yellow spot中文翻译

作者&投稿:犹荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When a person looks at an object, the image is focused on the yellow spot .

Just about at the center of the retina is a *** all depression from 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter known as the yellow spot or macula .

With the mouse button mad yellow spots

Yes , she was still there , a yellow spot under an orange umbrella

Stage 1a : foeal dehiscence , yellow spot , posterior hyaloids attached to ilm

Stage 1a : foeal dehiscence , yellow spot , posterior hyaloids attached to ilm

Stage 1a : foeal dehiscence , yellow spot , posterior hyaloids attached to ilm
中心凹脱离(裂开成孔? ) ,可见黄点,后玻璃体与内界膜附著。

In addition the auther extracts insect color feature , yellow spot color feature and protergum and proala crustacea texture feature

Just about at the center of the retina is a *** all depression from 2 . 5 to 3 mm in diameter known as the yellow spot or macula
大约正好在视网膜的中心,有一个直径为2 5到3毫米的小凹陷叫做黄斑。

Cpck on the play now begin the game , after starting the middle of red , if rust red spots , please use your fastest speed point about the yellow spots
点击“ play now ”开始游戏,开始后中间有个红点,如果红点变黄,请用你最快的速度点一下黄点。

周口市19835572336: 求yellow的中文翻译 -
佴松妥必: Yellow-Coldplay 黄色(酷玩)Look at the stars.看着星星. Look how they shine 4 U.看它们如何对你闪烁. And everything U do.及你所做的一切. Yeah,they were all yellow.是的,它们都是黄色的. I came along.我一直向前. I wrote a song 4 ...

周口市19835572336: yellow是什么意思? -
佴松妥必: 形容词 a. 1.黄色的 2.黄皮肤的;黄色人种的 The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中国人属于黄种人. 3.【口】胆小的;卑鄙的 The bullies picked on him because he was yellow. 因为他怯懦,所以混混找他麻烦. He was too yellow to stand up ...

周口市19835572336: yellow post - it的中文意思 -
佴松妥必: post-it 是即时贴(一种文具,就是小方纸上部有些自粘性,可以记下一些东西贴在任意哪里的小贴,用得非常多的一种办公用品),即时贴以3M公司出品的质量最好\最有名,有多种颜色,有黄色\橙色\绿色各种色彩 yellow post-it 黄色即时贴 黄色便利贴

周口市19835572336: 求酷玩乐队经典歌曲Yellow的中文翻译,最好自己翻译的啊 -
佴松妥必: Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all Yellow. I came along, I wrote a song for you, And all the things you do, And it was called Yellow. So then I took my turn, Oh what a thing to have done, And it was ...

周口市19835572336: yellow paper的中文意思? -
佴松妥必: 黄页..都是电话,地址,商家名称那种.

周口市19835572336: 一个黄色[yellow]的橘子翻译 -
佴松妥必: 英语的橘子分类名称和中文的不一样.一个黄色[yellow]的橘子 一般是"a yellow orange" 不过,注意以下,"orange'也可以是橙子的意思 当你所说的“橘子”指的是小橘子的时候就是"a yellow mandarin" 希望我的答案对您有帮助.

周口市19835572336: yellow歌词翻译成中文(yellow歌词翻译)
佴松妥必: 1、抬头看星星.2、看,它们为你闪耀.3、但是你做的一切4、但是如此害羞和胆怯.5、跟随你6、我为你写了一首歌7、想着你的胆怯和害羞.8、这首歌的名字是黄色...

周口市19835572336: yellow电鸟个灯泡歌词翻译? -
佴松妥必: yellow电鸟个灯泡歌词翻译: The lyrics of a light bulb of a yellow bird

周口市19835572336: yellowtoday什么意思? -
佴松妥必: yellow today 中文直接翻译过来就是今日黄色,好像没什么什么意义的感觉.

周口市19835572336: 黄棕色英文如何翻译 -
佴松妥必: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 1、原句:黄棕色 2、直接翻译:Yellow brown 3、英汉字典翻译: yellowish-brown 4、 修饰头发是翻译:sandy 5、也可翻译成:Yellow-brown powder 以上翻译是最专业的.

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