
作者&投稿:陶致 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Members of society is part of the dissemination of knowledge in a particular social environment, with specific knowledge of the media means members of society to another part of the specific knowledge and information dissemination, and look forward to the desired spreading effect of the social activities. The basic content mainly includes: knowledge dissemination activities of the initiative, that the knowledge disseminators of knowledge dissemination activities} by moving, that is the recipient of the spread of knowledge content, referred to the dissemination of knowledge.

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1.All the people will face the question:will you purchase or rent a department, when you graduate? For me, the answer is former. Although I would be a mortagage salve, the sense of belonging will let me feel well. With the growth ecomonic, the value of department will be growth too. Meanwhile, it is one of the essential conditions for marriage to own a house. In my view, the long-term rental is enough to purchase one department. So why not I won't purchase a department. I will insist to buy a department after my graduation.


3.(你够幸运的,我刚好做HR。) In my furture career, I focus on my working experience. Why I said like this, there're some reasons as follow:-Firstly,there'is a greatest number of grads from univeristy everyyear, with the annual great university enrollment. That means that we won't have any educational competition, except the university brand. Second, when HR managers select the candidates for the postions, they will pay attention at the working experience and the working period. Last, your salary level also will be determined by the working experience. Therefore, I think all the students often join in the part-time jobs during the leisure time, in order to prepare well. It is too important to focus on the working experience.

1,When I graduate,I hope I can choose purchases homes,that has the wrap to belong to own house.Of course,it will let me have the sense of belonging very much, although I must mortgage a house the slave, but the final house belongs to me to possess.Along with the economical development, the revaluation which the house I can have.At the same time, it also is the present people marries one of necessary conditions.But rents a room can let me not have the sense of belonging as well.So I thought renting a room for a long time fund enough we buy a set to belong to my house, after therefore the graduation I can persist purchases homes.
2,As a saying goes,"Health is bettern than wealth."This is mean that good health is the most important in our life .So,how to keep good healthy.In my opinion,if you want to keep you healthy,you should do well in at least three ways as follows. first and foremost,participate in regular physical activities,for example,walking,running,playing badminton and so on.This will improve your bood circulation around body and promote your ability to against diseases.Besides,eat sanitery food which have no poluted vegetables and lower in fat or cholesterol meat.Eatting natural food as possible as you could and far away from food with hormons,color materials and additives.last but not least,giving up bad habid,such as smoking,gambling,dirting and so on.In addition,we should keep a good mood all the time.At the same time,Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.However, if we can't do it best ,it may give rise to a host of problems. Every coin has to sides,where there is a way ,there is a way.
All in all,only we pay close attention to the aspects above,we could keep our body in good condition.



first of all,this is a very controversial question. people hold different attitudes to buy a house or rent a house. since the price of house is inflating constantly, many young couples choose to rent a house.it is a realistic choice. (这是我自己加的)however,in my case, i gonna buy my own house after graduation,for it gives me a sense of belonging. although i will become a slave of my house, the house will belong to me at last. with the economic development, house rate will inflate. meantime, a house is an indispensable condition of a marriage.on the contrary, if i gonna rent a house, i do not have the sense of belonging, what's more, the longtime rental is enough for us to buy a set of house belonging to ourselves. therefore, i insist on buying my own house after graduation.

2.keeping healthy is not only what the old man shoud take into account, but also everyone's lifetime career.health is the foundation of any other thing. so it is extremely important for every individual to keep a good health. in my opionion, first, doing exerise to build up our body and strengthen the immune system. people fall ill for weak ability to defeat invading germ or virus mostly,hence to strengthen you immune system is very a effictive way to keep healty. second, keep a good mood, is a very beneficial shortcut to keep a good health, for happy mood often make people relaxed ,thereby you every organ in your body can work more efficient; third, cultivate at least one hobby. people have his interest is more tolerable; and such a person has better temperament. furthermore, he will not in constant depression or disappointment. so he can keep good health.

here is my answer.
from my perspective, experience is the thing i value most in my future career. although knowledge plays the same important role in both work and daily life, experience is more appliable to practice. expericen teaches us specialized skill instead of pure theory. actually, it is a kind of treasure which became more and more valuable with time goes. experience lets me competitive in the intense social competition. and i believe people with social experience can adapt to different position faster, because he had been in a life or situation like the as.


rbq,即"Really Badly Quick",直译可能为“非常糟糕的快速”,在网络环境中通常被理解为“请问”或者“能详细解释一下吗?”这样的求助用语。由于其简洁明了,它成为了新手在寻求帮助时表达需求的一种便捷方式。在网络世界中,rbq这样的术语反映了其使用者希望在快速沟通中得到清晰指导的愿望,同时也体现...

① 自告奋勇 是 主动要求担任某项艰巨的任务:“毛遂自荐”有自我推荐的意思;“自告奋勇”则含有自己主动承担某件事的意思。② 相辅相成 指两件事物互相配合,互相辅助,缺一不可 而 相得益彰 指两个人或两件事物互相配合,双方的能力和作用更能显示出来。③ 随波逐流 比喻没有坚定的立场...

很显然,我认为是的,因为FRED所受的损失是纯经济损失(pure economic loss)而寻求赔偿其纯经济损失的第三方需要满足一些前提条件:因为生产厂家,明知道这批电钻大约有5%质量有问题,电路会融化,会导致购买者受到电击,却不回收修理或者提醒购买者,就应该会预想到这批产品会导致事故,从而给消费者带来事...

1. 表达敬意:初次见面,一句“您好”,问对方姓名时说“贵姓”,探问地址则称“府上”。2. 情感交流:对于仰慕已久的人,用“久仰”表达敬意,久别重逢则说“久违”。请求帮助时,礼貌地提出“劳驾”。3. 提问与求助:询问时用“请问”,寻求协助说“费心”,请教问题则说“请教”。4. 办事请求...

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3袋叩き ふくろだたき 众人围着打一人 ~にあう 合う 遭受遇见等 事故に合う 遭遇到车祸 4 お前 あなた 你 男性用语 故感觉应该是 ぜいたくだぞ、日本中の浪人に闻かせたら、袋だたきに合うぜ、お前!真奢侈呀 如果让日本中的浪人听见的话, 你会遭到群围起攻之的。


一、挑选合适的求助时间 找别人求助应该是选择在别人不忙的时候开口。职场上,极少有人会为了他人的求助而耽误自己的工作,毕竟帮忙不是义务。所以,如果找了一个错误的时间去求助别人,也就别怪人家不帮你。二、显示出你的尊重 当一个人感到他受到尊重,有独特贡献的时候,往往更愿意承担责任去帮助别人...

int main(){ int i,s = 0; \/*请修改此处:int和i间有空格; 计算的和值s首先要清零 *\/ char str[80];i=0;while ((str[i]=getchar())!='\\n')i++;str[i]='\\0';for(i=0;i<80;i++)if (str[i]>='0' && str[i]<='9') \/*请修改此处:应该是同时满足这两个...

下面介绍几个职场求助别人的步骤 1、态度要谦和 求人办事需要用商量的口吻,而不是命令的口气,让别人感觉到对他的劳动的尊重,对他才能的尊重,这样才能让对方乐意帮助你。即便是自己的好朋友、关系好的同事在自己有求于他们时也要做到态度谦和,不可以用命令的口气。否则即便是这一次帮助了你,下一次...

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初沾贝诺: Online shopping is attracting more and more customers for its diversities, convenience and preferential prices. Although the online shopping in China started a bit late, it has been developing rapidly, and the trend of such development, particularly ...

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初沾贝诺:[答案] health is more important than wealth people is trying to strengthen the constitution also,psychic health is important with the increasing of society development and the standard of life,the health problem is now attracting more and more attention.people ...

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初沾贝诺: Opera "regret" neutron monarch two first aria analysisOpera "regret" is ShiGuangNa to commemorate the 100th anniversary of lu xun and adaptation of the same name opera. As a contemporary opera, one of the masterpiecesOpera "regret...

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初沾贝诺: Founded in 1950, is the national construction ministry in 1987 approved the first class post nine construction enterprise, and also one of the telecommunications construction enterprises in the 1st class qualification of contracting enterprise. ...

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初沾贝诺: First of all, according to mass customization mode in the background and the research situation at home and abroad, this paper puts forward problems and introduces the ideas and goals. Secondly, the mass customization mode into mass ...

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初沾贝诺: Translated into English: each year last day reimbursement, loans to housing for collateral unable to repay, once, bank can exercise the mortgage right

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