
作者&投稿:仁砌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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Women thoracic structures in the province of design Design
Abstract: The research of different forms of breast and chest chest Province Province shape. Through the cone-type, disc type, hemisphere, and spindle-type morphology of the four breast coat prototype production, and for wearing a dress on stage in human testing, the pattern on the plane of the studies of breast and chest shape Province Province, the relationship between volume and shape.
In this paper, provincial research, quantitative research Province chest, chest Province factors and the impact of the volume of breast height and clothing are the structural changes in the relationship between the relevant knowledge. Women in the province for provincial thoracic volume and shape of the breast form of major research on the effects of thoracic province. Choice of four forms of breast, while four of the chest under the breast shape is the same, by the people of Taiwan to make corrections, white T-shirt fabric produced a prototype, and to the model plane, plane model in comparison of thoracolumbar Province the shape of the size and so on, to find out the law.
The results show that different forms of the chest under the breast volume and shape Province is different. The results show that people wear clothes in order to better fit in the production of clothing can be based on different patterns of breast Province to determine the volume of chest, chest Province shape, such as chest Province.

Key words: thoracic province; structural design; breast forms

国际市场营销 International Marketing
国际贸易理论与实务 Theory @ Practice of International Trade
世界贸易组织法 WTO Rules
英语经济合同写作 English Contract Writing of Economy
电子商务基础 E-business Basis
国贸英语翻译International Trade English Translation
论文写作 Paper Writing
国贸英语 International Trade English
经济数学 Economic Math
西方经济学导论 Western Economics Introduction

国贸英语 Trade English
国际贸易理论与实务 Theory and Practice of International Trade
经济数学 Economic Mathematics
西方经济学导 Western Economics I.
国际市场营销 International Marketing
电子商务基础 E-business
国贸英语翻译 Trade English translation
论文写作 Writing
世界贸易组织法 WTO law
英语经济合同写作 English Writing economic contracts

Country trade English, international trade theory and solid service,economical mathematics, western economic 导轮, international marketmarketing, electronic commerce foundation, country trade Englishtranslation, paper writing, world trade constitutive law, Englisheconomic contract writing

international trade english
international trade theory and operation
economic maths
western economics introduction
international market vendition
electric business base
international english translation
paper composition
WTO organise law
English economic contract composition

I guess i need you baby我我想我需要你,宝贝


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