
作者&投稿:支逄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I entered in 2002, Dalian Institute of Foreign Languages Japanese professional study, and in St. Paul when the application is to go to Japan Study, Japan, and successfully entered the English Department of Sichuan University. The United States has a lot of school teachers who taught me in English which allow a certain foundation. In March 2007, I graduated to return and take part in Xuzhou at work. At present, because of changes in career planning, I want to compare from the homeland near the Beijing office, so are re-looking for work.
I hope at the company learn more, to enrich themselves.
My interest is in animation and baseball. I have undergraduate diploma.


当车终于来了的时候,那车上已经挤满了人, 因为其他的人也在这一天去购物了.在Jane前面的两孩子上了车,而这时司机说:满员,不能再上了.Jane不打算再等下一辆了,于是她开始走着回去.这时她觉得她应该打车回家,于是她停下了脚步.
当走到半路上时,出租车坏了.当她看到司机努力修车时 ,一辆公交车从他们身边过,而且车上人不多.这时雨停了,太阳也出来了.



圣诞快到咯, jane刚买完圣诞礼物,她的包买了东西,然后她就在车站等车回家,下雨天她又湿又累,车终于到了,却很挤因为大家也都刚买完圣诞礼物,jane 前面两个小孩上车后,那个司机告诉她 车已经满了.
不愿意等下辆车 jane 开始用走的,后来她想打的更好.然后她叫了一辆,那车开到一半开不了了.当她看那taxi司机修车的时候,一辆空的公车刚好开走,刹时天空放晴........






1. Work experience and R & D results SS-AlN ceramic coating metal removal process developed (October 2003-Dec.)Responsible for the preparation of reaction solution, and to develop production processes.SS-AlN all-glass ceramic metal vacuum tube solar collectors annealing exhaust integration...

half past eight at home.8:30康康在家见朋友。He and his friends go to the zoo at nine oclock. 他和他的朋友9:00去动物园。They see the animals at ten oclock. 10:00他们看动物。They go home at half past eleven. 11:30他们回家。This is Kangkangs day.这就是康康的一天。

请英语高手高手帮忙翻译这段文章,谢谢!! 急~~~
between Chinese and English.Especially in new year,Spring Festival,if Dashan doesn't show on TV,the masses will be still concerned about him.This time he returned to Beijing from Canada in a hurry ,so that he would be the host at Spring Festival Gala.希望对你有帮助哦,呵呵 ...

May God bless him with a vitality as strong as steel,bestow upon him all the world's true, good and beautiful things at every sunrise and let him enjoy peace and happiness.May God bless him with a vitality as strong as steel,bestow upon him all the world's true, good and...

Democracy has no fixed mode, but democracies have one thing in common, is not a politician can completely according to their own will govern the country. One can intend to govern the country according to oneself, it is the dictatorship of the country. A group of people as they ...

Members of the distinguished leadership, colleagues:Good morning.Welcome to the good mind-counter, which is to help students learn the machine, selected in the primary school - high school students apply to a class of students and postgraduate examinations, also apply to go abroad ...

know how to choice, but finally in order to guard the love they still on the road ran. Process is hard and romantic. Time passes, white-haired and their footprints have been going around the world 希望被采纳,自己翻译,费了好长时间滴,光阴似箭,日月如梭啊,希望付出有回报!

I have a beautiful blue closet (衣橱).我有一个美丽的蓝色壁橱(衣橱) 。 There are my many clothes in it.有我许多的衣服了。Do you like my bedroom?你喜欢我的房间里? It looks very nice.它看起来很不错。 I like to be in it.我喜欢它。这样分开来一句句翻译,你容易懂些 ...

and I make effort to realize this dream. After my graduation of middle school, I was admitted to a normal school as I wished. And now, I am trying my best to realize my dream.自己翻译的,突然发现自己过了六级还是这水平,自我检讨一下,O(∩_∩)O~希望可以帮到你哦 ...

大家帮忙翻译以下,这段话。邮件内容 急用 请英语好的朋友帮忙
If it is sent to Luxembourg, it will increase many times, and this cost cannot be discharged through the financial account, so could you please help coordinate the sending cost and your company will bear it?如果发送到卢森堡会增加很多倍,而这笔费用又无法通过财务走账,所以能否帮忙协调...

渝中区17830659680: 请大家帮忙把这段话翻译成英文! 谢谢!对父母要孝顺 对长辈要尊敬 对朋友要真诚 对爱人要真心 -
再些得普:[答案] Be filially pious to your parents.Be respectful to your seniors.Be sincere to your friends.Be truthful to your spouse. 很可惜“孝顺”我无法找到单个词来表达,否则就更加整齐了.

渝中区17830659680: 这段英语我不会翻译希望大家帮忙翻译一下Then the bell rang and the gates opened.The man hurried aboard,and the two tourists went after him."Wait",said ... -
再些得普:[答案] 接着门铃响了,大院的门开了.那两个客人跟着男人匆忙地向外跑去. “等等,”我父亲说,让我们坐下班渡轮.于是他匆忙奔向一家冷饮店,拿起了话筒并快速拨打了110. 我想要报一个偷窃案.一个男人从一个旅客身上偷了钱包.他现在在第三渡口,船...

渝中区17830659680: 大家帮忙翻译这段英语短文
再些得普: 说实话最好而且最有用的工作是我在上大学的时候参加的.我曾经在俄亥俄州图书馆工作.它确实是一个非常棒的工作尽管薪水并不理想,但是这是一个工作时间很有弹性的并且让我每天都能在图书馆.在图书馆工作比在kfc来说真的是一个好地方.在肯特我有一个在办公室的工作,至少我做的是设计一些不同的电脑程序

渝中区17830659680: 请大家帮忙把这段话翻译成英文英语课上要回答的... 我最喜欢的偶像是泰勒斯威夫特 她是一位美国乡村音乐女歌手 她有金黄色的卷发以及宝蓝色的眼睛 她的... -
再些得普:[答案] my favourite idol is taylor swift .she is an American country music singer with beautiful blonde curl hair and blue eyes.her major achievements are taking up the glamor album of the year award and Bes...

渝中区17830659680: 英语翻译请大家帮忙把下面一段话翻译成英语,我认为最重要的是合理地安排时间.每个人每天都只有二十四个小时,我们必须珍惜他们,同时合理地利用他们... -
再些得普:[答案] I think that the most important thing is that budget one's time rationally. Everybody has 24 hours only every day, we must treasure them, utilize them rationally at the same time. First. Choice of the order. Want thing that do and want thing that make have ...

渝中区17830659680: 大家帮忙翻译一段文字,英语的 :大家好,我叫吉姆,今天早上我丢了一块黑色的手表,如果谁看到它,请打 -
再些得普: Hello,everyone! my name is Jim, I lost a black watch this morning, if anyone saw it please call me immediately, my phone number is 456-5632, you can come to class 7 grade 4 to meet me, too. Thanks a lot!

渝中区17830659680: 请大家帮忙把这段话翻译成英文~ 谢谢!谢谢您对我以及我公司的信任,在此我表示非常感谢.您前几天运到Guyana的货物已出港,大概10月25号可以抵达.为... -
再些得普:[答案] 我觉得句子里到圭亚那的货应该是你们运的,他们是收货人.照这样理解,我的翻译是:Many thanks for your trust on our company and me (西方人习惯把自己放在后面的) as well.We shipped the cargo to Guyana a few ...

渝中区17830659680: 请大家帮忙用英文翻译一段话: -
再些得普: In addition, samples of the matter, each and every one color display stand empty, we are ready to send within a week, and it's free. If full display, needs 3 weeks at least, need to pay.或 Moreover, the sample matter, each section of each color adds ...

渝中区17830659680: 大家帮忙翻译哈把句话翻译成英文的
再些得普: Unless I keep you a hundred years old loess, worry-free

渝中区17830659680: 请大家帮忙给下面的这段文字翻译成英文,谢谢了谢谢你给我发照片慢点
再些得普: Thank you for sending me the pictures, and take your time cause I am not in a hurry, thanks for helping, we will not forget you if we plan for shopping or some outdoor fun, or ...

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