what do you think of的用法有哪些

作者&投稿:司晓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"what do you think of"用于询问对某人或某物的观点、看法或评价,期望得到具体的意见或分析;而"how do you like"则用于询问对某人或某物的喜好、满意程度或体验,期望得到一个主观的评价。两者的语法结构相似,一个后接动词短语,一个后接主语+动词短语。在使用环境上,"what do you think of"常用于评论、讨论等场景,而"how do you like"更常见于体验分享、评价产品等日常对话中。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

"what do you think of"是询问对某人或某物的观点、看法或评价。

例句:What do you think of this movie?(你对这部电影有什么看法?)

"how do you like"则是询问对某人或某物的喜好、满意程度或体验。

例句:How do you like your new job?(你对你的新工作感觉如何?)

2. 语法区别:

"what do you think of"是一个由疑问词"what"引导的陈述句,后接动词短语。

例句:What do you think of the latest fashion trends?(你对最新的时尚趋势有什么看法?)

"how do you like"也是一个由疑问词"how"引导的陈述句,后接主语+动词短语。

例句:How do you like living in this city?(你对在这个城市生活满意吗?)

3. 用法区别:

"what do you think of"询问对某人或某物的观点、看法或评价,期望得到具体的意见或分析。

例句:What do you think of the new restaurant in town?(你对镇上的新餐厅有何评价?)

"how do you like"则询问对某人或某物的喜好、满意程度或体验,期望得到一个主观的评价。

例句:How do you like the taste of this dish?(你觉得这道菜的味道如何?)

4. 使用环境区别:

"what do you think of"常用于日常对话、评论、讨论等情境中。

例句:What do you think of the new book by your favorite author?(你对你最喜欢的作家的新书有何看法?)

"how do you like"通常出现在日常对话、体验分享、评价产品等场景中。

例句:How do you like the performance of your new smartphone?(你觉得你的新手机的性能如何?)

三都水族自治县13697569942: what do you think是什么意思 -
蔺彬十香: what do you think 你认为 what do you think 你认为

三都水族自治县13697569942: What do you think的中文意思是什么.
蔺彬十香: what do you think 1.你怎么认为 2.你认为怎样 3.你觉得怎么样 4.你看怎麽样

三都水族自治县13697569942: what do you think ?的汉语意思 -
蔺彬十香: 意思为:“你觉得怎么样?”例: 动词 v. 想;思考 · Think carefully before you answer. 在回答以前你好好想一想. · They ought to be encouraged to think their own thoughts. 应该鼓励他们独立思考. 动词 v. 认为;以为,想 · I didn't think he ...

三都水族自治县13697569942: what do you think,what about you. 什么区别? -
蔺彬十香:[答案] What about you?意思是:你觉得呢?你认为呢?你呢?具体意思要看在具体的情境里.如:I am a teacher,what about you?我是一名教师,你呢?What do you think?你的意思如何?你觉得怎样?你有什么看法?如:What do you thin...

三都水族自治县13697569942: what do you think+从句 如何回答?例如what do you think sports can help us?怎么翻译?怎么回答? -
蔺彬十香:[答案] 你认为体育对我们有益吗? do you think 是一个插入语 回答是就说 yes i think so i dont think so

三都水族自治县13697569942: 是“what do you think”还是“how do you think”? -
蔺彬十香: 两个都对,但侧重不同What do you think 问的是“你是怎么想的?” 是问人的想法 How do you think 不能单独这么说,要说,How do you think of sth/sb, 是问“你觉得……怎么样?”,多用于问对事物的评判.

三都水族自治县13697569942: What do you think of能接宾语从句吗? -
蔺彬十香:[答案] What do you think 后面可以接从句,但是what do you think of 后面不可以接从句,因为介词of后面一般接名词或动名词,如 What do you think of our school? 你认为我们的学校怎么样? What do you think of going hiking? 你认为去远足怎么样? 有不...

三都水族自治县13697569942: what do you think?和what are you think about -
蔺彬十香:[答案] what do you think 意思是:你怎么认为呢? 后面一句应该是:What are you thinking about?意思是你在考虑什么啊? 如果说what are you think about 是不正确的,think是动词,不能用are了,要用就是现在进行时的用法,就像上面说的那样.

三都水族自治县13697569942: what do you think正确吗? -
蔺彬十香: 要加of 的

三都水族自治县13697569942: what.do.you.think?翻译成你说我在干吗?可以? -
蔺彬十香: 如果别人问你,what are you doing?(或者类似这样的问题) 你用what do you think?作为反问,是可以的.

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