
作者&投稿:范苗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Shakespeare Sonnet 12
When I do count the clock that tells the time,
And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;
When I behold the violet past prime,
And sable curls all silver'd o'er with white:
When lofty trees I see barren of leaves,
Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,
And summer's green, all girded up in sheaves,
Born on the bier with white and bristly beard;
Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,
Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake,
And die as fast as they see others grow;
And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence
Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.
没什么抵挡得住时光的毒手 ,

士比亚给世人留下了三十七部戏剧,其中包括一些他与别人合写的一般剧作。此外,他还写有一百五十四首十四行诗和三、四首长诗。莎士比亚的作品包括: 悲剧:罗密欧与朱丽叶,马克白,李尔王,哈姆雷特,奥赛罗,泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯,裘力斯·凯撒,安东尼与克莉奥佩屈拉,科利奥兰纳斯,特洛埃围城记,雅典的泰门等。 喜剧:错中错...

南江县18369605682: 谁知道 莎士比亚 的十四行短诗 要原文+翻译 -
叶骨重组: 莎士比亚十四行诗: (英文原文) Let me not to the marriage of true minds (a) Admit impediments. Love is not love (b) Which alters when it alteration finds, (a) Or bends with the remover to remove: (b) O no! it is an ever-fixed mark (c) That looks on...

南江县18369605682: 莎士比亚十四行诗英文原版!!跪求谢了!
叶骨重组: 莎士比亚十四行诗原文 SONNET #1 by: William Shakespeare FROM fairest creatures we desire increase, That thereby beauty's rose might never die, But as the riper should by time decease, His tender heir might bear his memory; But thou, ...

南江县18369605682: 谁有莎士比亚14行诗第18首和29首的通俗英文翻译 -
叶骨重组: 莎士比亚十四行诗第十八首SONNET 18Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate;Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And Summer's lease hath all too short a date.Sometime too ...

南江县18369605682: 谁知道莎士比亚的十四行诗[英文版] -
叶骨重组: WHEN forty winters shall besiege thy brow And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field, Thy youth's proud livery, so gazed on now, Will be a tottered weed of small worth held: Then being asked where all thy beauty lies, Where all the treasure of thy lusty...

南江县18369605682: 谁有莎士比亚十四行诗18首英文版翻译?急求

南江县18369605682: 关于莎士比亚的十四行英文诗 SONNETS 116 -
叶骨重组: May I compare thee to the summer?

南江县18369605682: 莎士比亚诗选 英文 -
叶骨重组: 那些时辰曾经用轻盈的细工 织就这众目共注的可爱明眸, 终有天对它摆出魔王的面孔, 把绝代佳丽剁成龙锺的老丑: 因为不舍昼夜的时光把盛夏 带到狰狞的冬天去把它结果; 生机被严霜窒息,绿叶又全下, 白雪掩埋了美,满目是赤裸...

南江县18369605682: 求十四行诗的原文『英文』 -
叶骨重组: 给楼主一首最著名的莎士比亚的十四行诗: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 能不能让我来把你比拟做夏日? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. 你可是更加温和,更加可爱: Rough winds ...

南江县18369605682: 莎士比亚十四行诗,求全文(中英) -
叶骨重组: 我们总愿美的物种繁衍昌盛. 好让美的玫瑰永远也不凋零. 纵然时序难逆,物壮必老, 自有年轻的子孙来一脉相承. 而你,却只与自己的明眸定婚, 焚身为火,好烧出眼中的光明. 你与自我为敌,作践可爱的自身, 有如在丰饶之乡偏造成满地...

南江县18369605682: 冬天英语怎么翻译 -
叶骨重组: 冬天 adj. (Trad=冬天, Pinyin=dong1 tian1) winter n. (Trad=冬天, Pinyin=dong1 tian1) winter

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