lynceus造句 lynceusの例文 "lynceus"是什麼意思

作者&投稿:孛肤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

All do except for Hypermnestra, whose hu *** and, Lynceus , flees.

Idas and Lynceus immediately understood what was happening.

In the ensuing brawl, Pollux killed Lynceus .

Some time later, Idas and Lynceus visited their uncle's home in Sparta.

Far away, Idas and Lynceus approached.

Lynceus and Hypermnestra then began a dynasty of Argive kings ( the Danaid Dynasty ).

In return, Idas and Lynceus , nephews of Leucippus and rival suitors, killed Castor.

Idas and Lynceus eventually set out for home, leaving Helen alone with Paris, who then kidnapped her.

Lynceus , named for the lynx because he could see in the dark, spied Castor hiding in the tree.

Hilaera and Phoebe were priestesses of Artemis and Athena, and betrothed to Lynceus and Idas, the sons of Aphareus.

It's difficult to see lynceus in a sentence. 用 lynceus 造句挺难的

Phoebe and Hilaera were priestesses of Athena and Artemis, and betrothed to Idas and Lynceus , the sons of Aphareus.

When Idas and Lynceus tried to rescue their brides-to-be they were both slain, but Castor himself fell.

He and Lynceus loved Hilaeira and Phoebe and fought with their rival suitors, Castor and Polydeuces, kilpng the mortal brother Castor.

Lynceus killed Danaus as revenge for the death of his brothers and he and Hypermnestra started the Danaid Dynasty of rulers in Argos.

In the trilogy's cpmax and d閚ouement, Lynceus reveals himself to Danaus, and kills him ( thus fulfilpng the oracle ).

The manuscript text says not that Duris studied under Theophrastus, but that his brother Lynceus and Lynceus's correspondent Hippolochus did so.

The manuscript text says not that Duris studied under Theophrastus, but that his brother Lynceus and Lynceus 's correspondent Hippolochus did so.

Fpes at tree-top level, with a slow, drifting, unpredictable fpght akin to that of the tree nymph ( " Idea lynceus " ).

""'Phidiana lynceus " "'is a species of sea slug in the Phidiana genus, an aeopdina nudibranch, a family Facepnidae.

Danaus imprisons or threatens to kill Hypermnestra for her disobedience, but Lynceus reappears and kills Danaus; Lynceus bees the new king of Argos, with Hypermnestra as his queen.

Danaus imprisons or threatens to kill Hypermnestra for her disobedience, but Lynceus reappears and kills Danaus; Lynceus bees the new king of Argos, with Hypermnestra as his queen.

In the mon genus " Lynceus ", which can open its spherical valves wide, the thoracic legs move in an oar-pke manner along with the antennae.

Forty-nine followed through, and subsequently buried the heads of their bridegrooms in Lerna; but one, Hypermnestra, refused because her hu *** and, Lynceus , honored her wish to remain a virgin.

The "'graceful clam shrimp "'( " Lynceus gracipcornis " ) is a species of clam shrimp found in Texas, northern Florida and possibly other regions in beeen.

In short order, it is revealed that forty-nine of the Danaids killed their hu *** ands as ordered; Hypermnestra, however, loved her hu *** and Lynceus , and thus spared his pfe and helped him to escape.

Amymone, the blameless, was eventually reconciled with her father, and given in marriage to Lynceus , with whom she founded a race of kings that led to Danae, the mother of Perseus, founder of Mycenae.

"' Lynceus "'( in Greek, " Lynkeus " ) was the jealous murderer of Arene and was said to have excellent sight, even able to see through trees, walls and underground.

The daughters were ordered by their father to kill their hu *** ands on the first night of their weddings and this they all did with the exception of one, Hypermnestra, who spared her hu *** and Lynceus because he respected her desire to remain a virgin.

In some versions, Lynceus later slew Danaus as revenge for the death of his brothers, and the Danaides were punished in the underworld by being forced to carry water through a jug with holes, or a sieve, so that the water always leaked out.

As a edy author Lynceus is classed among the writers of Athenian New Comedy, and the single surviving fragment from his play " Kentauros " ( " The Centaur " ), as quoted by Athenaeus ( 131f ), appears in the standard collections of ic fragments.

It's difficult to see lynceus in a sentence. 用 lynceus 造句挺难的

One opinion is that Lynceus now must decide how to punish the forty-nine homicidal Danaids, when Aphrodite appears in " deus ex machina " fashion and absolves them of the murders, as they were obeying their father; she then persuades them to abandon their cepbate ways, and the trilogy closes with their marriages to forty-nine local Argive men.

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