
作者&投稿:蒸丽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙写一篇英语作文: 给你朋友写一封信,介绍一下你星期天去公园野餐的情况,不少于50个单词~

My dear friend:
I want to share my picnicking experience in the park on sunday with you, because I was so happy and really had a good time there.
In the morning, it was sunny, so my parents and I brought some sandwiches and drinks and then drive to the park. We sat on the grass and had the things we packed together under the shining sunshine.
I really enjoyed it, and hope you were there with us.
Yours sincerely

Dear Lily,
How are you?
I just want to share with you a bit more about the picnic on Sunday. The weather is going to be fabulous according to the weather forecast, it's going be sunny all day. But there will be a lot of people there as the cross country event would be happening. We will be meeting at the gate around 10 am, and you have to bring some food to share with the group.
Hope you will enjoy the day.
Your friend, Li Hua

Dear ***,

Long time no see,how are you recently?I want to tell you something about my picnic.
On sunday,I went to the park for a picnic with my parents.We spread out the cloth first,then we started to take out the food and drinks we brought and place them on the cloth.Then we start to enjoy the meal,which includes many delicious food,such as hamburgers,potato chips,chicken,fish and so on,and we also have the orrange juice.After we finished the meal,we slept on the grass land and enjoyed the scenery.We had a good time there.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.



我给你的建议是要充分利用你在这里的时间,尝试新事物并挑战自己。不要害怕走出舒适区,拥抱未知。 期待听到你的消息。 最好的祝福, [你的名字] 第二篇英语作文 写作思路:首先表达对朋友的问候,然后简单介绍自己在大学的生活,包括课程、社交活动和兴趣爱好等方面。最后表达对朋友的期待和祝福。 英语原文: A Letter ...


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写一篇英语作文, 写一封电子邮件给你的朋友,告诉她你的一次旅游...
Dear [朋友名],I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share with you about my recent travel experience and the wonderful memories I made.Last week, I took a trip to [旅游目的地]. The moment I arrived, I was awestruck by the beauty of the place. The vibrant and d...

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亲爱的张月你那里有有趣的事吗?希望你呢给我来信告诉我。 祝你 学习进步身体健康 你的好朋友:xxx 给朋友的一封信四年级作文5 亲爱的王线小朋友: 你好! 我是一名五年级小学生,很高兴能给你写信。我叫王禹璇,在河北省衡水市桃城区康复街小学上学。我是一个多才多艺、活泼开朗的女孩,很高兴认识你并和你做...

in my daily life, and once i have chance, i would like to meet some foreigners, I think they are farely helpful for improve my speaking.现在你可以看到,我尝试在我的日常生活中使用英语,一旦有机会,我想认识一些外国人,我认为它们对提高我的口语很有帮助。Best wishes.最好的祝愿。


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