求飞越疯人院 / 飞越杜鹃窝 / 飞跃疯人院/飞跃杜鹃鸟巢的中文版

作者&投稿:华勇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (novel)

“…one flew east, one flew west,
One flew over the cuckoo's nest.”

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) is a fiction novel by Ken Kesey. This novel is set in an Oregon asylum, and serves as a study of the institutional process and the human mind. Its curious style lays the foundation for a discussion about truth, as not every event described by the narrator is probable truth in the book's reality, such a decision is made by the reader. It was made into a movie in 1975 by Miloš Forman, after being made by Dale Wasserman into a Broadway play.

ark is now a college professor at the University of Virginia. He looks back in his own life to the teacher who "made the difference." The teacher was Mr. Lears, just out of Harvard, and he was Mark's philosophy teacher at Medford High School, outside of Boston, in 1969. This was a working class community, and Mark's main interest was football. Until Mr. Lears' class, Mark had never read a book all the way through--he explains he didn't see that literature made any difference in anyone's life. His father was loving in his own way, but authoritarian and angry. Mr. Lears was different from anyone Mark had ever met. He was articulate. He wasn't an authority figure. And, as Mark carefully describes, this was not an immediate conversion. For weeks, even months, the students slept in Mr. Lears' class, or a few loudmouths held forth even though they hadn't read the text. Oh yes, there were a few good students, girls, but Mark hardly noticed. It was a subtle transformation of the class, and really change didn't take place until winter, a snowball fight, a visit from SDS students from Harvard protesting the Vietnam War, and a change of reading assignments that included Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Camus's The Stranger. Mr. Lears had them read aloud in class since they were so resistant to doing any homework, and he listened to students' comments carefully.

With many digressions that describe Medford, his family life, football experiences, race relations in town, Mark captures so well what it is that can transform a student, a classroom. This memoir is a New York Times Notable Book, an honor it deserves, I don't think that YAs are ready for it, but certainly their teachers are. Claire Rosser, KLIATT

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TEST tomorrow~~~~ lol~~~~



北流市19663913185: 这是电影飞越疯人院里的一段对白,请问这里的There is an Easter Bunny.是指什么?
逮戴醋酸: 飞越杜鹃巢(是飞越疯人院的另一个译名) 广告 McMurphy:(主人公的名字)你们中谁有胆量? McMurphy:是这样的,Mr. Martini(对疯人院中的一个病人称呼),这里有一只复活节的兔子(应该是比喻的说法).

北流市19663913185: 求《飞越疯人院》百度云盘,不要种子 -
逮戴醋酸: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hq1vCAo 密码: i48c

北流市19663913185: 有<<飞越疯人院>>/飞越杜鹃窝(ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST)的中文版 -
逮戴醋酸: http://search.dangdang.com/search_pub.php?key=%B7%C9%D4%BD%B7%E8%C8%CB%D4%BA&SearchFromTop=1&catalog=01

北流市19663913185: 求一部跟三傻大闹宝莱坞类似的电影 -
逮戴醋酸: 美丽心灵(A Beautiful Mind) 内容是关于一位患有精神分裂症但却在博弈论和微分几何学领域潜心研究以致获得诺贝尔经济学奖的数学家约翰·福布斯·纳什,是一部获得奥斯卡金像奖的...

北流市19663913185: 求:经典电影名单,经典歌曲名单 -
逮戴醋酸: 本人比较钟情1994年的电影!!!那段时间也是电影的高峰期,质量也有一定的保证!在美国有《阿甘正传》《肖申克的救赎》法国有《这个杀手不太冷》中国姜文的导演处女作《阳光灿烂的日...

北流市19663913185: 谁能介绍几部经典的电影啊?老一点的也无所谓! -
逮戴醋酸: 1. 9.0 The Godfather (1972) 117,111 教父 2. 8.9 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 143,145 肖申克的救赎/刺激1995/月黑风高 3. 8.9 The Lord of the Rings: T...

北流市19663913185: 记得好像有一本叫飞跃杜鹃窝的小说,现在怎么只能找到电影? -
逮戴醋酸: 飞越杜鹃窝 即 飞越疯人院 .搜索 飞越疯人院 即可找到小说.大概是小说只采用了这个译名.

北流市19663913185: 我捡到一只鸟,不知道是什么鸟,求鉴定. -
逮戴醋酸: 噪鹃 亚成鸟 !

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