
作者&投稿:茆伟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)









专门的浏览器插件,可以在谷歌、火狐、edge 等主流浏览器中安装插件进行使用,安装插件后可以进行全网页的翻译,彩云小译查件提供的翻译还是带中英对照的。

更正被推荐答案第二个如下,保证准确率!1. = I am in\/on the swimming team.= I joined the swimming team.2. at the age of six 如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

There are always a lot of things for me to do.

1 Is this your fathr?2 What's her name?3 What is your phone number?4 No, I am not.5 answer 6 question 7 watch

1. didn't go, until 2. am interested in

1.Why not stop smoking?2.The girl often helps her mother with the housework.3.Take a left turn at the second crossing.4.What occurred to him just now?6how about go to the cinema?7.How can I go to Daisy 's house?8 She delivered the letter to Mary 9 Who are these ...

I would like to see my aunt tomorrow.want to 与would like to意思相近。

你好 the problem is( too ) difficult( for )( me )( to ) work out ~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

1. because of 或 due to 或 owing to 2. has been, for 3. has been in, since 4. has had, for 5. has been on 6. have kept 7. have learned\/learnt, for 最后一题的In是不是楼主打错了?参考资料:英语牛人团

_It_ _rains_ a lot in London. 伦敦的降雨量很大。There are_no_ _other_ rooms for you to live in. 没有其他房间给你住了。Will you feel fatigue after the long trip from Beijing to Paris?【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

同义句转换器The little girl is too young to look after herself_百度...
The little girl is too young to look after herself.= The little girl isn't old enough to look after herself.= The little girl is so young that she can't look after herself.另注:还可以把look after改成take care of.一楼把old和enough的位置放反了,enough修饰形容词\/副词时,...

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 英语同义句在线转换器 -
郸夜东药: 可以填 主谓一致 instead of watching

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 百度同义句转换器 -
郸夜东药: 最常见的变化形式如下:= Tom was strong enough to carry all the food for us.

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 谁可以给一个英语同义句转换器 -
郸夜东药: 貌似可能没有你说的这种转换器,就算有也不敢保证100%正确啊……我觉得查字典-比如那种多功能字典啊什么的-的话一般是可以找到一个单词的同义词或近义词/一种表达的同义表达或近义表达的.句子的话是会比近义词和同义词要复杂啊,毕竟后者只是一个词而已而前者是句子,而且关于英语单词的意思最好不要只盯着它的中文解释,如果你看它的英文释义会发现有细微区别的,所以即便是同/近义词也不是可以百分之百代替原来那个词,如果你对这个问题感到头疼……我也没办法,只能说平时多多留意……嗯.

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 英语同义句转换器 -
郸夜东药: bored 形容人用bored,形容物用boring,记住哦,祝你学习顺利(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 在线英语同义句转换器how do you like soap operas
郸夜东药:What do you think ofsoap operas? 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你 还有一个答案: how do you feel soap operas?

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 英语同义句在线转换 -
郸夜东药: 15 A16 B17 A18 C19 A20 C Both of us have too much work to do.

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 同义句转换器 -
郸夜东药: 1 why don't you take a holiday ?=why (not take) a holiday?2 I hope that I'll see you again.=I hope (to see) you again.3 Please show us how you can do that.=Please show us how (to d...

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 英语同义句转换器It's hot today转换同义句It ( )( )today -
郸夜东药:[答案] It's hot today 转换同义句 It isn't cool today 望采纳,谢.

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 在线同义句转换器 The room is filled with smoke.The room - __ - ___ - ____smoke. -
郸夜东药:[答案] is full of

阿坝藏族羌族自治州17740574997: 同义句转换 -
郸夜东药: 1.At last 2.for example 3.favor disfavor 4.Yesterday I heard from my friend in Beijing. 5.Look out.

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