
作者&投稿:溥转 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 假如你是Mike,你的朋友Susan近来心情不好,请你给她发一封E-mail,提出合理的建议。~

Dear Susan:

I heard about your recent life is not good, maybe there were some unhappy things happened around you, but please do not worry, here are some advices for you to decrease the bad mood.

Do some sports such as take a walk,go swimming it can help you release your stress, some entertainments such as watch TV, listen to music and sing a song are also a good way to have a good mood, if you need, go shopping or go outside with some friends, you can talk to them, and maybe they will have some ideas to help you. To write the diary which can make you abreact a little.

Please keep a good mind, if you have some problems, please let me know.

Best wishes to you
Your's sincerely, Mike

Dear susan,
how are you these days?i really felt tired,because my parents wants me to follow so many rules at home.
first,i have to get up at six o'clock in every morning.second,i have to arrive home before six o'clock every day,so i can't hang out with my friends.third,i am not allow to play computer games or watch tv on weekdays.next,i have to clean the room on weekends.that make me feel tired.sometimes i visit my grandparents.
although i have many rules at home and theu make me feel tired,but i also feel happy because they can help me exercise myself.


Dear Paul,

I am very pleased to hear that you have got the Master's degree and I wish to express my hearty congratulations on your success. I know, you have been working so hard to get it and now you make it. Well done!

Sincerely yours,

19th April, 2010

dear Paul:
i am so happy to hear that you get master' degree,and i am here to show my congratuations to you ! i can imanige you have made great efforts and how many difficulties you have faced. you are always a man who struggle for his ideas, you will succeed, i never doubt it ! now ,you have achieve the desired. do not stop your feet,go ahead for your higher ideals!
yours susan



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韦玉贯新: Dear Paul,I am very pleased to hear that you have got the Master's degree and I wish to express my hearty congratulations on your success. I know, you have been working so hard to get it and now you make it. Well done!Sincerely yours,Susan19th April, 2010

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韦玉贯新: Dear Tom:It's so nice to get your letter. As you said, the holiday is coming, so i have a great plan. i'm going to do a significative thing which is go to travel Maldives, becuase i want to play the sea and sea make me feel relax and comfortable; and i ...

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