英语翻译 急急急急!!!!翻译:长鼻子 大嘴巴 短脖子 长头发 小眼睛 小耳朵 大头 .

作者&投稿:凭皇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ long nose,big mouth,short neck,long hair,small eyes,small ears,big head

埇桥区18443288749: 初二英语句子翻译,,急急急急~··用anything、nothing、everything、something、翻译 1.我的手表有些毛病 2.火灾后什么也没留下 3.今天大家都到了吗? ... -
謇迹羚羊:[答案] 用anything、nothing、everything、something、翻译 1Therearesomthingwrongwithmywatch! 2Therearenothinglefftafterthefire. 3Iseveryoneheretoday? 4Hehassomthingimportanttotellyou. 5Therearesomethingstrange...

埇桥区18443288749: 英语翻译 急急急急急急 -
謇迹羚羊: It's foolish of you to refuse the chance to learn from each other. I have no choice but stay up to do my homework every day.望采纳,谢谢!!

埇桥区18443288749: 问一下英语,急急急急急急翻译一下词组1.intherivet
謇迹羚羊: 1.in the river[ 在河中]2.on the lake[ 在湖上]3.in the picture[在画上 ]4.take photos[拍照片 ]5.go boating[去划船]

埇桥区18443288749: 英语翻译 急急急急!!!在线等! -
謇迹羚羊: 1.This river is 5000 kilometers long. How long is the river? 2.The...

埇桥区18443288749: 急急急急、翻译成英语
謇迹羚羊: 1. Xu Huan is a Chinese girl, 13-year-old this year. 2.她喜欢旅游,梦想有一天访问伦敦、 2. She likes to travel, a dream that one day visit to London, 3.她通过电视对伦敦了解很多,尤其喜欢伦敦的大本钟. 3. Her understanding through a lot of ...

埇桥区18443288749: 急急急.下面句子翻译英语:1你想去哪儿度假?2我准备领他去看电影,以便他会高兴起来.3我们需要想出一些主意.4他们是被用来在黑暗中照明的.5茶是偶然间发明的. -
謇迹羚羊: 1.Where do you spend your holiday 2.I will watch film with him for delight him 3.We need have some ideas. 4.They are used for lighting in darkness. 5.Tea is invented by happen.

埇桥区18443288749: 初三英语(急急急急急)翻译:他不得不从窗户里爬了进去He had to climb in - ___ - the window要说明理由 -
謇迹羚羊:[答案] through the window 从窗户

埇桥区18443288749: 英语短文翻译、急急急急急,超急的. -
謇迹羚羊: 1)今天,现代城是一个很干净的地方.然而,许多年前,有以百万计的老鼠(老鼠)在新城.他们袭击的猫狗.有时,他们的大量撞倒一个男人或女人走路,晚上回家.大鼠非常大的,他...

埇桥区18443288749: 急急急!!!翻译几句英语 -
謇迹羚羊: 1. Love can be a spring-fed 2. Use your kindness to let others happy, you can also feel happy 3. This is a warm story 4. That good lie, so he is still happy 5. It can be seen that love (kindness) is undoubtedly the strength of powerful 6. Please use you use your create a better love it! ------ END ----------

埇桥区18443288749: 英语翻译.急急急急 -
謇迹羚羊: 喜欢这些句子才翻译的~有些意译了 1 Only by closing your eyes can a cleaner world be seen. 2 Our youth with no place to settle 3 The world of music is always so clean wihout a dust 4 There is hope that the photos can keep the moments in the past always in mind 5 My dear,both you and me will live a happy life

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