
作者&投稿:米芬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. We are suprised to hear that he went to the forest alone at midnight.
2. We should not laugh at other's mistakes.
3. There is nothing important in today's newspaper.
4. I am sure he will pass the exam.








1. She has to be forced to obey these rules.2. Have you ever thought of abstaining from alcohol?3. I need to sleep early so that I can get up early.4. Everyone gave us help, so the work was finished ahead of time.5. I am coming back not because of rain but because...

请高手给我翻译下以下我要日常用到的句子 谢谢啦
1,你是来旅游的还是在这工作 do you come here to traval or work?2,请随便看一看 just have a look 3,我觉得这个比那个更适合你一些 i think this is perfect for you 4,我认为这个是你的风格。i think it is your style 5,今天下雨了,很冷。it's raining today, and cold 6,今...

They have begun their trip (a)round the world .有很多词组,随便用啦~~~环游世界 [ huán yóu shì jiè ]travel round the world go on a tour round the world take a round-the-world tour 1: He told me to go to his home next time.2: Do you like this work?3: Finally...

1. Excuse me,where's the nearest post office?打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?2.Could you tell me how can I get to the nearest post office?可以告诉我怎么去最近的邮局吗?3.Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?可以告诉我去最近的邮局的路吗?4.Is there a pos...

protect the ecological safety of the wild animals.5. together we are living on Earth, let's share the nature.6. protect the environment, care for the migrant birds.7. protect the birds, protect the wild life is the responsibility of man.8. love the animals, treasure lives....

1.Simon想要在足球场踢足球吗?Does Simon want to play football in the football field?2.我一点也不喜欢打排球。I don't like playing volleyball at all.3.你开心吗?不,我一点也不开心。Are you happy? No, I am not happy at all.4.王老师是个好老师,因为他对我们很友好。Mr. Wang...

4.这个新的迷你电视必须看了以后才会被人相信(是否可看、是否令人满意)5.政府官员必须经常接受公众的监督 6.你今天不能去看医生了,你只能明天去看 7.我今天本应该被关注的!被公众关注是成名的一部分。希望我的回答能帮助到你O(∩_∩)O哈!有不懂的继续问我噢~...

Therefore, day after day, I wonder why, I wonder how, I wonder where you are.因此,一天天的我在想为什么,怎么才能(得到你的爱),你现在又在哪呢!Time to go, I want to tell you how much I feel, and how much I love you.时间流逝,我想告诉你我的感觉有多强列,我有多爱...

帮我翻译一下以下这些句子! 不要直接从百度翻译那里的。。。 谢谢了...
2、他惊讶地瞪着我看 he stared me in surprise 3、我禁不住认为他在撒谎,所以我不能代替他道歉 i can not but think that he is lie, so i can not applogize for him 4、他们一见钟情 they fell in love at first sight 5、如果有必要的话。请查一下字典 if necessary ,please ...

1.The film about ancient war, in which advanced technology was introduced, left the audience under the illusion that they were actually in it.2.The old town was devastated by that conflagration (great fire), except for this fortunate monument.3.Having listening to the woman's ...

青川县17510603705: 英语翻译如题,帮我翻译下这个句子. -
敛莫康妇:[答案] 不要再生气的情况下做决定.

青川县17510603705: 英语翻译英语高手们帮我翻译下这个句子, -
敛莫康妇:[答案] Every time when I see these photos,I always have the urge to cry.

青川县17510603705: 帮我翻译下英语句子
敛莫康妇: 1.Appearance is a card2. Appearance although is very important. But not equal to all3. We all have appearance4. Don't judge people by their appearances, ability is more important 自己翻译的 望采纳~

青川县17510603705: 用英语帮我翻译下句子,
敛莫康妇: 您好,可翻译为:One person expends all the time.When it lasts long,even if he loves you a lot,he will be tired and his heart will be very triing as well.

青川县17510603705: 英语翻译各位精通英语的朋友,请问可以帮我翻译下这个句子吗?句子是:如果谁再看到我放纵其实,你可以这样理解"如果谁再看到我放纵,就...." -
敛莫康妇:[答案] if whoever sees me indulge myself,he can...

青川县17510603705: 帮我翻译下句子 -
敛莫康妇: 1 Tom eat hamburger and drink milk for breakfast.第一句下面的句子和中文不符.2 Where is the strawberry?3 There are some tomatoes on the table.

青川县17510603705: 帮我翻译下这个句子,谢谢
敛莫康妇: Since I haven't completed my course,I have to stay here.We will finish the course no more than this Sunday.

青川县17510603705: 帮我翻译下句子
敛莫康妇: 1. Those stars seem little, because they are very far from us. 2. Do you agree with my point of view? 3. The half of the earth in sunlight is at day time, and the other half is at night time. 4. We have some troubles. Would you like to help me? 5. Joe can communicate with others in three languages.

青川县17510603705: 帮我翻译下 英语句子
敛莫康妇: 但旅行可以使你的人生充满阅历和探险. (entail vt.使承担,使成为必要,需要 real risks 我侧重翻译到探险中的惊险刺激) (reward 原意 是报酬, 旅行中的报酬, 我侧重于人生阅历) 觉得好的,请采纳哦,哈哈

青川县17510603705: 帮我下面的句子翻译成英文
敛莫康妇: I really admire you as a foreigner's carefree life, it's really wonderful! Is your study very easy and fun in you country? My life in china is full of competition and stress. 这样说比较舒服些,不呆板.

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