
作者&投稿:犁夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

My guandfather never watched TV. 我的祖父从来都不看电视。
He thought that people spent too much time watching it.他认为人们花太多的时间在看电视上了。
Some of his friends often talked about sports shows,the movies and plays.他的一些朋友经常谈论一些体育节目电影和戏剧.
My grandfather said to himself,"They never read any books or go out in the evening."我的祖父就对自己说,“他们从来都不读书或者晚上的时候出去散步。”
SO he didn't buy a TV.所以一直他都没有买台电视机。
TWOyears ago,my grandfather was 60 years old.两年前,我的祖父已经60岁了。
He stopped working in the hospital.他直到进了医院才停止工作的。
My father bought him a TV.我父亲给他买了一台电视机。
He began to watch all the news.He knows much more about the world now.他开始看所有的新闻,现在对世界上的事也了解更多了。
And he reads more books,too.而且他读的书也更多了。
Now,my grandfather will get very angry if you trouble him when he is watching TV.现在,如果你在他看电视的时候打扰他,我祖父会非常的生气。
I can't know that one can change his idea when he is 60. 我从来都不知道一个人会在60岁的时候还会改变他的想法.





Find a pair of suitable shoes for myself\/yourself.这里的“自己”不知道是“我自己”还是“你自己”,所以我用了两个给你选。

如果我有一needie。 我将一起编织我们的souris。 认为我们也许流血我们的心脏taset甜点,如蜂蜜,当我们继续我们打鸣更加紧密。 蜂蜜熔化入我们的灵魂。 我们是inseparabie。但that'swe将增长使用对它… 几年后。Let's be burid together.

8、结果他得到了一份非常好的工作(as a result)As a result, he got a very good job.9、对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺寸(available)Sorry, there is no such coat available, whose color and size you need.10、我没时间准备期末考试了(prepare for)There is no time left for ...

Would you please clean your room?请你打扫你的房间好吗?Yes, of course.好的,当然可以。Would you please do the dishes?请你洗餐具好吗?Sorry, I can't. I have to do my homework.对不起,我不能。我必须做我的作业。Can I go to the cinema?我可以去看电影吗?Yes, you can.是...

以下内容仅供参考(网上在线翻译的)1: Please be patient listen to me 2: Believe me, whenever I have been your partner 3: I always play with 4: Do not also forget the idea of my heart 5: Do not hit me 6: If I do not listen to you, that for a reason 7: Do you ...

帮我翻译一下吧!! 要英文 也要拼音!~谢谢谢谢!!
Watching myself sliding dowm quietly 对我来说 爱是种惩罚 学不会挣扎 For me love is a kind of punishment that I can not learn to how to struggle 这都是我的选择 爱的太傻 This is my choice ,I love so silly 下面的都是重复了的,所以我就不再写了,你自己对照一下吧 ...

北京是中国的首都,是世界上最古老的城市之一,2008年,第29届奥运会将在北京举行,来自世界各地的人们将在北京观看奥运会,一个世界上人口最多的国家第一次举办体育盛会,全国人民是如此激动啊,我们的口号是"同一个世界,同一个梦想"Beijing is China's capital, is the world's most ancient cities in ...

(Suddengly I begin to miss u more and more)突然间我变得越来越想念你 I don't know the reason.我不知道原因 I always said I'm very tired,but I am still willing to write down our story in my diary like this,我曾经常说我很累,但我仍然愿意像这样在我的日记里写下我们的故事 ...

翻译成英文是:Who can help me translate and translate

This week is the first week of school, I know a new classmates and teachers, also began to adapt to the new study life, this is happy for a week.

依安县13651841412: 请帮我英文翻译一下. -
孔呢小柴: Staurday,August 23,2010 sunny I finally got to go to see the Expo!It's like a dream come true for me.I shall learn as much as I can to take this oppotunity to improve myself.

依安县13651841412: 请帮我翻译一下 用英语 -
孔呢小柴: Hello, I am your beloved classmate Caroline, you are a special laughing boys, slightly annoying, but in the Mid-Autumn Festival, or wish you 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 字典 - 查看字典详细内容

依安县13651841412: 英语请帮我翻译一下 -
孔呢小柴: 1.装满水→Filled with water 2.三分之二的沙漠→Two-thirds of the desert 3.第三长江→The third Yangtze river 4.接近地球→Near the earth 5.历史测试→History test 6进行关于太空的知识竞赛→About space knowledge competition 7去月球旅行→To travel to the moon 8.熟悉地理→Familiar with geographic

依安县13651841412: 请帮我翻译一下英文.
孔呢小柴: “我只是想尽我所能做好我所能做的事” "I just try my best to do a good job I can do"

依安县13651841412: 请帮我翻译一下英文啊~~ -
孔呢小柴: my name is xx and i am 13 years old.i like singing.do you konw Avril?she is my idol,her songs are very perfect.my dream is go abroad for travel,any country is ok.Where there is a will, there is a way. ' If you really want to do it, you CAN!it is my motto....

依安县13651841412: 请帮我翻译一下. -
孔呢小柴: 应该是:the system of communication sales !!!

依安县13651841412: 请帮我英语翻译一下什么意思 -
孔呢小柴: The question that the journalist asked made the diplomatism speaker be off guard Before you counterattack , you must bide your time.It is not easy to make balance between work and family.Disasters Everybody could meet disasters in life, which ...

依安县13651841412: 请帮我翻译一下~~~
孔呢小柴: 千年之恋,打破了地球内部的界限;相顾无言(相容悲伤)唯有泪千行(这是苏轼的诗句),但灵魂归来仍非常快乐.(没有完全按英语得顺序,适当加了一些词语和我自己的理解)

依安县13651841412: 请帮我用英语翻译一下
孔呢小柴: at last bigger hope leads to a bigger disappointment,so I don't expect anything, I choose to give up.

依安县13651841412: 请帮我用英语翻译一下!谢谢! -
孔呢小柴: 你好,翻译如下:I don't know how are you going,but I will pray all the time,praying god let us stay together,I believe the god could be affected by my empressement ,I believe that we are certain to stay together!I will wait all the time.

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