
作者&投稿:相怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two. 



  • leaf 叶 ; 叶片 ; 叶子 ; 有…状叶的 ; 有…片叶的 ; 页,张 ; 页 ; 薄金属片 ; 活动桌板 ; 翻…的页,匆匆翻阅

  • paper 纸张 ; 纸 ; 文件 ; 报纸 ; 文献 ; 证明 ; 试卷 ; 论文 ; 研究报告,论文 ; 壁纸 ; 贴壁纸

  • white 白色 ; 白人 ; 雪白 ; 乳白 ; 白种人 ; 白葡萄酒 ; 蛋白 ; 眼白 ; 要洗涤的白色衣服 ; 白色运动服 ; 白色的 ; 白的 ; 白人的 ; 白种人的 ; 脸色苍白的 ; 加牛奶的 ; 使变白 ; 把…漆成白色

  • thereon 以…为根据 ; 由…而产生

  • write 写 ; 编写 ; 写信 ; 写作 ; 写字 ; 作曲 ; 写道 ; 开 ; 将写入 ; 好使

  • his 他的 ; 上帝的 ; 属于上帝的 ; 属于他的

  • word 单词 ; 字 ; 说的话 ; 话语 ; 言语 ; 诺言 ; 许诺 ; 保证 ; 信息 ; 《圣经》 ; 措辞 ; 用词 ; 就是,说得对

  • two 二 ; 一对 ; 两人 ; 两点钟 ; 两岁

1. 第一个问题一楼的朋友回答得很到位,in group to 不对所以不必分析了;for a group to... 很清楚。用group这个字 或许原文作者想要表达一个企业“集团”的意思吧。Pepsi 和 Coke 是在同一个业种,the beverage "industry" ,但绝不是一个 group.

2. in the long run 是“长远来看”、“目标放远来看”,原来译的“最终”其实在这里很传神也很恰当。

3. consider 是“认为”或者更白话一点“感觉到”的意思;desirable 的意思和需要需求无关。
desire 是欲望,desirable 是看了顺眼让人产生购买欲的 意思,也就是讨人喜欢的意思。

4. produce something consumers consider useful or desirable

求高手帮忙翻译!!! 翻译机勿入
第一句:The military subjugation of Africa in modern times, and the enslavement of sections of its population, was begun by Portugal in the middle of the 15th century; in the ensuing years Spain, England, France, and Holland joined in the lucrative undertaking.近代对非洲的军事镇压...

He looks honest, but actually he often lies.Don't be afraid to make grammar mistakes when you are talking to native English speakers.Students should make good use of their spare time.There are more forigners learning Chinese now than ever before.The usage of some English words ...


Office assistant:1. Email, fax, scan files,Assists supervisor processing related matters,3 communication customer, customer information feedback, handling of customer information,4 data entry, proofreading and attendance statistics,5..25 drafting and modified report, manuscripts,6 and ...

Hello, Welcome here!You are probably the first time coming here. Please let me take you around and have a visit. Coming in from the door,you will see the playground in the opposite.The playground is surrounded by trees. Beyond that is the teaching building.The right-hand side ...

The quota that T market have can't guarantee.-Because outlet with with launch machine supplier a relation etc. the influence of[with] problem, the yacht market atrophies gradually.-At official business boat market, think with lend pricing advantage to look for breakthrough.But JJ ...

你是一个整天忙着工作而无暇顾及生活的人吗?你是否整天忙着工作而忘记了发展兴趣,忘记了享受生活。那么你应该记住这么一句话:只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。You are a busy all day work to care and life of the people? Whether you're busy with the work and forget the development ...

翻译~~中译英~ 请各位高手帮忙
Income proof The comrade of XX is an officers and workers who my unit forest defend the section of 疫 .That comrade is in the three years' income circumstance in my unit as follows form.Unit: renminbi According to the relevant provision of the " personal income in the People's...

。 市场结构在许多水操作将帮助,但自由自在的信赖在市场上不会提供我们需要的社会,经济和环境结果。 水有有力社会,文化和宗教维度。 它不可能被观看作为一纯净经济只好。 特别是为缺乏对水、好系统和好章程的规则通入的最恶劣的亿万要保护资源到处,和是不可缺少的 ...

My philosophy is: in the young season, I would rather endure hardship involved, only wish through his passion, proactive efforts to achieve their own value and work to make the greatest contribution. As the participant, a system of relevant professional knowledge training, have very ...

南谯区18892983354: 请各位英语高手帮我翻译一下这个句子谢谢 -
矣元富马: 第一句的意思是 我已经把转过身来,背向黑暗(是后背面对黑暗,也就是要远离黑暗的意思) 第二句是说:我将永远都不会在回头(never侧重永远的强调语气,应该翻译出来),我现在唯一的路(或者翻译成我现在唯一要做的),就是走向光明.theat是theater电影院的缩写, 但是很少这样用的.而且放在这也完全说不通的.一定应该是that你打错了,换成that就很通顺了.希望能对你有帮助.

南谯区18892983354: 高手帮忙翻译和分析一个句子 -
矣元富马: In the affair of life or of business,it is not intellect that tells so much as character,not brains so much as heart,not genius so much as self-control,patience,discipline,regulated by judgment. 不论是在生活中还是在商业活动中, 智力不比性格, 头脑不...

南谯区18892983354: 请英语高手帮忙翻译个句子,并分析句子结构 -
矣元富马: 句子结构和成分分析有助于理解句子意思:【Full moons 主语】【vary in谓语】【 how big they appear 宾语从句】 how【 big表语 】【they主语】【 appear谓语】 句子意思:满月在它们显示的大小上各有不同.或 满月会出现大小上的不同.祝你开心如意!

南谯区18892983354: 请高手帮忙翻译一个句子...顺带解释下啥含义捏?? -
矣元富马: 比尔盖茨:建立一个新的软件产业,与“业余爱好者”针锋相对.他的解决方案并非技术上最先进的,但他同IBM之间的生意开创了该行业的一般标准.

南谯区18892983354: 请高手翻译并分析一个英文句子 -
矣元富马: 在2005年四月,日本烟草公司也失去了在国内销售菲利普莫里斯的万宝路牌香烟的销售许可.这将使公司失去价值500亿人民币的订单,占年营运利润的五分之一.which指失去日本烟草公司销售许可这件事儿.

南谯区18892983354: 请英语高手帮忙翻译这个句子(中译英): -
矣元富马: I am very afraid that my best friend is angry with me , so I try my best to do well my things.

南谯区18892983354: 请高手帮忙翻译句子 1.直到我知道这个消息我才意识到我的错误(aware) 2.与我姐姐相比,我所做的不值一提(in comparison) 3.老师介绍的学习方法很有... -
矣元富马:[答案] 1.I awared my mistake until I knew the news 2.In comparison with my sister, I do not worth mentioning 3.It is proved that the methods of studying which teachers introduce are effective 4.the application of modern technology are involved in white agriculture...

南谯区18892983354: 请各位英语高手帮我分析并翻译一下这个句子,我实在是看不明白,谢谢This sedentary lifestyle may in part help account for that culture's relatively swift ... -
矣元富马:[答案] All the more surprising表示难怪,破折表解释,解释的是前提.句子应该等于Given that the Nautufians may well have been first farmers of prehistory,it is all the more surprising that this sedentary lifestyle...

南谯区18892983354: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话,不要翻译器 -
矣元富马: 我只是害怕失去一个原本不属于我的东西,这也是我矛盾纠结的原因:It's just that I'm afraid of losing something that wasn't originally mine; this is the reason why I'm conflicted and at a loss. 句子翻译以后,选择用 ; 这个分成号,觉得比逗号要更恰当一点.自己认真翻译的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

南谯区18892983354: 求助:请哪位高手帮翻译一下这个句子,谢谢 -
矣元富马: 直译:如果世界贸易组织不能将(中国这个)拥有世界五分之一人口的国家包含进去的话,那么它就是名不符实的.意译:如果世界贸易组织将(中国这个)拥有世界五分之一人口的国家包含进去,那才叫名副其实呢!

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