
作者&投稿:独柄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小学六年级英语模拟试卷 (三)

一. 英汉互译
在星期五下午 look for _________ ___
跑得快 have a good time ________ _____
上车 ___________ __ take part in ________ _____
在……前面_________ ____collect stamps __________ ___
去购物 ___________ _ the Great Wall _________ ____

( ) 1. —Who’s taller than Wang Bing? —
A. I do. B. I am. C. Yang Ling does.
( ) 2. What animal is her cousin going to ?
A. look at B. look C. looking at
( ) 3. ________ his uncle any books?
A. Do, have B. Does, has C. Does, have
( ) 4. Who do you want to .
A. write to B. write C. writing to
( ) 5. —Whose hairdryer is it? —
A. It’s her B. They’re hers C. It’s hers.
( ) 6. —Where were you last weekend? —
A. She was at home. B. I was at home. C. I were at home.
( ) 7. My father _________ every morning.
A. ran B. run C. runs
( )8. — What’s the weather like there? — It usually _____________.
A. rain B. rainy C. rains
( )9.___________ bird is bigger, the blue one or the red one?
A. Which B. Whose C. Who’s
( )10.What are the twin sisters doing? —_____________.
A. They’re joging. B. She’s jogging. C. They’re jogging.
( )11. I would like _____________ you my new pen.
A. to show B. show C. showing
( )12. I am going to __________in the small town__________ two weeks.
A. live, for B. live, to C. living, for
( ) 13. — Do the girls in red jump higher than the girls in green?
— ?
A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, she does.
( ) 14. My uncle very well in ten years ago.
A. does, swimming B. did, swimming C. did, swim
( ) 15. Do you have any _____________ ?
A. apples or oranges B. an apple or an orange C. apples and oranges
( ) 16. A: It’s a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No. ___ is yellow .
A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me
( )17. ______ any men in the room ?
A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren’t D. There isn’t
( ) 18 . Classes begin seven fifty -five .
A . in B . on C . at D . for
( ) 19. The bed the right is yours .
A . on B . in C . at D . of
( ) 20.These books are my .
A.classmates B.classmates's C . classmates' D . classmates of

1. _______________ (not draw) on the wall.
2. When_____ you _____ (go ) to school this morning?
I ____ (go) to school at seven.
3. Jim speaks ________. (France)
4. My birthday is on the ______ (three) of July.
5. ______ (who) mirror is it? Is it _____ (your)? No, it’s not ______ (I).
6.I _____________ (read ) English now.
7.There ______(be) a big cake and some fruit on the table.
8. Tom _______(have) a birthday party every year.

( ) 1. What can she do ? A. She always goes to the zoo.
( ) 2. Here’s a chair for you. B. Yes, I’d love to.
( ) 3. How much are these apples? C. It’s on Nanjing Road
( ) 4. Where are you going? D. About ten yuan.
( ) 5. Are you as tall as him? E. She can play the piano.
( ) 6. Where’s the bookshop? F. Thank you.
( ) 7. Would you like to come? G. No, I am taller than him.
( ) 8. How does she spend her weekends? H. I’m going to the playground.
四. 改错:(12分)
( )1. My birthday is on first of April. ___________
( )2. I’d like to some balloons . ___________
( )3.Does Ben and his brother like cartoons? ________ __
( )4.They are talk about the weather in Nanjing. ___________
( )5.What do it mean? ___________
( )6.Ben have a Chinese friend . ___________
( )Which season do you like best?
( )How about you?
( )I like autumn best.
( ) Me, too.

1.I like __________ best. Because it’s snowy. I can make snowmen.
2. She wants to write a __________ to her penfriend .
3. There are five p in my family.
4.Look!There are so many presents under the _________tree .
5. W camera is that? It’s mine.
6..His grandpa needs a pair of __________ when he reads newspapers.

1. He does well in Maths. (改为否定句)
__________ __________________
2. Mike is shorter than me. (改为同义句)
___________ _______________
3. _____________________(根据答句提问题)I play the piano.
4. This computer is my father’s. (对画线部分提问)
___________ ______
5. There are some old men in the classroom? (改为单数句)
______________________ __________________
6. I go to school by bus every day. (用Mike替换I)
_____________________________ ____________

1.— 我的书包比你的重.
My schoolbag is _______ than _______.
2.— 昨天上是六一儿童节。你们干什么的?
It _______ ________ ________ yesterday. _
_______ ________ you ______?
3. — 他们正在干什么? — 他们正在上语文课。
— What _______ they _______? — They’re _______ a Chinese lesson .
4. 你去年教师节给你的英语老师卡片了吗?是的。
__ __ you give a card to your English teacher ___ __ Teachers’ Day?
__ _,_ __ __ __.
My family live in a big house in Nanjing. In the morning, my father goes to work. My two sisters—Ann,Mary and I go to school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother doesn’t work. because she can’t speak any Chinese. She cleans all the rooms every day. She has lunch at home and then visits her friends in the afternoon. She wants to go back to England very much. Dad is very busy every day . My sisters and I come home by bus together at 5:10 in the afternoon. My father gets home at 6:30. My mother cooks dinner for us and we have supper together at home. I think I have a happy family.
( ) 1. My family are now in China.
( ) 2. My parents have two children.
( ) 3. My mother can speak a little Chinese.
( ) 4. My sisters and I come home by car.
( ) 5. My father isn’t free every day.
Miss Gao is our teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She
usually gets up early on Saturday. She exercises in the garden for about half anhour.Then she has her breakfast. She doesn't do housework in the morning. Sheoften plays with her dog for about two hours in the park.. The dog runs and
jumps happily. She has lunch at a small restaurant near her home. She doesn't
take a bus home. She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her
neighbors. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for
herself. Then she watches TV. She enjoys her weekends very much..
( ) 1. Miss Gao ______ early and ______ in the garden on Saturday .
A. get up ; exercise B. gets up , exercises C. gets up , exercise
( ) 2. She doesn't ______ in the morning .
A. get up B. have breakfast C. do housework
( ) 3. Who does she often play with in the park ? ______ .
A. Her neighbors B. Her dog C. Her teacher
( ) 4. She _______ in the afternoon .
A. exercises B. cleans her house C. watches TV
( ) 5. She often ______ for _______ .
A. walks ; her neighbors B. watches TV ;herself
C. cooks dinner ;herself

一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.
二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。
f____ h o____ q k____ M V____ X
三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不同的用“F”,表示在括号内。
( )1. bike mine
( )2. nose long
( )3. much museum
( )4. left desk
( )5. hand make
四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。
( )1. A. day B. bad C. have
( )2. A. fish B. find C. give
( )3. A. me B. see C. red
( )4. A. glue B. run C. us
( )5. A. phone B. plant C. four
五. 用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。
library 电影院 watch TV 牙疼
station 图书馆 wait for 头疼
cinema 博物馆 play chess 看电视
museum 公园 headache 等候
park 车站 toothache 下棋
六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。
1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________
2. Don’t smoke. 中文:____________
3. Here is the money. 中文:_________
4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:________
5. My bag is 黑色的。 英文:_______
七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。
under white play cards in bed speak to
1. The book is _______ the bed.
2. Could I _______ Mike , please?
3. Don’t read _______ . It’s bad for your eyes.
4. It is a _______ pencil.
5. I will ______ with Mike this week
八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。
( )1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:
A. Where is the eraser?
B. Where is the pen?
C. Where is it from?
( )2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
( )3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:
A. How much is the car?
B. How many cars can you see?
C. I can see five cars.
( )4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:
A. Do you like the green car?
B. What is the car like?
C. I’m looking for a green car.
( )5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:
A. Can you make a bike?
B. Can you ride a bike?
C. Can you ride a horse?
( )6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
( )7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What’s a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
( )8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
( )9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like pingpong?
( )10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they?
九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
( )1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________.
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
( )2. ——May I _______ your bike?
A. ride B. reading C. read
( )3. ——Whose ruler is it?
——Maybe it’s _______.
A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s
( )4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.
A. cinema B. library C. museum
( )5. ——_____ will you do?
——I’ll play football.
A. What B. When C. Where
十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。
( )1. What does he do? A. She is going to the cinema.
( )2. What does she do? B. He is old and fat.
( )3. What is it like? C. She is a dentist.
( )4. What is he like? D. He is a doctor.
( )5. Where is she going? E. It’s long and black.
十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。
( )1. A. bag B. bed C. book
( )2. A. cap B. cat C. car
( )3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge
( )4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand
( )5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher
十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。
( )1. A. No smoking B. No spiting C. No parking
( )2. A. He is swimming B. He is dancing C. He is riding a horse.
( )3. A. She is drawing B. She is reading C. She is singing.
( )4. A. I’m closing the window. B. I’m cleaning the door.
C. I’m opening the door.
( )5. A. I’m from Africa. B. I’m from England. C. I’m from China.
十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。
1. ——How many dogs can you see?
——I can see _____________.
2. ——Do you like swimming?
——_________, __________.
3. ——What time is it?
——It’s __________.
4. ——What does he do?
——He is a ________.
5. ——Where is the pencil?
——It’s _______ the book.
十四. 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station?
A: Thank you.
一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u v w x y z
二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。
f g h o p q k L M V w X
三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不同的用“F”,表示在括号内。
(T)1. bike mine
(F)2. nose long
(F)3. much museum
(T)4. left desk
(F)5. hand make
四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。
(A)1. A. day B. bad C. have
(B)2. A. fish B. find C. give
(C)3. A. me B. see C. red
(A)4. A. glue B. run C. us
(B)5. A. phone B. plant C. four
五. 略
六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。
1. The girl is my sister. 中文:姐妹
2. Don’t smoke. 中文:吸烟
3. Here is the money. 中文:钱
4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:study
5. My bag is 黑色的。英文:black
七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。
under white play cards in bed speak to
1. The book is the bed.
2. Could I Mike , please?
3. Don’t read . It’s bad for your eyes.
4. It is a pencil.
5. I will with Mike this week
八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。
(A)1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:
A. Where is the eraser?
B. Where is the pen?
C. Where is it from?
(C)2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
(B)3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:
A. How much is the car?
B. How many cars can you see?
C. I can see five cars.
(A)4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:
A. Do you like the green car?
B. What is the car like?
C. I’m looking for a green car.
(C)5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:
A. Can you make a bike?
B. Can you ride a bike?
C. Can you ride a horse?
(A)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
(C)7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What’s a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
(B)8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
(A)9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like pingpong?
(A)10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they?
九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
(B)1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________.
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
(A)2. ——May I _______ your bike?
A. ride B. reading C. read
(C)3. ——Whose ruler is it?
——Maybe it’s _______.
A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s
(B)4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.
A. cinema B. library C. museum
(A)5. ——_____ will you do?
——I’ll play football.
A. What B. When C. Where
十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。
(D)1. What does he do? A. She is going to the cinema.
(C)2. What does she do? B. He is old and fat.
(E)3. What is it like? C. She is a dentist.
(B)4. What is he like? D. He is a doctor.
(A)5. Where is she going? E. It’s long and black.
十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。
(B)1. A. bag B. bed C. book
(B)2. A. cap B. cat C. car
(A)3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge
(C)4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand
(C)5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher
十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。
(A)1. A. No smoking B. No spiting C. No parking
(B)2. A. He is swimming B. He is dancing C. He is riding a horse.
(B)3. A. She is drawing B. She is reading C. She is singing.
(C)4. A. I’m closing the window. B. I’m cleaning the door.
C. I’m opening the door.
(C)5. A. I’m from Africa. B. I’m from England. C. I’m from China.
十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。
1. ——How many dogs can you see?
——I can see one dog
2. ——Do you like swimming?
——Yes, I do.
3. ——What time is it?
——It’s seven
4. ——What does he do?
——He is a doctor
5. ——Where is the pencil?
——It’s under the book.
十四. 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station?
B: Tum right at the first crossing
The station is on the right
A: Thank you.
写出tum right at the first crossing 即可。
一. 按字母写出24个字母大小写
例: j k
错误: j K
二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母
错例:f g h k l m
改正:f g h k L m
原因:1. 不认真读题。 2. 书写格式不正确
三. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同?相同“T”,不同“F”
错例:left desk(F)
改正:left desk(T)
left [e] desk [e]
四. 下面每组单词中划线部分的读音有一个与其它二个不同
错例:(C)A. day B. bad C. have
原因:have 属“a”的特殊发音 [ ]
ay 字母组合 [ei]
bad a在闭音节中 [ ]
五. 用直线将对应的中、英文联线
错例:library~电影院 cinema~图书馆
改正:library~图书馆 cinema~电影院
六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文
错例:The girl is my sister 姐姐
七. 选择单词或词组。
错别:1. The book is play cards the bed.
改正:The book is under the bed.
八. 根据情景选择句子,将填空填在括号内。
错例:(B)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
错别:(B)I’ve got a toothache . I’m going to the ______ .
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
例2. (B)——Whose ruler is it ?
——Maybe it’s _________ .
A. peter B. peters C. Mary’s
当表示……的 人名’s
十. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语。
例:What does he do ~ she is a dentist
原因:读题不认真,he she不清。
he 他 she 她
What does he do ? He is a doctor .
十一. 每小题有一个与图意相符。
错例:(C)A. cap B. cat C. car
十二. 每小题三个句中,有一个与图义相符。
( )1. A. no smoking B. No spitting

  一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内 10%

  ( ) 1. A. stamp B. plan C. black D. date

  ( ) 2. A. these B. leg C. left D. friend

  ( ) 3. A. fine B. milk C. write D. mine

  ( ) 4. A. ago B. close C. clock D. home

  ( ) 5. A. study B. jump C. must D. duty

  ( ) 6. A. mean B. sweater C. heavy D. weather

  ( ) 7. A. cool B. food C. foot D. zoo

  ( ) 8. A. blow B. now C. know D. snow

  ( ) 9. A. teacher B. school C. Christmas D. ache

  ( )10.A.which B. whom C. what D. where


  1. heavy(比较级) 2. fly(过去式)

  3. same(反义词) 4. plus(对应词)

  5. rainy(名词) 6. carefully(形容词)

  7. more(原形) 8. foggy(名词)

  9. far(比较级) 10. miss(第三人称单数)


  1. 比我快十分钟 2. 观看京剧表演

  3. 在第四站下车 4. 成为好朋友

  5. 许多信纸和一张信封 6. sit by the window

  7. start to fall 8. have problems with English

  9. go jogging 10. look for things on the Internet

  四、用所给词的恰当形式填空 5%

  1. The red skirt is (small) than the blue one.

  2. She (go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow. evening.

  3. It’s Children’s Day. All the students are very (excite).

  4. Ben an Benny are good at (China).

  5. She wants (buy) a new pen.

  6. It’s often (rain) in summer.

  7. Sometimes they (not have) lunch at home.

  8. Look! The bus (come).

  9. He (make) many cakes for his friends yesterday.

  10. (be) there any tea in the cup?

  五、选择题 15%

  ( ) 1.Do you have brothers sisters in your family?

  A. some…and B. some…or C. any…or D. any…and

  ( ) 2. Jim and Mary good English and computer.

  A. are…in B. is…in C. are…at D. is…at

  ( ) 3.How is the cinema from here?

  A. far B. many C. much D. about

  ( ) 4.We can have outing in autumn.

  A. a…a B. an…an C. an…/ D. the…the

  ( ) 5. --- _______ you like to come?---Of course. I'll come them.

  A. What…with B. What's…of C. Would…with D. Would…of

  ( ) 6. I'd like Helen soon.

  A. to write B. to write to C. to writing to D. to writing

  ( ) 7. Tom in a big house?

  A. Does…live B. Does…lives C. Do…lives D. Do…live

  ( ) 8. A: What Jane ?

  B: She's writing an e-mail to her pen friend.

  A. is…doing B. did…do C. will…do D. is…going to do

  ( ) 9.You and I like listening to music. We have the same .

  A. both…hobbies B. too…hobbies C. are…hobby D. both…hobby

  ( ) 10. I'm eleven years old. And my little brother is eight. So .

  A. He's taller than me. B. I'm three years older.

  C. I'm two months older. D. He's older than me.

  ( )11. Which season do you like ________, spring or autumn?

  A. good B. well C. better D. best

  ( )12. We can ________ tell her about our new house.

  A. too B. at C. also D. on

  ( ) 13. Can I give ________ ________ e-mail address?

  A. him, me B. me, him C. my, him D. him, my

  ( ) 14. What would you like? ________.

  A. I’d like to some apples. B. I’d like to listen to music.

  C. I’d like some apples. D. I’d like go to bed.

  ( ) 15. There is a lot of ________ in spring there.

  A. rain B. rains C. rainy D. rainy

  六、对话配对 10%

  ( ) 1. What time does your sister get up every day? A. Thirteen years old.

  ( ) 2. How many chairs are there in your classroom? B. Yes, I’d like to.

  ( ) 3. When did your mother clean the house? C. Sure.

  ( ) 4. Who jumps higher than Li Ping? D. She is going to go to the park

  ( ) 5. Can you give me some glue? E. It’s 6.

  ( ) 6. Would you like to play with me? F. At 6:00 every day.

  ( ) 7. Where is she going to? G. Wang Fang.

  ( ) 8. What’s your favourite number? H. Twenty-four.

  ( ) 9. Are you from Africa? I. At about 3:00 yesterday afternoon.

  ( ) 10. How old is your cousin? J. No, I’m English.

  七、以下每句均有一处错误,将序号填入题前括号内 5%

  ( )1. Su Yang is as younger as Su Hai.

  A B C

  ( )2. Who jumps higher, Ben and Liu Tao?

  A B C

  ( )3. Yesterday afternoon, we go to see our teacher, Miss Gao.

  A B C

  ( )4. How can I get to there?

  A B C

  ( )5. Look, Yang Ling is standing in the bus stop.

  A B C

  八、句型转换 10%

  1. She is catching insects now.(改为一般现在时)

  Sometimes she ________ ________ in the park.

  2. What time is it? It’s time to have dinner.(改为近义句)

  ________ the time? It’s time ________ dinner.

  3. Wash the clothes.(改为否定句)

  ________ wash the clothes!

  4. Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)

  Nancy ________ going to go camping.
  5. The boy runs faster than the girl.(改为一般疑问句)

  ________ the boy ______ faster than the girl?

  6. Ann and Lily watched a film last night.(改为现在进行时)

  Ann and Lily ________ ________ a film now.

  7. He came here by bike this morning.(对划线部分提问)

  ________ ________ he ________ here this morning?

  8. The man in blue is Su Yang’s uncle.(对划线部分提问)

  ________ man is Su Yang’s uncle?

  9. She saw the Beijing opera show last Friday.(对划线部分提问)

  _________ _________ she ________ the Beijing opera show?

  10. My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)
  _________ _________ ________ to see a play the day after tomorrow?

  九、根据中文翻译句子,每空一词 5%

  1. 昨天晚上,我们在报纸上看到了有关这次足球赛的消息。

  Yesterday evening, we read the news this football match the


  2. 上周我和奶奶一块儿去看了一场滑稽的木偶表演。

  Last week I a puppet show with my grandma.

  3. 一共将要有三十个选手参加篮球比赛。

  Thirty players will in the basketball match.

  4. 你这个周末准备干什么?

  What you to do this weekend?

  5. 李明比李东小两岁吗?

  Li Ming two years than Li Dong?

  十、完形填空 5%

  Tom is an 1 boy. He’s twelve 2 . He’s two years 3 than his brother, Jim. Tom is 150 cm and Jim is 160 cm. Jim is 50 kilos and Tom is 60 kilos. Tom wants 4 lose some weight(减肥), so he tries not to eat too much food. He also 5 more exercise than before. Every morning he 6 earlier than Jim and he goes jogging for thirty minutes. He usually goes skating after school. After dinner, Tom often 7 , and Jim likes 8 at home. Now Tom is much stronger than Jim. Jim thinks he needs more 9 now. He and Tom will do exercise 10 .

  ( ) 1. A. Japanese B. England C. American

  ( ) 2. A. year old B. years old C. years older

  ( ) 3. A. old B. young C. younger

  ( ) 4. A. to B. for C. with

  ( ) 5. A. did B. does C. do

  ( ) 6. A. goes to bed B. goes to school C. gets up

  ( ) 7. A. goes to bed B. eats lots of food C. goes for a walk

  ( ) 8. A. skiing B. swimming C. watching TV

  ( ) 9. A. homework B. exercise C. rest

  ( ) 10. A. together B. too C. also

  十、阅读理解 15%


  Miss Hu is our E teacher. She loves us very m . One day, my classmate, Lily had g a b cold. Miss Hu took h to see a d ____, and got some medicine f her. When Lily s at home, Miss Hu went to her home and h_____ her with her English. She’s a g __ teacher. We love her, too.

  B)阅读短文,判读下列各句意思是否与短文内容相符。相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F” 5%

  One day Mr. and Mrs. White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a shop. They bought(买)a lot of things and they wanted to put the things into the car. But Mr. White couldn’t open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. The policeman was very friendly. He started to open the car for them. Just then a man came up and shouted(喊), “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White had a look at the car’s number and they were frozen(惊呆了)there. It wasn’t their car.

  ( ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. White drove for shopping.

  ( ) 2. They stopped their car at the gate of a snack bar.

  ( ) 3. They wanted to give their things to a policeman.

  ( ) 4. The policeman would like to help Mr. White.

  ( ) 5. From the passage(短文), we know Mr. and Mrs. White made a mistake(搞错了).


  The first Dragon Boat Festival was held(举行)in Hunan. Every year, people always have a dragon boat match. The dragon boat is quite long. There are pictures of dragons on each side. The front of the boat is like the head of a dragon. Each team(队)of the match has twenty members. Beside them there is a man on the boat. He beats a drum(敲鼓). It’s an exciting match, especially(特别是)when they are getting the end. The audience(观众)beside the lake shout for their favourite teams. From this match, we have the name of the festival---Dragon Boat Festival.

  This special(特殊的)festival has another(另一个)name---Duanwu Festival. It has a story. The story is about a poet called Qu Yuan.

  ( ) 1. What’s the name of this festival? It’s called .

  A. Chinese New Year B. the Mid-Autumn Festival

  C. Dragon Boat Festival D. Halloween

  ( ) 2. The name of the Dragon Boat Festival comes from .

  A. the dragon boat match in Henan B. the dragon boat match in Hunan

  C. the boat like a dragon in Sichuan D. the dragon flying in the sky

  ( ) 3. In the match, there is always a man on the boat to .

  A. shout for them B. help them boat

  C. carry a dragon for them D. beat a drum for them

  ( ) 4. The story of Duanwu Festival is about .

  A. a poet called Qu Yuan B. a poet called Li Bai

  C. a poet called Du Fu D. a poet called Bai Juyi

  ( ) 5. On that day, people eat .

  A. pumpkins B. moon cakes

  C. rice dumplings D. candies


  一、1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B

  二、1. heavier 2. flew 3. different 4. minus 5. rain 6. careful

  7. much/many 8. fog 9. farther/further 10. misses

  三、1. ten minutes faster than me 2. see a Beijing opera show

  3. get off at the fourth stop 4. be good friends

  5. much/ a lot of/ lots of writing paper and an envelope

  6. 坐在窗边 7. 开始落下 8. 在英语方面有困难(有问题)

  9. 去慢跑 10. 在因特网上搜索东西

  四、1.smaller 2. will go / is going to go 3. excited 4. Chinese 5. to buy

  6. rainy 7. don’t have 8. is coming 9. made 10. Is

  五、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B

  11. C 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. A

  六、1. F 2. H 3. I 4. G 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. E 9. J 10. A

  七、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C

  八、1. catches, insects 2. What’s, for 3. Don’t 4. isn’t 5. Does, run

  6. is, watching 7. How, did, come 8. Which 9. When, did see

  10. Who, is, going

  九、1. about, on 2. saw, funny 3. take, part 4. are, going 5. Is, younger

  十、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A


  A)English, much, got, bad, her, doctor, for, stay, helped, good

  B)1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T

  C)1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C

一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.


二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。

f____ h o____ q k____ M V____ X

三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“√”,不同的用“×”,表示在括号内。

( )1. bike mine

( )2. nose long

( )3. much museum

( )4. left desk

( )5. hand make

四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。

( )1. A. day B. bad C. have

( )2. A. fish B. find C. give

( )3. A. me B. see C. red

( )4. A. glue B. run C. us

( )5. A. phone B. plant C. four

五. 用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。

library 电影院 watch TV 牙疼

station 图书馆 wait for 头疼

cinema 博物馆 play chess 看电视

museum 公园 headache 等候

park 车站 toothache 下棋

六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。

1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________

2. Don’t smoke. 中文:____________

3. Here is the money. 中文:_________

4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:________

5. My bag is 黑色的。 英文:_______

七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。

<1>under <2>white <3>play cards <4>in bed <5>speak to

1. The book is _______ the bed.

2. Could I _______ Mike , please?

3. Don’t read _______ . It’s bad for your eyes.

4. It is a _______ pencil.

5. I will ______ with Mike this week

八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。

( )1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:

A. Where is the eraser?

B. Where is the pen?

C. Where is it from?

( )2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:

A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!

B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!

C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!

( )3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:

A. How much is the car?

B. How many cars can you see?

C. I can see five cars.

( )4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:

A. Do you like the green car?

B. What is the car like?

C. I’m looking for a green car.

( )5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:

A. Can you make a bike?

B. Can you ride a bike?

C. Can you ride a horse?

( )6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:

A. I’d like a cup of tea.

B. Would you like a glass of tea?

C. May I have a bottle of tea?

( )7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:

A. Where is the new TV?

B. What’s a TV?

C. What colour is the new TV?

( )8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:A. Have you got a dictionary?

B. Have you got a piano?

C. May I use your piano?

( )9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:

A. Do you like swimming?

B. Do you like running?

C. Do you like pingpong?

( )10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:

A. Whose are these?

B. Whose are those?

C. Who are they?

九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。

( )1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________.

A. park B. dentist C. teacher

( )2. ——May I _______ your bike?


A. ride B. reading C. read

( )3. ——Whose ruler is it?

——Maybe it’s _______.

A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s

( )4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.

A. cinema B. library C. museum

( )5. ——_____ will you do?

——I’ll play football.

A. What B. When C. Where

十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。


( )1. What does he do? A. She is going to the cinema.

( )2. What does she do? B. He is old and fat.

( )3. What is it like? C. She is a dentist.

( )4. What is he like? D. He is a doctor.

( )5. Where is she going? E. It’s long and black.

十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。

( )1. A. bag B. bed C. book

( )2. A. cap B. cat C. car

( )3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge

( )4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand

( )5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher

十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。

( )1. A. No smoking B. No spiting C. No parking

( )2. A. He is swimming B. He is dancing C. He is riding a horse.

( )3. A. She is drawing B. She is reading C. She is singing.

( )4. A. I’m closing the window. B. I’m cleaning the door.

C. I’m opening the door.

( )5. A. I’m from Africa. B. I’m from England. C. I’m from China.

十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。

1. ——How many dogs can you see?

——I can see _____________.

2. ——Do you like swimming?

——_________, __________.

3. ——What time is it?

——It’s __________.

4. ——What does he do?

——He is a ________.

5. ——Where is the pencil?

——It’s _______ the book.


Li Xiaobin is an accountant. He works in a bank. He helps the bank use their money well. He likes working with numbers. He goes to work by bus, but he likes to walk home.小学六年级毕业考试英语试题二 笔试部分 一、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。( ) 1、A.only B.ready C....



一、听句子,选择听到的资讯。5分 1.A.aunt B.uncle C.ant 2.A.cook B.look C.book 3.A.tall B.fall C.taller 4.A.sad B.angry C. tired 5.A.water the flowers B. read newspaper C. listen to music 二、听录音,在符合录音内容的表格里打“√”。5分 Activities Name Listening...

【 #六年级# 导语】英语(English)是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 【篇一】小学六年级英语毕业考试知识点:with的用法 with 是介词,但其意义颇多,一时难掌握。为帮助大家理清头绪,这里...

9.六年级下册英语毕业考试题 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. We can___ (make) snowmen in winter. 2. Li Ming ___ (read) newspapers yesterday morning. 3. Peter likes ___ (draw) pictures. 4. Kate speaks ___(China). 5. The children ___ (play) basketball tomorrow. 二、根据...

六年级毕业考试卷二.根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。(共5分,每小题1分) ()1. A. hand B. cake C. map D. bag ()2. A. red B. bed C. me D. let ()3. A. bread B. meat C. tea D. eat ()4. A. car B. far ...

随着孩子即将迎来五年级到六年级的转变,许多家长开始关注孩子的英语学习进展和未来的学习规划。特别是对于那些起步较晚但希望在小学毕业前考取FCE(First Certificate in English,第一英语证书考试)的学生来说,如何在有限的时间内高效备考成为了一个重要的话题。以下是一些建议,旨在帮助学生在关键时期内...

1一般现在时:概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。时间状语:always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month), once a week, on Sundays, etc.基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 否定形式:①am\/is\/are+not;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don't,...

PEP小学英语毕业总复习 一:学生易错词汇 1. a, an的选择: 元音音素开头的单词用an,辅音音素开头的单词用a.2. am , is , are的选择: 单数用is , 复数用are, I 用 am , you 用 are.3. have , has 的选择: 表示某人有某物。单数用has , 复数用have, I \\you 用 have ....

朔州市15745692577: 谁有2009六年级上半学期的英语期末试卷? -
笃物开同:[答案] 2009—2010学年度第一学期小学六年级英语期末试卷(含听力原文及答案)资料介绍:一、听音选词.(10分) ( )1、 A.by B.bike C.bus D.foot ( )2、 A.right B.wait C.left D.straight ( )3、 A.comic book B.post car...

朔州市15745692577: 小学六年级毕业考试英语的模拟试卷!!! -
笃物开同: 小学六年级英语模拟试卷 (三) 一. 英汉互译 在星期五下午 look for _________ ___ 跑得快 have a good time ________ _____ 上车 ___________ __ take part in ________ _____ 在……前面_________ ____collect stamps __________ ___ 去...

朔州市15745692577: 2009年版小学六年级英语测试 -
笃物开同: 一、Listen and choo( )1. A: tall B: taller C: tallest ( )2. A: 15 B: 55 C: 50 ( )3. A: thinner B: finger C: think ( )4. A: go shopping B: go swimming C: go hiking ( )5. A: wash clothes B: watch clothes C: watch TV ( )6. A: have a look B have a book C: have a ...

朔州市15745692577: 小学6年级英语毕业试卷(我想和我的对一下答案,希望高手能给准确的答案)( ) 1.Do you have brothers sisters in your family?A.some…and B.some…or ... -
笃物开同:[答案] 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.A 我是英语老师,绝对正确.

朔州市15745692577: 谁有 PEP小学六年级上册英语期末试卷!2010年的或2009年的也行!最好是今年的! -
笃物开同:[答案] PEP小学英语六年级上册期末测试题 一.选词填空: sky,twin,take,tourists,well,use,happy,meets,same 1.The traffic lights are the ________ in every country. 2.______ the No.12 bus. 4.I'm________ to have a new pen pal. 5.He helps the bank use their ...

朔州市15745692577: 小学六年级毕业英语试题(冀教版) -
笃物开同: 冀教版小学英语毕业试卷 一、根据所给汉语提示补全句子.(5分)1.Here comes the .(校车)2.I go to school with my (雨靴)and (雨伞).3.I (从来都不)go to school on foot.4.Four lines make a (正方形).二、根据提示写出正确的单词....

朔州市15745692577: 2008年—2009年小学六年级语文、数学、英语毕业考试题试卷
笃物开同: http://www.dcjyw.com/news/view_8215.html http://www.jpcai.com/html/x6_162_4085.html

朔州市15745692577: 小学六年级英语试卷 -
笃物开同: 六年级英语毕业试卷也门勒乡中心校2008-2009学年六年级英语毕业试卷(考试时间:80分钟 满分:100分) 一、语音 (10) () 1.A.how B.know C.snow D.window()2.Askirt B.girl Ctired D.bird ()3.A.knife B.skate C.bookcase D.milk()4.A.short B....

朔州市15745692577: 40道英语选择题小学六年级 -
笃物开同: ()1. The car is _______. A. Tom and Jim B. Tom's and Jim's C. Tom and Jim's D. Tom's and Jim ()2. _______ girl is Mary? That girl. A. Whose B. Who C. What D. Which ()3. It's time _______ play games. A. for B. on C. to D. about ()4. ...

朔州市15745692577: 2009年小学6年级英语考试题.
笃物开同: better. 这句与前句作比较, 应该用well的比较级-better. 没关系的. 我理解你的心情, 我中考英语也犯了一个很简单的现在完成时错误,没有考满分. 不过想一想, 留点遗憾也好, 以后沿着这个目标奋斗就行了!

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