
作者&投稿:尘芸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 如何写英语作文

With the develop of modern technology,puter is widely used in my life.With the help of puter I can learn of anything in the world.

With puter's help I can work easily,so I have more free time than

before,and I can talk with my friends online.I don't need to buy books,because I can read books online.I can buy things online.

So since I have the puter I only need to sit in my room and I can know anything on the earth.

2. 如何写好英语作文

怎样写一篇好文章 1、审题:题材、人称、时态、要点 2、以词及点:用一两个单词或短语写出每句话的细节要点。

3、联词成句:用联词成句的方法将上述要点的词语扩展成句子。 4 联句成文: ①主语和谓语 ②背景(适当增加时间、地点条件等) ③逻辑关系 ④开头与结尾 ⑤语篇衔接 5、检查修改,规范抄写 如何增强书面表达效果的技巧 1. 使用较高级的词汇:词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。

2. 使用较丰富的句式:运用得当的句子结构可以给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉 。 3. 使用恰当的连接词:使用恰当连接词,对写一篇有“英语味”的文章很重要,能使文章上下衔接自然、紧凑。

一、怎样使用较高级的词汇 1. Because the weather was good, our journey was fortable. Thanks to the good weather, our journey was fortable. 2.We all think he is a great man. We all think highly of him 3.Suddenly I thought out a good idea. A good idea occurred to me. / A good idea suddenly struck me. 4.The students there needn't pay for their books. Books are free for the students there. 5. As a result the plan was a failure. The plan turned out to be a failure. 6. When she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow. At the news of his death, she went pale with sorrow. She went to Austria for the purpose of studying music. 7. She went to Austria in order to study music. The more he spoke, the more excited he felt. 8. When he spoke, he felt more and more excited. Our school is made up of enty–six classrooms. 9.In our school, there are enty-six classrooms. Our school is made up of enty–six classrooms. 10.You can find my house easily. You'll have no trouble finding my house. 二、怎样运用丰富的句式:(常用到的句型结构) 利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,能增加文章的文采。 1. 感叹句 e.g. How happy I was when I received your letter! What a kind boy he is! How disappointed he was ! 2. 强调句 e.g. It was this young boy that helped the old granny. I do hope you can e if possible. 3、倒装句 e.g. Only in this way can you solve this problem. There es the police car. Hardly had they got to the station when they met the young man. 4、省略句 e.g. They read while walking or riding on a bus. Come to me if necessary. 5、with短语 e.g. I saw a young lady walking slowly in the street with a handbag in her hand. 6、定语从句 e.g. In my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place where we find much useful information. Let's e to the main teaching building, at the back of which stands the school library. 7、各种名词性从句 e.g. That's what I should do. We should do a favour to whoever needs help at present. 8、各种状语从句 e.g. Time passed quickly before we knew it. The moment we reached the farm, we got down to harvesting. So long as we work harder at our lessons, we'll catch up sooner or later. Do call me before hand so that I can meet you at the airport. They had to wait because the rain was getting more and more heavily. 高考大纲中常用的连接词 1. 表示递进;在同一话题上补充内容 另外,还有:what is more; besides; also; moreover; in addition 2. 表示转折关系 但是, 然而, 相反:but; however; yet; instead; on the other hand; on the contrary. 3. 表示因果关系 因为,因此,所以: since; as; because (of ); so; thus; therefore; as a result; 4. 表示条件关系 如果,只要: if ;on condition ( that ); as long as 除非: unless 否则: or else 5. 表示时间关系 当… 的时候 : when ; while 在…之后: after 在…之前: before 直到: until 一…就… : as soon as 后来, 然后: later; afterwards 不久: soon 近来: lately; recently 自从… :since 从那时起: from then on 6. 表示特定的顺序关系 首先, 最主要的: above all 其次: secondly 然后: then; next 最后: finally; in the end 7. 换一种方法表述 换句话说: in other words; that is to say; 8. 进行举例说明 例如,比如: for instance; for example; like; such as 9. 用于陈述事实 实际上: in fact/as a matter of fact; actually; 跟你说实话 : to tell you the truth 10. 对一个话题进行总结 总而言之,总的来说: on the whole; in short; all in all; in general; in a word 其它常用到的副词 Therefore ; otherwise ; finally ; furthermore ;Thus ; namely ; although ; afterwards ; personally; 三、怎样使用恰当的连接词 1. On one side of the road there is a new classroom building.On the other side,where the playground used to be now stands another new building—our library. (NMET1999 范文) 2. As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.(NMET2001 范文) 3. What's more, I can go to bed earlier. (NMET2001 范文) 请在下列句子中(间)填上恰当的关联词或意思有联系的短语。

1. Xiao Ming was walking in the street __________。

3. 英语作文怎么写

Listening, Taking, Reading, Writing. Which one is the most diffcult thing for learn English well?

One of my teachers told us that more diffcult was Listening and Taking. He thought that if you're able to listening and taking,then you could reading and writing naturally. But I really feel that to get a good Listening's ability is very difficulty.At first,My vocabulary is far enough.Second,can not catch up with velocity.Often,when I thought of what's means for the sentences, it has been passed.I hate Listening,But there's no way,I must overe the Listening! or I can't learn English well.

Which one is the most diffcult thing for learning English? my answer is listening!


4. 英语作文怎么写

My Favorite Sport

My Favourite Sport

My favourite sport is basketball as it is very exciting. I like basketball because the N.B.A. stars play very well. Basketball is very cheap and it is a good sport for our health. We can grow taller if we play basketball often. Also it keeps me fit.

I play basketball three times a week. Most often I play it in my school. I often play it with my friends although I may play it myself. I feel very happy when I play basketball in school with my clas *** ates. Sometimes I play basketball in the playground near my home.

Basketball is very easy to play. If you play basketball very well, you can form a basketball team to take part in the petition. If you win the basketball petition, you will have the prize. You may bee a famous basketball star

5. 英文作文怎么写

英语作文怎么写? 相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn't do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn't performed well, the *** ile on their faces made us very happy. 该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn't notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to e back again whenever we had time.

6. 【用英语写文章怎么个写法

形容人可以用很多不同的形容词,如:outgoing(开朗的) friendly(友好的)句子:She/He is not only outgoing but also friendly.她/他不仅开朗,而且对人友善.(not only。

but also。不仅。

还)She's quiet but clever.她文静但聪明.The girl who is the tallest is my firend.那个最高的女孩是我的朋友.She is good at dance.她擅长跳舞.I think she is a warm-harted girl.我认为她是个热心的女孩.I do well in English,and she's as well as me.我英语很好,她也和我一样好.-----------不知道你想要怎样的句子,希望我写的能帮上忙。

如何写英语作文1:一、认真审题,确定时态、人称、题材格式 ◆ 时态:故事性文章一般用过去时,其中表达感受时可用现在时。说明性或议论性文章一般用现在时,举例时可用过去时。根据题目要求也会出现时态的交错使用,如过去和现在的对比等。◆ 人称:注意在句子中人称的统一。例如:Thanks to the teachers...

speaking , reading and writing. We should practice them every day. It’s very good for you if you are interested in English . You will find studying English is interesting and helpful. One more thing,

英语作文 篇1 Early in the morning, with my mother a New Year greeting, I opened the calendar, opened the new year, opened a wonderful story. Lying on the bed, I thought of myself in the past year, there have been sweat, there is happiness, there is too sad. All the things that ...

I usually get up at 7 o' clock . I usually go to school at half past seven but sometimes I am late . The first lesson is Chinese but I hate it ! Because the chinese teacher always much homework . I often finish my homework at 10 o'clock even 11 o'clock . The second...

5、My English Teacher我的英语老师 Mr.Hu is our English teacher. He has taught us for three years. He is a tall man. I think he is thirty years old. He likes wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He is one of the most popular teachers in our school. He works very ...

1、审题要充分 在写英语作文时,普遍存在这样一个情况:看完作文题,就开始写,想到哪写到哪,只要把字数凑够了就停笔了。这样写出来的文章,看起来就像在记流水帐,没有任何逻辑,杂乱无章,毫无条理,同时容易出现用错时态、用错格式等情况。2、背诵满分作文 英语学习就是一个背诵的过程,因为它是...


英语中虽有很多句子与汉语相似或相同,但语法与汉语不尽相同,它有自己的基本句型固定搭配、固定短语等。要想写好作文,必须学好语法。英语中有五种基本句型结构,几乎所有的英语句型都是五种句型的扩大、延伸或变化,因此,应牢记这五种基本句型,并不断地练习运用。1. S +V 2. S+V+O 3. S+V+...

学英语推荐阿卡索,外教皆持证上岗,而且价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,每天都有25分钟时间跟着外教学习,保持学习频率才能提高英语成绩,而且对口语的提升也非常有帮助,各位可以点击上述蓝字去试试看。范文参考如下:Last Sunday,I had a great time.I went to the countryside with my family.I ...


丰泽区18687619407: 英语作文怎么写 -
韦晴滋心: 英语作文(书面表达)是英语综合能力的集中体现,是词汇语法阅读遣词造句篇章结构逻辑思维等的综合考查.一般有经验的老师只要看一下一个人写几句英语,就能大致判断其英语水平.要想 真正提高英语书面表达能力,非在词汇惯用法搭配和...

丰泽区18687619407: 怎样用英语写作文? -
韦晴滋心: 英语作文的形式有说明文(exposition),议论文(argumentation),叙述文(narration)和描写文(description)四种.不论写哪一种作文,你都必须首先选词(word),造句(sentence),然后组段(paragraph),成文(composition)....

丰泽区18687619407: 如何写好一篇英语作文 -
韦晴滋心: 尽量用简单常见的句型,这样可以避免语法性错误,当然同一句型不能在句子中重复使用,要尽量让句子富于变化,而且开头结尾很重要,一定要写好.最重要第一点就是字要写干净,纸面要整洁,不要有涂改痕迹.其实英语作文没有语文作文要求那莫高,一般只要做到以上要求都能拿相对较高的分数.如果想为作文增加一些亮点那也不是不可以,如果是这样平时就要多背一些英语的名言名句.这是我的经验,希望对你会有帮助.

丰泽区18687619407: 怎么写英语作文 -
韦晴滋心: 有些专门教写作的书,拿来翻翻.一般英语作文,分成introduction 和body 还有conclusion.就是开头,正文和结尾.写作文之前一定要花一些时间列个提纲.三个部分都要有中心句.整篇文章要有主旨.不论您的英语水平如何,至少要知道自...

丰泽区18687619407: 怎样写英语作文 -
韦晴滋心: 训练方法1. 记.认真系统复习和背诵基础知识和优美的句子、句型.中国有句古话,叫“熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会作”.同样,要使自己具有较强的写作能力,首先应该熟读和背诵一些句型和短文.许多同学写出来的语言根本不符合英语...

丰泽区18687619407: 英语作文怎么写好 -
韦晴滋心: 您好!第一要保证每个句子的正确性,这就需要掌握英语简单句的五种基本类型及有关动词的使用规律;第二要注意句子之间的逻辑性,这就要熟练掌握连词的用法;第三要注意字数的要求1.正反表态法:在第一段中把正反观点都表达出来,...

丰泽区18687619407: 怎么样写英语作文? -
韦晴滋心: 如果你想写一篇好的英语文章,在你写之前,请考虑一下这些问题:谁是你的读者?文章的主题是什么?你怎样激发、调动你的读者?此外,在你写文章之前,切记要多读多想,去打开你的思路. 考虑到你的读者.谁将读你的文章?你的读者会...

丰泽区18687619407: 怎样写好英语作文??? -
韦晴滋心: 1 如何写好英语作文 写作在英语学习中是培养和提高语言能力的有效手段,它有助于巩固和掌握所学词汇、语法等语言知识,有助于训练直接用所学语言进行思维,有利于提高驾驭语言的能力.中学生该如何写好英语作文呢?经过多年的教 学...

丰泽区18687619407: 怎样才能写好英语作文?
韦晴滋心: 我建议给你个网站http://translate.google.com/?hl=zh-CN&sl=zh-CN&tl=en#,不会的话可以去看一看,而且最重要的是要死记硬背,下面是我查的一、增加词汇一、增加词汇英语写作要求有一定量的词汇,没有词汇就好比巧妇无米难以下厨.写作...

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