
作者&投稿:绪柄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例文 Date and Place
Minister of _____

Dear Minister,

I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.

During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together.

I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country. With kind personal regards,

Faithfully yours,



Date and Place
Minister of _____

Dear Minister,

I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.

During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together.

I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country. With kind personal regards,

Faithfully yours,


Mr.___ Minister of Economic Cooperation



感谢信是重要的礼仪文书,是向帮助、关心和支持过自己的集体(党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体等)或个人表示感谢的专业书信,有感谢和表扬双重意思。一方受惠于另一方,应及时地表达谢忱,使对方在付出劳动和贡献后得到心理上和精神上的收益,它是一种不可少的公关手段。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com





3、落款:祝福(yours sincerely)+写信人名


Dear ______,

I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for __________________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in __________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been___________________(没有对方帮助时的后果).

No one would disagree that it was you who___________________(给出细节).

Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

(注意:抬头的Dear+人名顶格靠左写,后面一定要加逗号","。落款Yours sincerely和写信人名顶格靠右写,yours sincerely后面也一定要加逗号","。Yours sincerely为书信的惯用套话,这个必须得有!)



Dear Sir,

I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English. You are one of the best teachers who I have ever met. There are many good points that I learn from you. 

During these days in your class, I have acquired much knowledge from you and it really helps me a lot. Firstly, you let me know what the west thinking pattern is —straight thinking pattern. As an English learner, it is important for me to understand the difference between them. There is no denying the fact that this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. What's more, I'm glad to be your student, and I am very happy to learn the course under your guidance. English is an important tool, through which we can share our experience with the world. I treasure the chance of learning English, and I enjoy the happiness from your course.

The last not the least, please forgive those mistakes I have made which may upset you. What I have learned from you will help me pass the coming examinations and also be useful for my further education in abroad. It is not only a progress of learning, but also a cultivation of my ability. 

May everything go well around you. 

Your student,

Li Ming



I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for___________.Had it not been for your assistance in ___________,I fear that ___________may not have____________.Id like you to know that your help __________.It not only____________,but also__________.I shall always remember__________.

I hope that I will have the opportunity of returning your hospitality by inviting you to ______.Will you kindly let me know whether you____________?I am looking forward to seeing you soon!

Again,I would like to express my thanks to .Please accept my appreciatin and pass my best wishes on to ____________.I hope to hear from you soon.



Dear Wang Lu

How about your life? Im writing to thank you for your warm reception during my visit to Beijing this summer holiday.(感谢的原因)

During the visit, I stayed at your home, and you cooked three delicious meals for me. And you showed me around quite a few places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. Besides, you took many beautiful photos of me. Whats more, you went shopping with me. I really had a wonderful time. Another thing that I should mention is that your parents were so kind to drive us. (具体帮助的细节)

Thank you for your kindness again and give my best regards to your parents.(再次感谢)

Yours sincerely



1) I take this opportunity to expreto you my deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.

2) I wish there were a better word than “thanks” to expremy appreciation for you generous help.

3) My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words. I wish I could repay it one day.

4) Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help, which I will always remember.




3、落款:祝福(yours sincerely)+写信人名


Dear ______,

I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for __________________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in __________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been___________________(没有对方帮助时的后果).

No one would disagree that it was you who___________________(给出细节).

Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

(注意:抬头的Dear+人名顶格靠左写,后面一定要加逗号","。落款Yours sincerely和写信人名顶格靠右写,yours sincerely后面也一定要加逗号","。Yours sincerely为书信的惯用套话,这个必须得有!)

语文应用文感谢信写作格式如下:是为表示感谢而写的一种专用书信。①标题:第一行正中写“感谢信”三字。②称谓:顶格写被感谢的单位名称或个人姓名、称呼,后加冒号 ③正文:写感谢的内容,叙述先进事迹,赞扬好的品德作风以及产生的效果。④结尾:写表示感谢、敬意的话。⑤署名:写提出感谢的单位名称...

在现在社会,感谢信在现实生活中使用广泛,因为在口头表示感谢的同时,还需要感谢信的书面表达。那么在写感谢信时要注意什么内容呢?下面是我为大家收集的感谢信范文格式模板,欢迎阅读与收藏。 感谢信范文格式模板1 感谢信范文格式: ①标题:空一行正中写“感谢信”三字; ②顶格写被感谢的单位名称或个人姓名、称呼,后加...

感谢信 〔概念解说〕 感谢信是一种礼仪文书,用于商务活动中的许多非协议的合同中,一方受惠于另一方,应及时地表达谢忱,使对方在付出劳动后得到心理上的收益,它是一种不可少的公关手段。 〔格式内容〕 感谢信的写作格式是书信体。写作时应篇幅短,中文200字左右即可;对收信人为自己做的...

感谢信的格式和写法 1.标题:正中大字写“感谢信”或“致xxx的感谢信”2.称谓:顶格写被谢者名称,个人姓名后加“同志”或“先生”等尊称 3.正文:首先概述对方事迹,重点突出对方的支持和帮助,并阐述事迹的影响,表达自己的感激之情。结语写表示敬意和感谢的词语,如“此致\/敬礼”4.署名和日期 ...

工作顺利、阖家幸福、万事如意!此致 敬礼 XXX XXXX年XX月XX日 猜你喜欢:1. 商业感谢信的范文 2. 商务感谢信和感谢邮件的英语写作 3. 感谢函范文格式3篇 4. 感谢函范文3篇 5. 商业感谢信英文范文 6. 考察感谢函范文3篇 7. 公司致政府感谢信范文 ...

感谢信例文 感谢信:感谢信是受到对方某种恩惠,如受到邀请、接待、慰问,收到礼品及得到帮助之后,而表达感谢之情的信函。格式:1.称谓。2.说明为什么要感谢。3.再次表示致谢、问候。4.署名、日期。范例:感谢信 在全力构建和谐校园的日子里,我院好人好事层出不穷,特别是在大学生中亮点频闪,我院...

1. 我们非常感谢您的慷慨和支持,能够让班级拥有这些必需品对孩子来说非常重要。2. 您的努力和奉献是我们家长有信心将孩子交给您的原因之一。3. 我们对您的感激之情无法用言语表达,但请知道我们对您的辛勤工作非常认可。4. 感谢您对孩子们的关心和照顾,您的热情和专业知识在孩子的成长过程中起着至...




南漳县18196405119: 英语感谢信怎么写? -
拱昭康达: Dear Head Master of F & B Department: First of all, we thank you for the perfect service and providing delicious foods, which give us a deep impression for everything you done. Here, our company specially thanks you and your team, and sends the ...

南漳县18196405119: 英语感谢信格式范文 -
拱昭康达: Dear David (name of your friends), Many thanks to you for inviting me to your party. I've spent a sweet night there with you,your family and friends. Your family members were very nice and hospital. You really made me feel home. Please remember ...

南漳县18196405119: 英文感谢信怎么写 -
拱昭康达: 英文感谢信范文(1) Thank You For Interview I Dear (Bosss Name), I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name). I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning ...

南漳县18196405119: 求英语感谢信的格式 -
拱昭康达: 日期和收信人的地址写在右上角 然后在下面顶格写称谓,Dear+称呼,用逗号 比如Dear Ken, Dear prof. Hu, Dear Sir,如不是一个确定的收信人,则写To whom it may concern,下面写正文,每段前可以不空两格 正文下面左侧写祝福语 如Best Regard,最后署名可以在左下,也可以在右下

南漳县18196405119: 英语感谢信格式 -
拱昭康达: Dear ……, Thank you for ……正文 再来一句Thank you. Yours/Your ^^^^ 名字 Dear Kate, Thank you for your party.I was very happy in your birthday party on saturday morning.Because we sang songs and danced,and I had some new friends in your party.I feel fun now.thanks for you. your new friend Jsck

南漳县18196405119: 英语的作文感谢信的书写格式 -
拱昭康达: A Letter of Thanks XXX(日期) Dear xx(名字) , --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

南漳县18196405119: 用英语写一封感谢信 -
拱昭康达:[答案] 感谢信(Letter of Thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待表示感谢的对外函件.其具体格式和要求与邀请函相同. 例文 Date and Place Mr.____ Minister of _____ (Address) Beijing,China Dear Minister, I am writing this letter to ...

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