
作者&投稿:陈疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

仓鼠[cāng shǔ]
hamster; cricetulu

hamsters; CHO; Mesocricetus auratus
Rabbit and hamster: No, go away.

Compare and contrast the social behaviors of rats and hamsters.

Guinea pigs and hamsters need raw vegetables and fruit.

仓鼠之所以叫仓鼠就是因为它会仓储食物啊,当他感觉害怕或者安全的时候,就会把食物吐出来。 害怕是因为把食物留下,它可以迷惑敌人,借机逃跑。安全是因为它觉得那个它放心,可以把食物留在那里,以后再吃。请采纳一下~

你看看吧,这是我百科全书上的,因为太多,所以是语音打的 仓鼠是仓鼠亚科动物的总称。共七属十八种,主要分布于亚洲,少数分布于欧洲,其中中国有三属八种。除分布在中亚的小仓鼠外,其他种类的仓鼠两颊皆有颊囊,从臼齿侧延伸到肩部。可以用来临时储存或搬运食物回洞储藏,故名仓鼠,又称腮鼠、搬仓鼠。
仓鼠有一对不断生长的门牙,三对臼齿,齿型为:1 0 0 3,成交错排列的三棱体。臼齿具齿根,或不具齿根而终生能生长。由日本为研究牙齿首先引进,后作为宠物饲养,继而推广到全球。   该科各种类动物基本都属中小型鼠类。体长在5~28厘米之间,体重在30~1000克。体型短粗。尾短,一般不超过身长的一半,部分品种不超过后腿长度的一半,甚至基本看不到。主要食物为植物种子,喜食坚果,亦食植物嫩茎或叶,偶尔也吃小虫。多数不冬眠,冬天靠储存食物生活。少数品种在天气寒冷情况下会进入不太活跃的准冬眠状态。   仓鼠主要在夜间活动,视力差,只能模糊辨形,颜色只能分辨黑白。毛色繁杂。   仓鼠部分品种因为和人亲近,已成为近年流行的宠物,如叙利亚仓鼠、加卡利亚仓鼠、坎贝尔侏儒仓鼠、罗伯罗夫仓鼠,倭仓鼠等。
Hamster hamster subfamily are animals in general. A total of seven genera and eighteen species, mainly distributed in Asia, ethnic distribution in Europe, of which China has three genera and eight species. In addition to distribution in the Central Asian small hamster, the other species of hamster cheek pouch from both, molar side extends to the shoulder. Can temporarily storage or handling food back to the cave storage, named hamsters, also known as hamster, move in hamsters.
Hamster has a pair of continuously growing incisors, three molar, tooth type : 1003, into a staggered triangular body. Molar teeth with root, or not the root and lifelong growth. Study on the introduction of the first by the Japanese for the teeth, as pets, so as to promote to the world. The division of various kinds of animals are of small rodents. The length of the body in 5 ~ 28 cm, weight 30 to 1000 grams. Chunky body. The tail is short, generally not more than the length of the half, partial breed is less than half the length of the hind legs, and even can't see. The main food for eating nuts, seeds, feed on plant stems or leaves, occasionally eat Xiao Chong. Most do not hibernate in winter by storing food for life. A few species in cold weather conditions will enter the less active quasi state of hibernation. Hamster is mainly nocturnal, poor eyesight, only fuzzy resolution shape, color can tell black from white. Hair color is complicated. Hamster partial breed because and close, have become popular in recent years pets, such as Syria hamsters, Phodopus hamster, Campbell's dwarf hamster, rob Luo Fu the hamster, the hamster.
每年产多胎。每胎产1—20仔。寿命为2年到近3年。(每年4—10月繁殖,年产4—5窝,每窝4—8仔)   他们的寿命很短,平均二年左右, 公仓鼠在1个半月的时候性成熟,母仓鼠在2个月的时候性成熟。 当然不同品种的仓鼠会有寿命的长短也有少许不同。   相对来说罗博夫斯基仓鼠的寿命最长,为3-3.5年。
仓鼠是夜行性动物,日间是睡觉,晚上才活动。他们通常到晚上7点至10点(部分0点~4点)才是最活跃。所以饲主要给鼠鼠日间好好休息,晚上才和鼠鼠玩。任意改变夜行性动物的习惯容易会引起短寿。 为什么仓鼠总躲起来? 因为仓鼠原居于沙漠地带的洞穴之中,白天他们会躲在洞子中睡觉,以避开野兽的攻击。他们躲在黑暗处是他们的本能,他们认为黑暗才有安全感。但仓鼠与人相处得久了,警觉性会低一点,也会改变他们的野外本能,在任何地方都能呼呼大睡。   仓鼠栖息于荒漠等地带。夜行性。善于挖掘洞穴。喜欢把食物藏在腮的两边,然后再走到安全的地方吐出来,所以得仓鼠之名。门齿会不停的生长,所以它们的上下门齿必须不断的啃些硬的东西来磨牙,一方面避免门齿长得太长,妨碍咀嚼,一方面保持门牙的锐利。以杂草种子,以及昆虫等为食。   仓鼠是独居动物,不同于群居型动物。仓鼠是独行侠,领地意识极强,特别是雌性仓鼠。只有在繁殖季节到来时,仓鼠们才会成对交配。但是仓鼠的夫妻生活只有交配时短短的几分钟,之后他们就各奔东西了。鼠妈妈会独立承担照顾孩子的责任,20天左右孩子们就会被母鼠强行驱逐开始独立生活。   仓鼠长像奇特,小巧玲珑,活泼灵敏,十分逗人喜爱,而且无异味,具有玩赏价值,适宜做宠物在室内饲养,因此在我国各地被视为宠物。
The annual production of multiple births. Each embryo produces 1 to 20 pups. Life span of 2 years to nearly 3 years. ( annual 4, October breeding, with an annual output of 4 - 5 4 - 8 per nest nest, Aberdeen) their life is very short, an average of two years, male hamsters in 1 and a half months when sexual maturation of the female hamster in 2 months when the sexual maturation. Of course, different species of hamster will have the length of life, also have a little different. Relatively speaking Luo Bofu Pinsky hamsters have the longest life, 3-3.5.
Hamsters are nocturnal and daytime sleep, evening activities. They are usually at 7 to 10 (part of 0 ~ 4 ) is the most active. Therefore, feeding mainly to the hamster daytime rest, evening and pets to play. Any changes in nocturnal habits easily cause short life. Why hamster always hide? Because the original desert hamster in the cave, the day they would hide in the cave to sleep, to avoid the beast attack. Syria ( golden hamster rat )
They hide in the dark is their instinct, they think that the dark have a sense of security. But the hamster to get along with people for a long time, alert is a bit lower, will also change their wild instinct, in any place can sleep. Hamster inhabits the desert areas. Nocturnal. Be good at mining cave. Like hiding their food in the cheeks on both sides, and then go to a safe place to spit it out, so the hamsters. Incisors will not stop growing, so their upper and lower incisors must constantly gnaw a hard thing to molar, hand to avoid incisor length too long, hampered mastication, one hand to keep the sharp incisors. To weed seeds, and insects for food. Hamsters are solitary animals, unlike social creatures. Hamsters are loners, territory consciousness is very strong, especially in female hamsters. Only in the breeding season, hamsters will pair mating. But the hamster married life only when mating with just a few minutes, after which they each rush thing. Mother mouse will bear the responsibility of looking after children, about 20 days the children will be forcibly evicted females began to live independently. Hamster looks strange, little and dainty, lively sensitive, very cute, and no smell, have play value, suitable as a pet kept indoors, so in our country to be kept as pets.

Is very lakely

so cute too cute

急!!!谁能将这篇有些长有关仓鼠的翻译成英文???谢谢~(有动画最好)_百 ...
【Hamster keeping mentally prepared】First of all, to answer the following questions:1. Do you have a certain amount of time keeping it?2. Your family, pets do you oppose it?3. You can guarantee that when you go out for a long time to care for hamster was it?4. Can you...

仓鼠的英语单词是:Hamster。仓鼠亚科,在生物分类学上是仓鼠科中的一个亚科。共7属18种,其中中国有3属8种,通称仓鼠。除分布于中亚地区的小仓鼠外,臼两颊均有颊囊,可将食物暂存口内,搬运到洞内贮藏,故又称腮鼠、搬仓。眼小 ,耳朵被毛,耳壳显露毛外。体长范围从50毫米到340毫米,腿短,脚...

圆圆的身体,圆圆的脑袋,圆圆的眼睛,喜欢与人玩耍,这就是仓鼠。仓鼠 仓鼠体形小巧,很便于家庭饲养,下面我就来为大家介绍一下这种新新的时尚迷你宠物吧。 开始了解我吧 仓鼠是一种小型啮齿类动物,它们的牙齿会不断地生长,故需为它提供磨牙用品磨牙以保持其长度和外形。 一般加卡利亚仓鼠的体长约6-8cm,平均寿命2-...

仓鼠:1. hamster 例句与用法:1. 仓鼠从其笼子前部的栅栏处钻出去了.The hamster had got through the wire at the front of its cage.

性情较温顺,是仓鼠当中最早成为人类宠物的。金丝熊,英文名Syrian Hamster、Golden Hamster,是仓鼠的一种。产于亚洲西部的叙利亚、黎巴嫩、以色列等地,1938年引入美国后才正式成为宠物分类,属鼠类。其形态像熊,成年体重0.2公斤,二十世纪九十年代在中国浙江建德等地引种饲养。性情较温顺,是仓鼠当中最早...

黑腹仓鼠 别名:黑腹仓鼠,欧洲仓鼠,欧洲黄金鼠 原产地比利时,中欧,俄罗斯 体长:20 -34厘米 尾长:4-6厘米 重量: 400 -900克 怀期:18-21天 产子鼠:4-12只 断奶期:约3个星期 寿命:八年(超长)望楼主采纳 沈阳金蝶财务为您解答 ...

仓鼠各式各样的英文名 仓鼠各式各样 A variety of hamsters 很高兴为你解答!如果有疑问请追问,谢谢!

进口数量少,市场上很难看到。 叙利亚仓鼠(黄金鼠) 学名:Mesocricetus auratus英文名: Golden hamster 中文译名:黄金仓鼠 俗名:熊仔 原产地:叙利亚、黎巴嫩、以色列,于1938年引入美国后才正式成为宠物 体长:雌15cm-20cm;雄15cm-18cm。 体重:雌90g-150g;雄80g-130g。 尾长1.53cm左右。 成熟期:公鼠约7~8周 ...

这个品种还很少见,所以价格比较高。 一线(坎贝尔): 体长:10-12cm体重:20-50g原 产地:中亚,蒙古寿命:1.5-2年 是仓鼠中性格最暴躁的一种,所以需要格外注意,价格也是最低廉的。 白熊(一线坎贝尔): 体长:10-12cm体重:20-50g 很多人都把自己家的紫仓基因的银狐误认为白熊。 其实它们之间有2个不同...


科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 用英文介绍仓鼠的特别之处 -
程桑息斯: 你看看吧,这是我百科全书上的,因为太多,所以是语音打的 仓鼠是仓鼠亚科动物的总称.共七属十八种,主要分布于亚洲,少数分布于欧洲,其中中国有三属八种.除分布在中亚的小仓鼠外,其他种类的仓鼠两颊皆有颊囊,从臼齿侧延伸到肩...

科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 用英语介绍仓鼠、蛇、金鱼、狗、猫的特点 -
程桑息斯:[答案] 仓鼠:Hamsters are stout-bodied,with tails shorter than body length,and have small furry ears,short stocky legs,and wide feet.Their thick,silky fur,which can be long or short,can be black,gray,honey,white,brown,yellow,or red depending on the species,or a ...

科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 介绍仓鼠的英语短文 -
程桑息斯: Mice are mammals which belong to the rodent family having large incisor teeth that are continually growing necessitating gnawing to prevent the teeth from overgrowing. The word 'rodent' is derived from the latin word 'rodere' which means 'to gnaw'. ...

科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 急~~~求仓鼠的英文简介,要短的,包括习性,长相等等 -
程桑息斯: Hamsters (Hamster) is in Siberia in 1829 was found near a city, they are rodents (Rodent), the scientific name Rodentia, from the Latin bites (gnawing), meaning that the teeth need to keep growth and molars. The hamster is a CRICETIDAE (...

科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 谁能给一下关于仓鼠的英文介绍 -
程桑息斯: Hamsters are mammals which belong to the rodent family having large incisor teeth that are continually growing necessitating gnawing to prevent the teeth from overgrowing. The word 'rodent' is derived from the latin word 'rodere' which means 'to ...

科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 关于仓鼠的英语小短文要有popular,quiet,clean easy to take care ofcheaper than rabbits or cats smallsometimes noisy at night sleep all day 这些单词都要有啊 -
程桑息斯:[答案] Hamsters aare the popular pets over the world.I love the hamsters they are small,soft,cute and playful.they don't need a lot of space or cost a lot of money.They are easier to care for than larger pets such as cats or dogs.

科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 仓鼠的外貌描写【英语】 -
程桑息斯: Hamsters are typically stout-bodied, with tails shorter than body length, and have small, furry ears, short, stocky legs, and wide feet. They have thick, silky fur, which can be long or short, colored black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red, or a mix, depending on the species.

科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 一篇关于仓鼠的英语作文. -
程桑息斯: 标准答案我有,但我觉得你老师会angry,所以我写的 Hamsters are popuiar pets. People like them because they are quiet and clean. I want to keep a hamster as my pet.As a student ,i don't have too much mkoney and I think a hamster is much ...

科尔沁左翼中旗15362465418: 初二英语作文两篇,关于宠物的 -
程桑息斯: 一 仓鼠 Hamsters are popular pets. People like them because they are quiet and clean. They are very small, so you can keep them in cages. What's more, hamsters are cheaper than rabbirs or cats. A pet hamster can save you much money. They ...

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