他大两岁用英语怎么说 是我比他大两岁

作者&投稿:倚脉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ I am two years older than him

除了haveoldareyou表示问年龄之外还有什麽句子?用英语表示问年龄的 What is your age? How old are you?4赞·44浏览 少儿英语 英语_1对1在线授课_4-15岁孩子免费试听 关注音标的都在看 少儿英语 英语,VIPKID在线英语,教学宗旨以学生为中心,给孩子纯正关注。自由时间约课,让孩子爱学敢说,点击...

1。让我们乘坐地铁去购物,好吗。Let's go shopping by subway, shall we?2。她的头发比露西的还短。Her hair is shorter than Lucy's 3。他妹妹比我大两岁。His sister is two years older than me 5。然而,我们俩比班里任何一个学生都强壮。Hoever, we two are stronger than any other ...

two-year-old boy, two-year-old做形容词,但是不能做表语,即不能说成the boy is two-year-old 。。。不用连词符号的就不能做形容词了,只能说成,the boy is two years old。你只要记住,不用连词符号时,year的单复数根据前面的数字来变化。。用连词符号时,year都是用单数,不管前面的数...

I want to make friends with the girl who is two years older than me !

一二三四五六七八大九十英语是one、二two、三three、四four、五five、六six、七seven、八eight、九nine、十ten。One的意思是一;一个;一个的。某一个的;唯一的。Two的意思是一对;两人;两点钟;两岁。Three的意思是三岁;三个人。Four的意思是四;四个;四个一组之物。英语怎么学习 在平时练习...

1、哥哥的其他英语 elder brother则是指比自己年长的哥哥,而younger brother则是比自己年幼的弟弟。例如,I have an elder brother two years older than me意思是我有一个比我大两岁的哥哥。big brother则是指年长的兄长,或者是在某个组织或者国家的领导者。2、其他意思 有类似前辈或者领袖的意思。

...今天比昨天冷的多 他比我大两岁 这个故事不如那个故事恐怖
1.This book is as interneting as that one 2.Today is much colder than yesterday 3.He is 2 -year older than me 4.This story is not as scary as that 5.She is becoming better and better 6.He gets more and more interested in English 7.Eat too much will make you fatter ...

...不少于5句话 我的朋友迈克15岁,比我大两岁,他是家中唯一的孩子...
My friend Mike is 15 years old. He is 2 years older than me. He is the only child in his family. He is good at English. At his class, he jumps higher than another boys. He always play soccer after school.

My name was given by my big brother when i was 9, at that time he was only 2 years older than me.

这两个词均是old的比较级,在用法上有所区别。elder本身也是形容词。elder表示“前辈的”、“年纪较长的”,仅用于同一家庭成员的比较;older则不限于此。例如:My younger son is five and my elder son is nine。我的小儿子5岁,大儿子9岁。Tom is two years older than I.汤姆比我年长两岁...

颍东区18512253969: 他大两岁用英语怎么说是我比他大两岁 -
自梅氯普:[答案] I am two years older than him

颍东区18512253969: “他比我大两岁”用英语怎么说? -
自梅氯普: Heistwoyearsolder(或者elder)thanI.这个句子其实是省略格式的,原文是HeistwoyearsolderthanIam.但是为了避免重复,所以省略了.所以后面应该是用I,而不是me.真不知道为什么那么多人都写me,楼主别被误导啊~~

颍东区18512253969: “他比我大两岁”用英语怎么说? -
自梅氯普: me,也可以 我们老师说过的 than既可以做介词也可以做连词

颍东区18512253969: 我比他大2岁 英文咋说
自梅氯普: i am 2years older than him

颍东区18512253969: 英语翻译1、谁的个子高?2、我的头比他的大.3、我比他大两岁.4、大象比老虎强壮. -
自梅氯普:[答案] Who's taller? I'm taller than him. I'm two years older than him. The elephant is stronger than the tiger.

颍东区18512253969: 他比我大两岁用英语怎么翻?他比我大两岁用英语怎么翻译
自梅氯普: he is 2 years older than me

颍东区18512253969: 英语翻译 他比我大两岁 -
自梅氯普: He's 2 years older than me.正确,me是宾格,做than的宾语 He's 2 years older than I也正确,I是主格,相当于He's 2 years older than I am.

颍东区18512253969: 他比我大两岁.如何翻译为英语?
自梅氯普: ①He's 2 years older than me②He's 2 years older than I

颍东区18512253969: "他比我大两岁"英语怎么说 -
自梅氯普: He is two years older than I.

颍东区18512253969: 英语翻译1.他比我大两岁.2.她的年龄是我的是2倍.3.我的年龄是他的3倍. -
自梅氯普:[答案] 1.He is two years older than me . 2.She is twice older than me. 3.I am three times older than him.

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