
作者&投稿:蓟满 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
电视剧不如跳舞第22集丁歌在酒吧时的那首英文歌叫什么 电视剧不如跳舞第22集丁歌~

kelly sweet的we are one

kelly sweet - we are one
didn't need to ask
don't know the reason
everything that i believe
is right here
not thinkin' bout tomorrow
couldn't catch it if i tried
world is spinning too fast
so i'll wait 'til it comes to me

i am you

you are me

we are one

take me in your arms

and flow through me

i'll flow through you
steal my breath away
cause i'm so moved by you
deeper than i ever thought
was possible, was possible, it's everything,
oh~~ difference between me and you
it's all in where your heart lies
and every day's another chance
so let's get it right
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you
did you lose yourself out there
did you lose faith and give up
don't turn away and hide yourself
cause there's a friend to make along way
we are the heartbeat and our souls speak
and all the beauty i have ever dreamed
is right here in front of me
is right here in front of me

是Kelly Sweet的we are one:

didn't need to ask
don't know the reason
everything that i believe
is right here
not thinkin' bout tomorrow
couldn't catch it if i tried
world is spinning too fast
so i'll wait 'til it comes to me
i am you
you are me
we are one
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you
steal my breath away
cause i'm so moved by you
deeper than i ever thought
was possible, was possible, it's everything, oh
difference between me and you
it's all in where your heart lies
and every day's another chance
so let's get it right
i am you
you are me
we are one
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you
did you lose yourself out there
did you lose faith and give up
don't turn away and hide yourself
cause there's a friend to make along the way
we are the heartbeat and our souls speak
and all the beauty i have ever dreamed
is right here in front of me, oh
is right here in front of me, oh
i am you
and you are me
we are one
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you


是Kelly Sweet的we are one:

didn't need to ask
don't know the reason
everything that i believe
is right here
not thinkin' bout tomorrow
couldn't catch it if i tried
world is spinning too fast
so i'll wait 'til it comes to me
i am you
you are me
we are one
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you
steal my breath away
cause i'm so moved by you
deeper than i ever thought
was possible, was possible, it's everything, oh
difference between me and you
it's all in where your heart lies
and every day's another chance
so let's get it right
i am you
you are me
we are one
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you
did you lose yourself out there
did you lose faith and give up
don't turn away and hide yourself
cause there's a friend to make along the way
we are the heartbeat and our souls speak
and all the beauty i have ever dreamed
is right here in front of me, oh
is right here in front of me, oh
i am you
and you are me
we are one
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you


电视剧《不如跳舞》的第六集、请看问题、回答正确悬赏20分!_百度知 ...
when you say nothing at all 《es amor》---jaci velasquez I FEEL GOOD 这三首 你看看是不是 我也不知道对不对 只能把我知道的在不如跳舞里面的歌曲发给你

戴军 饰 《不如跳舞》比赛的男主持人 简介 友情客串 娟 子 饰 莫丽娟 谭 洋 饰 董家凯 中文名:不如跳舞 出品时间:2010年 出品公司:北京国立常升影视文化传播有限公司 制片地区:中国内地 首播时间:2010年6月9日 导 演:张国立 编 剧:韦华 主 演:张国立,韩雨芹,刘蓓,范明...


电视剧不如跳舞开机 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:好久没有来更新我的日志了,今天能来首先感谢剧组在十一国庆节放了我几天的假期,才使我回到久别的家,本以为北京比起重庆要冷得多,谁知道这几天北京的天气依然还是那么的好,晴空万里!为了能看上国庆节直播真的是经历...



李菁菁 饰 尤红娜

不如跳舞电视剧插曲 26集 车上那首插曲是什么歌啊 谢谢各位大侠了_百 ...
心上跳舞,就是韩雨芹唱的哦!~视听到可可西音乐网 http:\/\/so.cococ.com\/song?%E5%BF%83%E4%B8%8A%E8%B7%B3%E8%88%9E

when you say nothing at all 是这个吗 听听

电视剧《不如跳舞》的女主角是韩雨芹 饰演 丁歌。韩雨芹,出生于安徽,影视演员,毕业于北京电影学院表演系,中国内地女演员,拍摄多部影视剧。本名:韩雨芹 别名:韩雪(因与另一名内地女演员韩雪同名,于2008年改为韩雨芹)国籍:中国 民族:汉族 出生日期:1982年4月1日 出生地:中国安徽省 职业:...

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容刻杰奇: 《不如跳舞》全集 - 高清正版在线观看 - 搜狐视频 http://www.71qiyi.com/不如跳舞,不如跳舞全集,不如跳舞高清在线观看,不如跳舞在线观看,电视剧不如跳舞,不如跳舞大结局,不如跳舞演员表,不如跳舞剧情,高清视频,电视剧,在线观看,张国立,... 不如跳舞_ http://www.71qiyi.com/《不如跳舞》,是张国立的一部反映老百姓生活和国家和谐社区、和谐社会建设的现代都市轻喜剧.该片也是国内首次采用跳舞形式来展现普通市民生活态度...共33次编辑

龙马潭区13493129164: 爱情公寓3爱的回归线 - 爱情公寓3里面,美嘉和子乔在酒吧表白德时候出现的插曲叫什么?
容刻杰奇: 爱的回归线-陈韵若

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