
作者&投稿:空贡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Liping: Since Jim want to borrow a book on chinese history while you were out when I came this morning,can you take it to school tomorrow please?Thank you very much! Wudong June 12th Since...要重起一行写在冒号的后面 Wudong和June 12th要分两行写在最右边。

留言条 Notes Left
Dear Mr. Brown,
Mr. Smith called you this morning when you were out. He left a message that he would come tomorrow morning to discuss the details about the annual meeting. He would arrive at about 9:00. We should make confirmation of time, number, and standard.

Xiaomei left you a message to remind you that your class will get together at the school main entrance a 6 o'clock sharp for the picnic, and you'd better wear your sneakers. Dont be late!

Xiao Mei (Hi, sis! :-)),

Xiao Ming called. The whole class will go picnic tomorrow. Xiao Ming called to remind you to wear sports shoes and that you are supposed to meet at the school gate at 6am tomorrow morning. They don't wait for late comers/for anyone who is late.

留言条格式:日期、正文、标题、落款、标题居中或不写。1、日期 留言条的格式包括日期和时间,日期和时间的格式应该清晰易读,避免出现歧义。在留言条的最后一部分,日期和时间可以单独占据一行,也可以在具名的正下方写上写留言条的时间,一般包括年、月、日等信息。署名和时间的格式应该分别在右下角写...

国立中央大学英文系借书证申请借书表Application for Using Department Library Card 申请人Name 联络电话Phone # 书\/片名Title 资料类别Category□ 书Book □ CD □ LD □ VCD索书号Catalogue # 预计归还日期Date of Returning 用途Purpose 存放地点To be put at□ 英语自学中心 English Learnin...




留言条的格式是:标题、称呼、正文、落款。1、标题 留言条的正确格式是在空白纸张上方居中,写上“留言条”三个字,字体要求大于正文字体。这样不仅醒目,还能让对方一眼就看到这是一张留言条。2、称呼 留言称呼的正确格式是:空一行顶格写称呼,写明这张留言条是写给谁的。如果对方不是领导或上级,...



其他类似问题 2016-01-28 留言条格式与内容 32 2006-06-08 留言条格式是什么 781 2013-12-13 留言条的格式 34 2012-06-23 留言条格式 10 2015-12-21 留言条的格式。 8 2011-02-02 留言条格式是什么 281 2012-03-30 留言条的格式? 2145 2015-06-29 留言条的格式 4 更多类似问题 > ...

Linda,You friend Zhao Jie called you just now.She said they would go to the zoo of Wuhan to join in Panda Dudu's birthday party.They want to invite you to go with them.And they will get together at the school gate at seven o'clock in the morning.If you want to go,yo...

河源市13681833581: 急求一篇英语留言条
阎何前列: Mrs. wilson: I'm out for shopping, and return your borrowed book back to library. Tracy left a voice message on the phone, She cancelled the appointment at the cafe, and I've already told Susan about this. She also would like you to call her back as soon as you get back home. Yours,Li Hua

河源市13681833581: 帮我写英语留条,超~~~急求!!!! -
阎何前列: Dear Mrs Wilson, I just go out do some shopping, I will return the books that you lent. What's more, you have got a call fromTracy ,and she has left a message for you 答案在给你留言了哈 去看哦

河源市13681833581: 有人打电话他不在,请你帮我写一个英文的留言条. -
阎何前列:[答案] Kate Green called you this afternoon.She had something important to talk to you.Will you call her back as soon as possibe.Her telephone number is69276688.

河源市13681833581: 帮下写个英语留言条,30个词左右....很急...谢谢 -
阎何前列: I just come to you but you were out. Please contact me when you come back. good luck!your name

河源市13681833581: 写英语留言条.急!! -
阎何前列: Dear XXX,The movie is very interesting, It's a production of the famous director Jiang Wen. The movie starts at 7:00(am/pm), and will be finished at around 9:10(am/pm).

河源市13681833581: 我想求一篇60字的英文留言条内容随便 -
阎何前列: XXX I was wounded yesterday,so I want you to tell our teacher that I cound not go to school.Please take care of the data that the teacher delivers for me,and tell me the homework that the teacher set out by telephone tonight.And help me to return some books to the library. Thank you very much! Yours xxx

河源市13681833581: 求各位高手写一封英语留言条writer;xiao yanreader;Charlestime:6/27message;我有急事明天去北京,能否将我们的会面延迟到下个星期?对此带来的不便表... -
阎何前列:[答案] Dear Charles,Something came up so I have to go to Beijing tomorrow. Would you mind if we postpone out meeting till next week? I'm terribly sorry for all the inconvenience.Xiao YanJune 27th

河源市13681833581: 请大家帮我写个英语留言条,假如你是张美,晚上要去好朋友丽丽家参加生日聚会,告诉么么不要等他了.我中考用,十万火急! -
阎何前列:[答案] MoMo : Do not wait up for me,I am going to go to Lily's Birthday party. I think I will be late to get home.Do not worry about me. ...

河源市13681833581: 求英语的留言条怎么写
阎何前列: Dear,Tiffany, James asked you to return the book which she lent you last week. do remember! willian.

河源市13681833581: 大一英语留言条,怎么写,求解,感谢! -
阎何前列: Hi, Xiao Jun Please come to my home at five o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and then we go to see Wang Li together in her hotel. She is now in Shanghai on business trip and will stay here for only two days. See you then! from Qiu Dan 10th January 2014

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