leave单词 造句

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leave1 [li:v]
1. 离开,离去;从…走开;脱离:例句: He has left Beijing for London.
他已经离开北京到伦敦去了。He left his hometown and looked for a job in town.
他离开家乡到城里找工作。2. 留;剩下:例句: She left some of the food for her husband.
她给丈夫留了一些吃的。3. 留下;将…留下:例句: The secretary asked him to leave his telephone number.
秘书要他把电话号码留下来。4. (死后或离开后)把…留给;遗赠给:例句: His uncle left $10 000 in the will.
他舅舅在遗嘱中留下10 000美元。5. 死后留下;遗留下:例句: He left a widow and two children.
他死后撇下寡妻和两个孩子。6. 留下;丢下;忘带:例句: I left my dictionary in the library.
我把词典丢在图书馆里了。7. 委托;交托;交由…照管:例句: You'd better leave this up to me.
你最好把这件事交给我办吧。He left his son to his sister.
他把儿子交由他姐姐照管。8. 搁置;不管;忽略;暂不解决:例句: We'll leave this item till the next meeting.
我们把这个议题放到下次会议讨论。9. 辞去(工作);舍弃;停止;拒绝:例句: take it or leave it
取舍悉听尊便He left medicine for law.
他放弃医学改学法律。10. 剩余;剩下:例句: 3 from 7 leaves 4.
7减3余4。15 minus 5 leaves 10.
15减5得10。11. 使…处于(某种状态);听任;让:例句: Leave the windows open. It's so stuffy here.
让窗子开着,这儿太闷热了。The earthquake left them homeless.
地震让他们无家可归。12. [方言、俚语]让;允许:例句: Leave them go.
让他们走。vi.离去,离开;出发,动身:例句: When we got to the railway station, the train had left.
我们到火车站时,火车已经开走了。He leaves for work at 7 every morning.

靖远县19620811937: 英语造句(leave):他生气的出去了,把我一个人扔在了房间里高一英语 -
骆科吉他:[答案] he went out angrily leaving me in the room

靖远县19620811937: leave单词 造句 -
骆科吉他: leave1 [li:v] vt.1. 离开,离去;从…走开;脱离:例句: He has left Beijing for London.他已经离开北京到伦敦去了.He left his hometown and looked for a job in town.他离开家乡到城里找工作.2. 留;剩下:例句: She left some of the food for her ...

靖远县19620811937: 用几个英文单词造句
骆科吉他: leave-The train leaves the station in five minutes. 火车五分钟后从车站发车. get on -Get on with your work! 继续工作吧. arrive in -Good weather has arrived in Beijing at last.好天气终于来到了北京. have to -Children do not have to cross busy ...

靖远县19620811937: 我们英语老师布置作业叫我们用几个英文单词造句,...单词:leave、get on 、arrive in 、have to 、take a trip to.每个单词造两句话,简单一点就好,帮我写上... -
骆科吉他:[答案] I must take my leave. 我一定要离开了I must leave for school. 我一定要离开去学校了Let's get on with the work. 继续工作吧.Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧.I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着...

靖远县19620811937: 留下 英语怎么写 -
骆科吉他: “留下”英语写法:leave 读法:英 [liːv] 美 [liv] 释义: 1、vt. 离开;留下;遗忘;委托 2、vi. 离开,出发;留下 3、n. 许可,同意;休假 Leave alone不打扰 French leave不辞而别 marriage leave婚假 leave pay假期工资 例句: 1、The accepted ...

靖远县19620811937: 英文单词leave在不同句子中各有什么不同的意思?
骆科吉他: leave1及物动词 vt. 1. 离开(某处)[(+for)] Mr. Smith left the room at two o'clock. 史密斯先生两点离开房间. 2. 离开(某人)的身边;遗弃,离弃 Her husband has left her. 她的丈夫把她遗弃了. 3. 辞去(工作等);脱离(组织等) Mary left ...

靖远县19620811937: 请分别解释下列词组,并造句.leave a message take a message send a message give sb. a message -
骆科吉他: leave a message 留下消息He left a message saying he would probably be a little late.take a message (打电话时用)传个话,留口信I'm sorry,she is out right now,can I take a message?send a message 联络,联系You could send short message to me if you have the idea.give sb. a message 给某人捎口信=take a message for sb

靖远县19620811937: 用单词造句,5个单词 -
骆科吉他: leave-I leave here more than 3 years. hear-I hear that he is play soccer on the playground. plan-I make a play,now. ask-He asked me where we will go. hope-I hope everything goes well.

靖远县19620811937: “我想离开”的英语句子怎么说 -
骆科吉他: 您好,领学网为您解答: 我想离开:I want to leave 重点词汇 离开leave; depart from 例句:笑了不代表心也笑了哭了不代表我想离开了. Smile does not represent the heart also laughing crying does not mean I wantto leave. 望采纳!

靖远县19620811937: leaves这个英语单词是什么意思 -
骆科吉他: leaves 英[li:vz] 美[livz] n. 叶子; 树叶,花瓣; (leaf的复数) ; 页( leaf的名词复数 ); 有…状叶的; 金属薄片; v. 离开( leave的第三人称单数 ); 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托; [例句]In the garden, the leaves of the horse chestnut had already fallen 花园里,七叶树已经落叶了. [其他] 原型: leave / leaf

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