
作者&投稿:爱命 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、I must call the doctor. He must call the doctor(情态动词后动词为原形)
2、I am going to telephone him. He is going to telephone him.
3、I can go with her.he can go with her(CAN是情态动词,后面同样用原形)
4、I have a new car.He has a new car.
5、I COME from America.He comes from America(第三人称后动词加s)
6、I am American. He is American.
7、I like ice cream. He likes ice cram.
8、I want a newspaper. He wants a newspaper.
9、I was at school yesterday.He was at school yesterday.
10、I don't live here. He doesn't live here.(第三人称用does.)
1、There is a watch on the table.
There are some watches on the table.(watch以CH结尾,复数加es)
2 、There is a knife near that tin.
There are some knives near that tin.(fe结尾,变f为v加s)
3、 There is a policeman in the kitchen.
There are some policemen in the kitchen.(MAN的复数为MEN)
4、 There is a cup on the table.
There are some cups on the table(规则型直接加S)
5、 There is a letter on the shelf.
There are some letters on the shelf.(同上)
6、 There is a peach on the desk.
There are some peaches on the desk.
7、 There is a passport on the shelf.
There are some passports on the shelf.
8、There is a fish in the cupboard.
There are some fishes in the cupboard.
9、 There is a tree in the garden.
There are some trees in the garden.
10、There is a boat on the river.
There are some boats on the river.
1、 a 2、some 3、some 4、any 5、a 6、 a 7、any 8、any 9、some 10、some
1、at 2:on 3:in 4:from 5 :in 6:at 7:in 8:in 9:on 10:at
1:over 2:under 3:across 4:along 5:on 6:in 7:off 8:between 9:into 10:out of
1:making 2:swimming 3:shining 4:shaving 5:running 6:sitting 7:typing 8:putting 9:coming 10:giving.
1、Q:Can he come now
Q:when can he come?
n:He can't come now.
2、Q:Is there a newspaper on the desk.
Q:What is there on the desk?
N:There isn't a newspaper on the desk.
3、Q:Does he want a new car.?
Q:what does he want?
N:He doesn't want a new car.
4、Q:Is he going to come now?
Q:When is he going to come?
N:he isn't going to come now.
5、Q:Do they like ice cream?
Q:What do they like?
N:they don't like ice cream.
6、Q:does he come from Germany?
Q:Where does he come from?
N:He doesn't come from Germany.
7、Q:Must they go home now?
Q:When must they go home?
N:They mustn't go home now.
8、Q:Does he feel ill?
Q:How does he?
N:He doesn't feel ill.
9、Q:Does he have a headacha?
Q:What does he have?
N:He doesn't have a headache.
10、Q:Did he clean his shoes?
Q:When did he clean his shoes?
N:He didn't clean his shoes.

一、1.absent 2.weekend 3.butcher's 4.hundreds 5.cinema 6.behind 7.arrived 8.clean 9.hairdresser's 10.town
二、1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B
三、1.was 2.baker's 3.1st 4.were 5.arrived 6.did go 7.was not type 8.wasn't answer 9.did do 10.was
四、1.Jim and Bob were absent from school.
2.My friend telephoned me last night.
3.We did not watch TV yesterday.
4.When did you do your homework?
5.We went to the country the day before yesterday.
6.What did you do on friday?
7.Two runners were just behind him.
8.Tom did not do his homework last night.
9.What did your teacher say to him.
10.They are going to stay at their mother's.
五、1.E 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D
6.How are you all keeping?
7.Where were you on Monday?
8.What did your teacher say to you yesterday?
9.The race finish was exditing!
10.They are in England in the summer.




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新概念英语一册和二册在实用程度、内容形式和作用上的区别:一、适用程度不同 新概念英语第一册适用于英语基础差,欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者,第二册适用于学完初级课文进入中级阶段之前的学生。二、内容形式不同 新概念英语第一册以对话为主,明快上口;新概念英语第二册以短篇故事为主,活泼...

第一册802;第二册778;第三册888;第四册636,一共2823,是每单元课后单词的量。另外也有这个统计的:1. 900;2. 861;3. 1052;4. 788。但是总词汇量应该在4500 左右。建议学习在线外教培训班,有专业的外教指导学英语效果好,或者先领取免费试听课看看外教是怎样上课的。免费试听课:【免费领取...





答案是否定的~ 呵呵 敲门砖只是给那些一点基础都没有的人来用的。新概念一对于有一定英语基础的人可以说是毫无用处。英语补习的最大误区就是一切从头做起,这也是为什么有的人补习一段时间,觉得受益匪浅,但拿来实际操作的话又觉得是一塌糊涂。因为补习的那些只是让你重新整理了一下,可实际上这些知识...

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