
作者&投稿:泊乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The singing lion
(The little lion loves singing, but everybody knows that he is not a good singer. Listen! He is talking to his mom.)
Lion: Mum, shall we have a singsong?
Mum: Not now, dear, I've got a headache. You can go and play with your friends. Maybe you can sing for them.
Lion: Oh, playing with my friends. That's nice.
(The little went outside and saw a giraffe and spoke to the giraffe.)
Lion:Hello,Giraffe,have you got some time?I'd like to sing a song for you.
Giraffe:Oh,no,I'm afraid I have no time now.I forgot to post a letter yesterday,My mum is angry with me.I'm going to the post office now.Maybe you can sing to the camel.
Lion:Right.I can sing to the camel.
(The little lion went to look for the camel.And he found him sleeping under a tree.)
Lion:Good morning,Camel.Shall we have a singsong?
Camel:Of course not. I'm sleeping and I'm tired. Maybe you should find Swan, She loves to sing and dance.
Lion: Oh, I forgot the swan. Shall we have a singsong?
Swan: Well, if you want, you can sing for me.
Lion: Thank you very much .But could you help me if I'm wrong? Now please listen.
(The little lion began to sing. But his voice was so horrible that all the nearby animals ran away. So the swan stopped him quickly.)
Swan: OK, That's enough. Listen, I have a friend. But he lives in a cave .He likes so sing very much.Maybe you can sing with him.
Lion:Oh, that's good. Wr can sing together. Bye! Swan.
(The little lion came to the cave, but it was to dark inside and he was afraid to go inside, Just then a snake appeared and said to the little lion.
Snake: Hello, little lion. Why are you here?
LIon:My friend swan told me that she had a friend living in the cave.And he likes to sing.The swan told me that we could sing together.
Snake:Ah,I see.You can go inside and sing to your friend.I'm sure your friend would also like to sing with you.
Lion:But it's dark inside,I can't see anybody inside.
Snake:Don't worry.Your friend is a little shy You just go inside and sing.And he will follow you to sing soon.
(The little lion raced inside and sang at the top of his voive,Suddenly the little lion heard a voice too.So the little lion sang one song after another and the other animal knew all the same songs.The little lion was so happy.
The little lion stayed with his friend in the cave for a long time.He sang and sang until he was called back for dinner.Since that time,the little lion has gone to the cave and sung with his shy friend. The other animals decided not to tell him theat it was really an echo of his own voice because they sisn't have to hear the little lion's songs!)


中文我就不翻了 ,这个排版问题让我头疼了很久。
Advantages and Disadvantages of…题型
( 提醒套路的优缺点)
Nowadays,(现如今) …plays an important part/role in … (在··中起到了很重要的作用)//… has become a household word.(已经成为了一个家喻户晓的名词) Like everything else, it has both merits and demerits.(如同所有其他事情一样,它同时具有优点和缺点) Generally speaking, the positive aspects can be listed as follows:(总体来说,它的优点有以下几点)
First,…. In addition,…. Above all,….(第一点,然后,再其次)
But every coin has two sides. (但是硬币都是有两个面)// But every advantage has its disadvantage.(所有的长处同时也包含着短处) The negative aspects are also apparent.(它的缺点也很明显) To begin with,….(首先来说) To make matters worse,…(更糟的是). Worst of all,…(最糟的). But obviously, the advantages of … outweigh its disadvantages, which speaks for its popularity.(但显然,大多数情况下,它的优点要大过它的缺点)

Application Letters(申请信)

1. Express your interest in the post you are applying for give reasons for your application.

2. State personal qualifications and experience related to the post.

3. References//Requests for further information.

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在翻译中,针对词汇空缺现象,在词汇的借用、 引用方面通常采取四种形式: 音译、直译、改编、意译1. 音译:人名、地名以及一些表示新概念 而本族语里又找不到对成词来表示时,均可采用 音译法介绍到译文语言中去,如:[汉译英] 磕头(kowtow),荔枝(litchi);[英译汉]、engine(引擎),motor(...

visiting China some day.8假如你坚持做下下去,你一定会成功的。(keep doing)You will eventually succeed if you keep doing it.二楼的翻译4,5,6,7,8都错了。其中4,5,7是语法错误,6是horror movie不是horror,8没有用要求的句式。楼上的也有不少错误,不一一指出了。自己看吧。

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汉译英 短语
毕业 13.not only..(but)also..不仅……而且 14 both..and..两者都 15.either..or 两者择一 16.neither..nor 既不……也不……17.run out of 用完 18.take after效仿,长得像 19.be similan to 与……相似 20.give away 赠送,失去 21.call up sb (英)叫醒某人 (美)...

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