
作者&投稿:鄂届 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1..Vagueness words frequency appearing in past times is comparatively high, but in the advertisement not having out now nearly. The present age cosmetic urge attaches importance to but precision words comparatively , we often can see them appear in advertisement. Precision words gives way to person more feel the product reliability, is a true data , these data can persuade more people of the cosmetics buying this brand brand 2..This is a present age advertisement means in common use , it can make advertisement vivider , gives reader deep impression 3..Ginger is ORIGINS flag next series of products name. 4..front JINGLE are nouns here, that whether be or not back verb? ? 5..They sometimes are location being changed for new word or being changing some words on original comparatively fixed language frame in a few 6..All above two advertisement language frame all originates from the sentence that people knows very well , this is also that this two advertisement language can be deeply rooted among the people all of a sudden premise. 7..Have broken in the past sentential regulation, every single-handed character group travelling together. 8..The entire tableau is very dim 9..This handguard frost effect is very good 10..She is in face powder to the mirror

1. through presses the Overdrive pressed key to be possible cuts in the vowel and between the Overdriv sound track. the 2.TONE adjusting knob uses for to promote or to cut the vowel frequency. the 3.Level adjusting knob uses for to control the volume output size.

Please arrange an exam for the 2nd graders at 2.30pm next Monday. You also need to organise the final in-class test for the 1st graders next week. Not only you will be the invigilator, but also you are required to send me the results.
Please rearrange the courses right after the 2nd graders finish their exams. The course will end before July 10, 2010. The timetable and the class materials will be informed in the future.

Will you be next monday for two thirty p.m. : sophomores ; arrangements for the first year students in the last class of the examination next week, and the results of the tests will be sent to me. the second grade students in the test ended, the rescheduled classes, the course will end on july 10, the curriculum and content of the class notice. thank you!

应该是See you next Monday at 2: 30 second-year students examination arrangements; arrangements for first year students in the next week last exam, your results will be proctored, and then send it to me.
The test is finished, speak to reschedule courses, course will end on July 10th, class schedules and course content are subject to change without notice. Thank you!

Please in next Monday at 2:30 pm. arrange a 2nd graders student examinations; arrangements 1st grader in the next week the last examiners, Invigilate by yourself,then send the results to me.
when 2nd grader's examiner end, talk new arranging service, the course will end of July 10th. Curriculum content and class will notice. Thank you!


Michael Fred Phelps (born June 30, 1985) is an American swimmer and 14-time Olympic gold medalist (the most by any Olympian), who currently holds seven world records in swimming. Phelps has won 16 Olympic medals: six gold and two bronze at Athens in 2004.Michael, whose ...

给你翻译一下:All in all, I am a person who is fond of quietness. I hold a belief that quietness can lead to stability, and stability to wisdom. But, I also often communicate with different people in order to widen my horizon.I hope to make invaluable friends with you all...

disturbing you, not making it public.This love tastes sweeter than lemon and more acid than apple.As long as I can be close to you, I can feel happy, even I have done nothing. You are my spiritual opium,once stucks on it,cannot quit anymore.手工翻译的哦,希望你满意。

麻烦大家帮我翻译一下啊! 高手进哦 !

Bees swarm,all flying out of the hive and remaining in close clusters on a branch for several hours ,when a hive threatens to become overcrowded .After swarming,new colonies are formed and a queen is chosen for each.蜜蜂群,所有飞出巢穴和剩余密切集群分为几个小时,当一个蜂巢威胁...

我的家人 你好,我是珍妮。这里有两张我家人的漂亮照片。第一张照片里的是我爷爷和奶奶。这是我的父母,艾伦和玛丽。在接下来的一张是我的兄弟,鲍勃和埃里克。这两个女孩是我的姐妹辛迪和我表妹海伦。 高高也是我的家人。~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原文如下:My family Hi, I'm Jenny. ...

我需要大家帮我翻译一句话 请不要去翻译网站
女同性恋:Lesbian 我是女同性恋 异性请不要靠近: I am homo.Males please keep distance.Homo, homosexual的口语化。如果一定要译成我是女同性恋者,那就得译成:I am lesbian.

我要背诵这篇作文,大家帮我翻译一下吧。 我英语什么都不懂的,希望大家...
B4翻译机 Today I read a passage about a religious master and a painter who changed themselves when facing something unchangeable and eventually achieved their goals .【今天,我读到一个文段,内容是关于一位宗教大师和一名画家在遇上一些无法改变的事情时改变自我最终达到目标的故事。】The ...

I just want to apologize to you, I am very selfish, in the rain when I do not know how to give you an umbrella; I am timid, I am not正眼看you, I can only give you grief. Forgive me for good. I would like to know that I am in your mind how important in the ...

皇姑区17582019664: 英语翻译请大家帮我把中文翻译成英文吧!一定要文法正确(最好不要用翻译机)(O):Good afternoon,Madam.May I help you?(A):Yes.I leFt my at your store ... -
书功碘佛:[答案] O):Good afternoon,Madam.May I help you?早晨!女士!有甚麽我可以帮你的?(A):Yes.I left my sports shirt at your store when I was here this morning.好的!今天早上我遗下了我的运动衫在你的店里.I'm in urgent ne...

皇姑区17582019664: 请大家帮我翻译一个句子,把中文译成英文
书功碘佛: The fourth grade 2010 zhangjiakou middle school 或者The grade 2010 zhangjiakou NO.4 middle school

皇姑区17582019664: 英语翻译请大家帮我把中文句子翻译成英文句子,要准确的1.但是有时候人们把我们关在外面.2.然后他们就能听见我们喊.3.在一大碗水里有些苹果. -
书功碘佛:[答案] 1.但是有时候人们把我们关在外面 But sometimes people shut us out 2.然后他们就能听见我们喊. Then they can hear us shout 3.在一大碗水里有些苹果 In a large bowl some water apple

皇姑区17582019664: 请大家帮我翻译下英语
书功碘佛: Excuse me my teacher,I've been absent for 3 days because of my headache. 这句确切的中文意思是:3天缺席

皇姑区17582019664: 请大家帮我把下面的这句中文翻译成英文,谢谢!请大家帮我把这句中文翻译成英文,谢谢!她是我以前的女朋友.我们很多年没有联系了.我现在已经在中国... -
书功碘佛:[答案] 嘻嘻我来试试 She was my former girlfriend.We haven't contacted with each other for many years.I was married in China and my son is 3 years old now.另外我觉得她是我以前的女朋友 还可以翻译成S...

皇姑区17582019664: 请大家帮我翻译一篇初一小短文,中文翻译成英文,句子要正确,照这翻译就行了!我的家庭 内容:我是✘✘✘.今天是周末.我的爸爸妈妈正在厨房里做饭.... -
书功碘佛:[答案] 翻译为; Hey!I'm.It's weekend today.My father and my mother is cooking in the kitchen.My grandma and grandpa is in the living room to watch tv.I do my homework in the bedroom.My pet is a chair.

皇姑区17582019664: 请大家帮我翻译成英语,急!!!!!!!!!!! -
书功碘佛: 过时抱怨某事整个国家感冒follow the newest fashionout of datego hikingto one's surpriseremind sb offeel shy

皇姑区17582019664: 请大家帮我翻译一下英语
书功碘佛: How are you recently? I come here to see you.

皇姑区17582019664: 请大家帮我翻译成英语
书功碘佛:翻译为:And the flowers, and the parting of the season, I was about to leave, the two month of life neither long nor short. But the little memories, like the beating of musical notes on the staff, high and low, up and down; the little memories, is the ...

皇姑区17582019664: 英语翻译帮我翻译一下.中文翻成英文的.不要用翻译器.1.我没有理会他的话,而是把他的话当作了玩笑话.(remark)2.他们没有理解我的意思,我只好再解释... -
书功碘佛:[答案] 1 I didn't take his remarks seriously instead of a jok. 2 As they did not get my points,i had to repeat it again.

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