
作者&投稿:虞阮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我最喜欢的地方,英语作文,100字左右,初一水平如题 谢谢了~

我最喜欢的地方 要问我最喜欢去的地方,当然是西湖啦!因为,西湖被称为“杭州第一湖”。 记得那一次,我第一次来到西湖,只见湖水清澈见底,既像一面镜子,又像一块无暇的碧玉。岸边的垂柳倒映在水中,仿佛一位秀丽的少女正梳理着油亮的头发。湖中追逐嬉戏的小鱼,给西湖添上了几分活泼的生气。 漫步在西湖边,好像走进童话中的宫殿一般,更像走进一副美丽的画卷,让人留恋忘返.下午,散步时,天空“哗哗”下起倾盆大雨,雨中的西湖,更有一种奇妙的情趣。一滴滴顽皮得像小孩子似的雨点儿连蹦带跳地落在平静的西湖上,“叮叮当当”就像一曲优美动听的交响曲,打破了西湖往日的平静。湖面上,眨眼间开放了无数雪白的水花,这边刚刚“凋谢”那里又开放了许多!各种各样的水花“竟相争艳”,为西湖增添了几分秀色。 那时我终于验证了“欲把西湖比西子,淡装浓摸总相宜。”这句古话。 The place I love the most Ask I most like to go, of course is in West Lake. "! Because, West Lake is known as the " first Hangzhou lake". Remember that time, the first time I came to West Lake, saw the water clear bottomed out, both as a mirror, like an unspoiled jasper. The weeping willow in the water, as if a beautiful young girls are combing the oily hair. Chase Lake fish, to West Lake to add somewhat lively angry. Walking on the West Lake side, like in fairy tales in the palace, more like into a beautiful picture, reluctant to leave. Afternoon, when walking, the sky" clang clang" under the downpour of rain, West Lake, is a wonderful taste. A bit naughty as a child of rain fell in West Lake bounded calm," clang" like a beautiful symphony of West Lake, broke the calm of the past. The lake, the blink of an eye open countless white spray, here and there just" fade" the opening of many! A variety of splashes" race to blooming," West Lake adds to the beauty of. When I finally verified" to the West Lake than the west, light equipment thick touch suitable." This adage.

My new life in the University
As a freshman, I am looking forward to the University, in the imagination of university life is a free,open, is fun, think we are in high school that closed, when read, free university life, open life is atemptation, so everyone look into the University time.
Still remember just entered university, I feel too "this is like a small society", because in theUniversity. What are the needs of their own money, in many places need to use the money, in theuniversity campus there are supermarkets, ATM, cosmetics shop, shop, in my opinion at what school are you can buy. Have the people of every hue University, as from different places of society,they play different roles, experience of life, the concentration of the social skills, learn to grow up, at that time a feeling this is I need to place later in life, one must learn to treat your place, but began toafraid. For the free hope seemed to turn to the role of the fear, then started in his bedroom is nothing happened, began to confusion.
Enter the University for a long time, and the side of the students, the teacher had the furthercommunication, feel to the strange environment has further understanding, although they are still unable to clear you need some what, ready to do in such an environment of learning, but it seems to the unfamiliar environment with a little the love and interest in exploring.
In the university classroom busy looking for me, for learning is full of curiosity and interest, different from the previous class, I need to experience different course at the University, in different learning environments for learning, is a leap of past life, is a foundation to enter the society, in the busy
On season, primary and secondary school students to Raiders preschool readiness for schoolprimary school freshmen... Junior high school freshmen of senior high school freshmen must.
Busy university classroom looking for the process, behind that confusion seems to have just entered the school strength left to be flung to the four winds, forget.
Now I'm in the university required curriculum -- the military training, military training is very hard, very tired, but full of taste, tired every day to systemic ache, but no way, this is to stick to, must, I need toexperience life in the military, is a compulsory course in University, is the test of my perseverance of the course.
University Library has thousands of books to enrich our brains, University has a full range of sports facilities to enrich our after-school life, University of every hue people when we learn the way one gets along with people, University is a turning point in our life, we enter the stepping stone of society, University Let me even more full of expectation need need

在大学忙碌的找教室上课的我,对于学习充满的好奇与兴趣,与以前上课不同,在大学里我需要体验不同的课程,在不同的学习环境学习,是对于以前的生活的一次跨越,是进入社会的一次铺垫,在忙开学季,中小学新生入学准备全攻略幼教入学准备小学新生入学准...初中新生入学准...高中新生入学准碌的大学找教室的过程中,似乎已将刚进学校的那种迷茫的劲抛之脑后,忘到九霄云外了. 现在的我在大学修必修的课程——军训,军训很苦,很累,但是却充满了趣味,每天累到全身的酸痛,但是没有办法,这个是坚持,必须要,是需要我体验的军旅生活,是进入大学的必修课,是考验我毅力的课程.


My dream college is the University of Arizona, which is a beautiful university located in a beautiful town, Tucson, Arizona. 

It is great place for sunlight. I love science. The optical science is ranked No.1 in the United States. And the communication major also is ranked No.1 in America. The campus is very beautiful and full with smiles on people's faces. 

They will say "Thank you" if you hold the door for them after you enter a building. The University of Arizona is a scenic spot for the traveller. There are lots of travellers, who are with their children, go the Student Union to taste fun of the college life and visit Main Library to feel the academic air.

 I also heard the Lunar Planetary Science College already had a cooperation with NASA and they will send an satellite to an asteroid, called 1999 RQ36. The mission is called OSIRIS-REx. Finally, BEAR DOWN, ARIZONA!




我还听说月球行星科学学院已经与美国航天局合作,他们将发送一个卫星,小行星1999 RQ36,称为。任务叫做奥西里斯雷克斯。最后,亚利桑那州!

My favourite university is Fudan University.First,let me introduce it. Fudan University was founded in the year 1905. It is in Shanghai with a long story. Fudan consists of 29 schools and departments. The campus is very big and it has beautiful scenery. The students in this university are outstanding. What's more,there are many top talent in Fudan University.If I can go to this college,I will really achieve a lot.
There is no doubt that I need to work hard and compete with others so that I can have the chance to enter this college.So I will try my best to realize my dream.



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介绍喜欢的大学 100词英语作文
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英语作文 我最喜欢的大学 高中英语水平即可 可选一些重点或名牌大学 国 ...
Chinese University Hong Kong School of medicine offers four degree and a number of postgraduate courses. Bachelor of medicine and surgery, including nursing, pharmacy and medical science by inserting year bachelor's degree. For nursing and pharmacy specialized foundation curriculum basically ...

Tianjin University is a national university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China. It is the first university in modern Chinese education history. It was part of Peiyang University in 1895. In 1951, after restructuring, Peiyang University was renamed ...

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求英语作文 我最喜欢的一所大学及喜欢的理由,不少于200个单词
hi dear ,How are you doing Here we are going to have an international meeting ,so we need 3 interpriter ,so I'm just thinking if you have time to do me a favor .As I know you are great in Chinese now ,so I think it would be fun if you join us ,to work together...

The four-year college is approaching the end of life. This is a short span of four years, but my life is precious four years. Over the past four years, I have a rash of juvenile growth for a public hospital qualified graduates, to describe itself is not an exaggeration. Can...


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丰南区15867501271: 我最喜欢的大学,英语作文,100个词左右,初一能看懂的 -
贡盛希柏:[答案] My favourite university is Fudan University.First,let me introduce it. Fudan University was founded in the year 1905. It is in Shanghai with a long story. Fudan consists of 29 schools and department...

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贡盛希柏: My favourite university is Fudan University.First,let me introduce it. Fudan University was founded in the year 1905. It is in Shanghai with a long story. Fudan consists of 29 schools and departments. The campus is very big and it has beautiful scenery...

丰南区15867501271: 求英语作文 我最喜欢的一所大学及喜欢的理由,不少于200个单词 -
贡盛希柏: hi dear ,How are you doingHere we are going to have an international meeting ,so we need 3 interpriter ,so I'm just thinking if you have time to do me a favor .As I know you are great in Chinese now ,so I think it would be fun if you join us ,to work ...

丰南区15867501271: 介绍喜欢的大学 100词英语作文介绍两所自己喜欢的大学英语 不少于100词介绍大学 各个方面都可以最好两篇 一篇介绍一所 -
贡盛希柏:[答案] My favourite universityMy favourite university is Fudan University.First,let me introduce it.Fudan University was founded in the year 1905.It is in Shanghai with a long story.Fudan consists of 29 scho...

丰南区15867501271: 高一英语作文:我最喜欢的大学,要有理由,200词左右. -
贡盛希柏:[答案] I most like the UniversityAt home,I most like the University Tsinghua University.Because it is the nation's top science university,Tsinghua School of Science in most children honor.I haven't been to T...

丰南区15867501271: 求英语作文我最喜欢的一所大学及喜欢的理由,不少于200个单词 -
贡盛希柏:[答案] hi dear , How are you doing Here we are going to have an international meeting ,so we need 3 interpriter ,so I'm just thinking if you have time to do me a favor .As I know you are great in Chinese now ,so I think it would be fun if you join us ,to work ...

丰南区15867501271: 英语作文 我最喜欢的大学 高中英语水平即可 可选一些重点或名牌大学 国外的也可以要介绍该大学 以及喜欢的理由字数不用太多 80~100即可 -
贡盛希柏:[答案] Chinese University Hong Kong School of medicine offers four degree and a number of postgraduate courses.Bachelor of medicine and surgery,including nursing,pharmacy and medical science by inserting year bachelor's degree.For nursing and ...

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贡盛希柏:[答案] 亲,度娘答案My college life Barbara rarely stop and think about my college life,and now want to write this article,can be considered the last two years of my college life,a review it.To be honest,when ...

丰南区15867501271: 我最喜欢的一所大学及喜欢的理由的英语作文 200字 -
贡盛希柏: I like xxx university . Because I can xxx/ it's xxx/......

丰南区15867501271: 《我最喜欢的大学生活的一天》英语作文 -
贡盛希柏: 我的大学生活(My life in mycollege) I am a student in acollege, and I'm very happybecouse of my good life inmy college. In the morning,I always go to my collegeby bike and watch thesights on my way to there.Then,

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