
作者&投稿:迟范 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He looked
at himself in the mirror over the table.


1. The sun shines over the earth. 太阳照耀与地球上。
2. There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。
3. The weight of the air over one square foot of the earth at sea level is 2160 ponds. 地球海平面每平方英尺上方的空气总重为2160磅。
4. A cloud hangs over the summit. 一块云彩遮住了山顶。
5. Spread the tablecloth over the table. 把桌布铺在桌上。
1. He has lived in Beijing over two years. 他在北京已住了二年以上。
2. It is over and above what is wanted. 这已超过需要量。
3. This method has an advantage over that one. 这种方法比那种优越。(advantage原意是优点。)
4. In 1958 the steel output registered a 100 percent increase over 1957. 1958年钢总产量比1957年增加100%。
5. The production of hardware has been increased over three times. 五金制品的产量增长了两倍多。
1. I heard the news over the radio. 我通过无线电听到这条消息。
2. This machine ran over night. 这台机器通宵运转了。
3. The soldiers got over the wall and jumped over the brook. 战士们越过墙,跳过小溪。
4. The gas is dried over the desiccant. 气体通过干燥剂而被干燥。
5. He had just come from over the sea. (over介词短语作介词from的宾语。)他刚从海外回来。
6. A river once flew over its banks. 河水一度溢出河岸。
1. The fog spreads over the town. 雾遍全城。
2. The mud was splashed over their clothes. 泥溅满了他们的衣服。
1. There will be much discussion over this problem. 对于这个问题将有不少讨论。
2. We are talking over our production plan with them. 我们正同他们谈论有关我们的生产计划。(有“关于”含义)
3. He watches over a laboratory. 他照看一个实验室。(有“保护”含义。)
4. His suggestion has a great influence over(或on) us. 他的建议对我们有重大的影响。(有“支配”含义。)
1. The test is over. 这个试验结束了。
2. The struggle was not yet over. 斗争还没有结束。
1. I gave you two glasses and had three glasses over. 我给了你两个玻璃杯,还余下三个玻璃杯。
2. Five goes into eight once with three over. 五除八得一余三。
3. How much is left over? 剩下多少?
4. That is not over well. 那不太好。
1. Come over and see us next week. 下星期过来看我们吧。
2. He will go(或sail, fly)over to Japan. 他将出发(渡海、飞)到日本去。
3. The milk boiled over. 牛奶煮开溢出来了。
1. He read this book over. 他通读了这本书。
2. The river is frozen over. 这条河全部结了冰。
1. I did this experiment three times over. 这个实验我重复做了三次。
2. This test must be done over (again). 这项试验必须重作一次。
1. The construction work can be carried out all the year over(或round或around).这项建筑工程可以整年进行。
2. I have learnt 500 English words over the past year. 在过去一年里我学了500个英语单词。
We rejoiced over the victory. 我们因胜利而高兴。
Ⅰ. 带有over的词组,注意over是介词还是副词:
1. to jump over (副词)跳过去
to jump over a brook (介词)跳过小溪
2. to talk the matter over (副词)把事情谈清楚
to talk over the matter (介词)谈论这件事
3. I have three books over. (副词)我余下三本书。
I have over three books. (介词)我有三本以上的书。
4. to think the matter over (副词)把这件事全面地考虑
to think over the matter (介词)思考这件事情
All the peoples the world over(=All the peoples over the world或throughout the world)are fighting against imperialism. 全世界各国人民正同帝国主义斗争。
Ⅱ. over表示“垂直在上”,而above就不一定。例如:
1. Their laboratory is right over ours. 他们的实验室恰好在我们的上面。(垂直在上)
2. Their laboratory is above ours. 他们的实验室在我们上面。(不一定垂直在上)
Ⅲ. over表示“蒙起来和遍及全面”的含义,而above仅表示上下次序:
1. I pulled the blanket over me. 我把毯子来过来盖在身上。
2. Put this book above the other one. 把这本书放在那本上面。
3. The steel industry is widely distributed over the country. 钢铁工业遍布国内。
4. The sun rises above the horizon. 太阳升起在地平线上。
to go over a combine 检查一台联合收割机
to go over a lesson 复习功课
to go over the ground of the matter 调查这件事的情况
to go over to China 出发到中国去

The game is over.(adj.形容词 结束)
There are some blue birds over the rainbow.(prep.介词 在...上面)

School is over . ( 副词‘ 结束’)
There is a bridge over the river .(介词‘ 在……上面’)

1. The sun shines over the earth. 太阳照耀与地球上。
2. There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。
3. The weight of the air over one square foot of the earth at sea level is 2160 ponds. 地球海平面每平方英尺上方的空气总重为2160磅。
4. A cloud hangs over the summit. 一块云彩遮住了山顶。
5. Spread the tablecloth over the table. 把桌布铺在桌上。
1. He has lived in Beijing over two years. 他在北京已住了二年以上。
2. It is over and above what is wanted. 这已超过需要量。
3. This method has an advantage over that one. 这种方法比那种优越。(advantage原意是优点。)
4. In 1958 the steel output registered a 100 percent increase over 1957. 1958年钢总产量比1957年增加100%。
5. The production of hardware has been increased over three times. 五金制品的产量增长了两倍多。
1. I heard the news over the radio. 我通过无线电听到这条消息。
2. This machine ran over night. 这台机器通宵运转了。
3. The soldiers got over the wall and jumped over the brook. 战士们越过墙,跳过小溪。
4. The gas is dried over the desiccant. 气体通过干燥剂而被干燥。
5. He had just come from over the sea. (over介词短语作介词from的宾语。)他刚从海外回来。
6. A river once flew over its banks. 河水一度溢出河岸。
1. The fog spreads over the town. 雾遍全城。
2. The mud was splashed over their clothes. 泥溅满了他们的衣服。
1. There will be much discussion over this problem. 对于这个问题将有不少讨论。
2. We are talking over our production plan with them. 我们正同他们谈论有关我们的生产计划。(有“关于”含义)
3. He watches over a laboratory. 他照看一个实验室。(有“保护”含义。)
4. His suggestion has a great influence over(或on) us. 他的建议对我们有重大的影响。(有“支配”含义。)
1. The test is over. 这个试验结束了。
2. The struggle was not yet over. 斗争还没有结束。
1. I gave you two glasses and had three glasses over. 我给了你两个玻璃杯,还余下三个玻璃杯。
2. Five goes into eight once with three over. 五除八得一余三。
3. How much is left over? 剩下多少?
4. That is not over well. 那不太好。
1. Come over and see us next week. 下星期过来看我们吧。
2. He will go(或sail, fly)over to Japan. 他将出发(渡海、飞)到日本去。
3. The milk boiled over. 牛奶煮开溢出来了。
1. He read this book over. 他通读了这本书。
2. The river is frozen over. 这条河全部结了冰。
1. I did this experiment three times over. 这个实验我重复做了三次。
2. This test must be done over (again). 这项试验必须重作一次。
1. The construction work can be carried out all the year over(或round或around).这项建筑工程可以整年进行。
2. I have learnt 500 English words over the past year. 在过去一年里我学了500个英语单词。
We rejoiced over the victory. 我们因胜利而高兴。
Ⅰ. 带有over的词组,注意over是介词还是副词:
1. to jump over (副词)跳过去
to jump over a brook (介词)跳过小溪
2. to talk the matter over (副词)把事情谈清楚
to talk over the matter (介词)谈论这件事
3. I have three books over. (副词)我余下三本书。
I have over three books. (介词)我有三本以上的书。
4. to think the matter over (副词)把这件事全面地考虑
to think over the matter (介词)思考这件事情
All the peoples the world over(=All the peoples over the world或throughout the world)are fighting against imperialism. 全世界各国人民正同帝国主义斗争。
Ⅱ. over表示“垂直在上”,而above就不一定。例如:
1. Their laboratory is right over ours. 他们的实验室恰好在我们的上面。(垂直在上)
2. Their laboratory is above ours. 他们的实验室在我们上面。(不一定垂直在上)
Ⅲ. over表示“蒙起来和遍及全面”的含义,而above仅表示上下次序:
1. I pulled the blanket over me. 我把毯子来过来盖在身上。
2. Put this book above the other one. 把这本书放在那本上面。
3. The steel industry is widely distributed over the country. 钢铁工业遍布国内。
4. The sun rises above the horizon. 太阳升起在地平线上。
to go over a combine 检查一台联合收割机
to go over a lesson 复习功课
to go over the ground of the matter 调查这件事的情况
to go over to China 出发到中国去

The broadcast overran the allotted time.Weeds have overrun the garden.Locusts overran the prairie.He didn't want to overplay his own hand.Hillary Clinton can overplay her hand.Labor overplayed it hand.

1、Pasted plate immediately were given an acid and stored overnight .2、First, high birthrates cannot be altered substantially overnight .3、It is difficult to remove overnight all the problems accumulated over the years .4、It is difficult to remove overnight all the grievances ...

用get,,,over,,,to do sth 做目的状语造句
过访;旅行:When the weather is better, do get over to see us.天气好的时候,请务必过来看我们。克服(困难);克制(感情):例句: The actress had to learn to get over her fear of the public.这位女演员必须学会不怯场。

go over 复习的意思怎么造句啊?
go over: 复习 She went over her lines before the first night of the play.她在该剧首演前又练习\/复习了一次台词。此外go over还有:越,仔细检查,重做的意思 She went over the room with a duster.她用抹布把房间擦得乾乾净净。She's gone over to a milder brand of cigarettes.她已...

1、The weather remained calm overnight 整晚都悄然无风。2、The rules are not going to change overnight 这些规定不会说变就变。3、He realized he'd left his overnight bag at Mary's house.他意识到自己把过夜包落在玛丽家了。4、They had told her she would be overnighting in ...

用under 、beside、 next to、over、on、in造句
Look this is my room.It isn't very big but it is very clean.There is a desk and a chair in my room.There are many books behindthe desk.My soccer ball is under the desk.My bed is next to the wall.He is over 180cm tall....

come over的造句~~~
I guess I could come over.我想我能来。He has come over to China for the summer.他不远万里来中国度暑假。Would you come over to me?你到我这儿来好吗?Can you come over and join us?你能过来和我们作伴吗?

think over造句
1、I must think over this. I have known for years that it was in the cards.我得仔细考虑考虑,许多年来,我就知道这是可能的。2、I'd better think over what he said.我最好仔细考虑他说过的话。3、I suggest you think over your position very carefully.我建议你认真考虑一下你的...

overnight怎么造句? 求解 谢谢
可以这样造句:1、Instead of cutting thin slices, peel a smallish potato, cut it into quarters, and put it in the fridge over night (or at least for a couple of hours).不像黄瓜那样切成小薄片,先削掉土豆片,再把它切成四等分,放进冰箱一晚上(至少要放几个小时)。2、Whilethere...

over and over用英语造句还有解释,帮帮我 谢谢!
Tell them over and over how important they are to you and how much they please you.反复告诉他们,他们对你的重要性以及他们给你带来多大的快乐。I've seen this happen over and over in my life.这一点在我的生活中反反复复地出现。 Say it over and over again until you remember it...

涉县15176131697: 用“over”造句,分别用“over”的两个意思来造、over:副词、从一边至另一边.over:超过;在.以上. -
延终健脾:[答案] There is a village over that river. He is over 180cm tall.

涉县15176131697: 用over造句,(标明词性,意思) -
延终健脾: He looked at himself in the mirror over the table.他对着桌子上方的镜子照了照.介词.在、、、上

涉县15176131697: 用over造句 -
延终健脾:[答案] Let's go over to see what is happening there. We have gone over all those new words. 祝你开心如意!

涉县15176131697: Over作介词时的用法及造句 -
延终健脾: over o.ver [`ovL-; ˋouvə-] {字首}表示以下的意思 1“在上,越过,超过” overcoat, overshoes; overflow, overtake 2“过度的,过剩的” oversleep, overload, overwork o.ver [`ovL; ˋouvə] 介系词 1 a. 在…的上面,在…上面,在…头上 [正上方] a ...

涉县15176131697: 用over造句 -
延终健脾: Your spending should not go over your income. 你的支出不应超过你的收入.

涉县15176131697: OVER的用法OVER有副词,介词,形容词等词性,那么什么时候用不同的词性.总有,怎样可以判断他在个句子的词性? -
延终健脾:[答案] ⑴ 本单元的第一个句子就是What did you do over the weekend? over的意思是“在……期间”,相当于during.整句话的意思是“周末期间你都干什么了?” ⑵ A plane is flying over our heads.这里的over的意思为“在……正上方”,on表示“在……上...

涉县15176131697: We are having some friends over for a dinner partyover在这里是什么意思?over的词性是什么? -
延终健脾:[答案] prep.(表示方向)越过;(部份或全部覆盖)在…上面;由于;(表示论及)... adv.结束;再;(倒)下;从一边至另一边 adj.过去的;外面的;在上的;上级的 这里应该是形容词,外面的吧

涉县15176131697: 这句话中的over是什么意思?词性是? -
延终健脾: OVER这里表示 时间的跨度.跨越某段时间. 翻译过来就是 在接下来的50年内.介词

涉县15176131697: over用越过的意思造句
延终健脾: 介词 prep. 越过…;穿过 from one side to the other,across · The boys climbed over the wall. 男孩子们爬过墙头. · We went over the river in a boat. 我们坐船过了河. · He jumped over the brook. 他跳过了那条小溪.

涉县15176131697: over 的具体用法
延终健脾: over有两种词性.有介词和副词 作为介词,够成介词放到名词前面短语,表示在...上面,遍及..over the world全世界 作为副词,意思是结束的意思. class is over. 下课

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