
作者&投稿:员傅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Name: Jīngjing (晶晶)
Gender: male
Olympic Ring: Black
Element: Metal
Design: Giant panda
Personality: honest, optimistic
Represented ideal: happiness
Represented sport: weightlifting, judo, etc
Cultural inspiration: Giant panda; Song Dynasty lotus-shaped porcelain
Notes: As an endangered species, the panda is both a national symbol of China and an international symbol of environmentalism. Jingjing's forest origins also symbolize the harmonious coexistence of humankind and nature.

关于福娃的奥林匹克标志包括: 1,文字形式的:“福娃贝贝”、“福娃京京”、“福娃欢欢”、“福娃迎迎”、“福娃妮妮”。以上这几个字以及五个福娃的英文名字beibei,jingjing,huanhuan,yingying,nini


In China's traditional culture and art,the fish and water designs are symbols of prosperity and harvest.A fish is also a symbol of surplus in Chinese culture,another measure of a good year and a good life.The ornamental of the water-wave designs are taken from well-known Chinese paintings of the past.

As a national treasure,panda is adored by people everywhere.Jingjing is from forest,which symbolize the harmonious relationship between man and nature.The lotus designs in Jingjing's headdress are inspired by the porcelain paintings of the Song Dynasty.

The shell shell transmission blessing is the prosperity. In Chinatraditional culture art, "fish" and "water" the design is theprosperity and the harvest symbol, the people use "the carp to jumpDragon Gate" the implication enterprise to have the realization whichCheng He vainly hoped for, "the fish" also has 吉庆 has -odd, has-odd containing year after year.
The shell shell forehead decorative design in a utensil has used theChinese neolites time fish grain design. The shell shell gentle ischaste, is the aquatic sports master, mutually shines with theOlympics five links in blue links.

晶晶 is a darling panda, regardless of walks to where can take tothe people to be happy. As the Chinese national treasure, the panda isdeep the world people's affection.
晶晶 comes from the length and breadth forest, is symbolizing theperson and the natural harmonious coexistence. His forehead decorativedesign in a utensil source from 宋瓷 on lotus flower petalmodelling. 晶晶 gruff thick is optimistic, fills the strength,represents in the Olympics five links a black link.

Happy happy is in lucky baby's elder brother. He is a fire baby, thesymbolic Olympics ceremonial fire. Happy happy is the movement fervorincarnation, he the fervor dissemination world, the transmissionquicker, is higher, the stronger Olympics spirit. Happy happy所到之处, is brimming with the Beijing 2,008 pair of worldsenthusiasmen.
Happy forehead decorative design in a utensil source from Dunhuangfresco in flame grain type. His disposition extroversion is bold,knows extremely well each ballgame, represents in the Olympics fivelinks a red link.

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英语高手们帮忙翻译一下 谢谢
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象斌麦咪: 北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物—福娃 福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国辽阔的山川大地、江河湖海和人们喜爱的动物形象.福娃向世界各地的孩子们传递友谊、和平、积极进取的精神和...

民丰县13380308793: 用英语介绍一下福娃贝贝 -
象斌麦咪: OK, please allow me to introduce "beibei", "beibei" is named from the frist capital of the olympic promotional sentence:" bei jing huan ying ni". So, "beibei" basically represent the spirit of the Beijing olympic game, the flame, the passion and the strength.

民丰县13380308793: "福娃"的英语怎么说? -
象斌麦咪: Friendlies Five Elements-gold, wood, water, fire, metal 附文: 兰大博士质疑“福娃”国际译名 众所周知,北京2008年奥运会吉祥物是“福娃”,国际译名是“Friendlies”.不知道谁发明了“Friendlies”这个《金山词霸》里没有的单词.斗胆...

民丰县13380308793: 福娃的资料(英语)
象斌麦咪: Beijing 2008: meet the mascots A cartoon panda and Tibetan antelope(藏羚羊)are the newest Olympic players. They were among five mascots introduced last Friday for the 2008 Summer Games. The announcement(宣布) was made at a ...

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象斌麦咪: Can introduce that yourself down? i`m is a Beijing Olympiad mascot in 2008 , whose color and inspiration originate from Olympics five is encircled by , originates from vast mountains and rivers of Chinese animal image that the earth , rivers , lakes ...

民丰县13380308793: 有关福娃英语 -
象斌麦咪: 一、福娃改名的根源在于缺少公众参与 去年11月发布以来曾一度受到争议的2008年奥运会吉祥物“福娃”的国际译名“Friendlies”已于上周正式更改,新的英文译名汉语拼音“Fuwa”正式启用.(《北京娱乐信报》10月16日报道) 当然,改...

民丰县13380308793: 十万火急奥运会吉祥物“福娃”的英语翻译出错?
象斌麦咪: 佩服你对祖国尊严的关注,不过friendly 除了可作形容词、副词外,在口语中还可作名词(意为“支持者”).以下内容供你参考: adj.(形容词) , t Of, relating to, or ...

民丰县13380308793: 英语高手些翻译一下 -
象斌麦咪: 1.Candles light up hopes. 2.FuWa are (together)with us. 福娃原来的英文名是Friendlies,现在已正式改为FuWa.

民丰县13380308793: 英语作文,有关福娃的
象斌麦咪: 我来啦Good moring,ladies and gentlemen! i'm Gao Feng.i'm glad to tell you something about the mascots of 2008 Oilmpic Games They are five cute Fuwas. The first is a fish named Beibei.The second is a panda named Jingjing.The third is the ...

民丰县13380308793: 请有空的英语高手们翻译一下这段好么? -
象斌麦咪: 客人们走的时候应该是早上两点之后了.虽然我们非常乐意他们留下来,我和我的妻子希望把门关起来.最后,我们把留下的脏盘子和杯子洗了,然后打开几扇窗户,让空气流通好让食物...

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