙,在线等 -
郴明力尔: 工厂已经放假了,而且目前安排车辆运输是非常困难的,请尽快让客户确认.Since the factory is already on holiday, and it is quite difficult to arrange vehicle for transport, please ask the customer to confirm it as soon as possible. 一旦得到客户确...

大方县15094639126: 请帮忙用英语翻译两句话1如果你不认真你连输得资格都没有2如果你太认真你就输了 -
郴明力尔: 1If you are not serious, you don't even have the qualification of losing.2 If you are too serious, you lose.

大方县15094639126: 把这句话翻译成英文“有些事我能帮助别人,却帮不了自已.明明知道结果,还想有希望,我知道这样是很辛... -
郴明力尔: There are always something that I can help others with, but not myself. I know how annoying and painstaking it feels to strive for possible hope since I have already known the outcome 希望能帮到你~

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