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求一篇英语作文 讨论在小公司工作的好处 120词左右就可以 急需 越快越好 今天就要用 谢谢谢谢啦~!~

The Advantages of Working for a Small Company

Many people prefer to work for large companies because these firms are often well-established and seem to be more secure. They also usually offer training programs for new graduates and lots of support for new employees. Furthermore, there may be a well-defined chain of command that offers the promise of steady advancement. Despite these advantages, I would prefer to work for a small company for the following reasons.

First, small companies are more flexible. While it can be argued that larger firms have well-established markets and are, therefore, more stable employers better able to deal with the ups and downs of the marketplace, in today’s competitive society a smaller firm is often better able to weather changes in the marketplace. With its smaller size and often smaller investment, it is easier for such firms to change track when the market demands it. Second, although a smaller firm may not offer the same level of training and support that a larger firm does, new employees are usually given more responsibility and opportunities to grow. Furthermore, the smaller staff size means they will get more personal attention from senior managers and have more opportunities to demonstrate their skills and advance.

There is no denying that joining a small firm does entail some risk. The company may fail, leaving its employees suddenly jobless. But even if the worst should happen, the employees would have already gained valuable experience that makes them attractive to other employers. In conclusion, as a new graduate I believe that this is a proper time in my life to take risks and seek out learning experiences, so working for a small firm would be appropriate for me.

My name is Mike.I am a middle school student. When I grow up,I want to become a doctor. Because now people many were illnesses, some even died because of illness. I very want to help them, help the patients around the world, so I decided to become a doctor. But this is not easy, now I want to study hard, lay a good foundation for the future, cared more about others, I believe that my dream will come true someday.

My favourite job
We all know about that there are various kinds of jobs in the world, but what kind of job do you like?Because different people are attracted by different jobs, everyone has his own interest and destination,For example Many people consider an ideal job as a means of making more money and living more comfortably.It may sound reasonable because money is the foundation of life.
As far as my ideal job is concerned, I think I want to be a psychologist.I have made up my mind to do what I really want to so that I can realize my idea.I believe interest is of the utmost importance in choosing a job.I have been interested in psychology for a long time, so I want to be a psychologist in the future.I think being a psychologist can help lots of people lead a happier life.
However, it isn't easy for me to become a qualified psychologist and many people around me think that it's unrealistic to me.NevertheLess, I'll make every effort to gain much more knowLedge, patience, methods, etc. to live up to the name of a qualified psychologist, I believe my dream will come true someday.
但是,成为一个合格的心理学家对于我来说并不容易而且我周围的许多人都认为这对我来说是不现实的。不过,我将尽一切努力来获得更多的知识、耐心、方法等来配得上合格的心理学家这个名字。 我相信我的梦想总有一天会实现的。

如何对待工作---为自己工作 职场中经常有这样的一些人,他们每天在茫然中上班、下班,到了固定的日子领回自己的薪水,高兴一番或者抱怨一番之后,仍然茫然地去上班、下班,等待下一个月的薪水的到来……他们从不思索关于工作的问题:什么是工作?在为谁而工作?可以想象,这样的人,只是被动地应付工作,...

高中作文 选择职业

职业规划之我见 我的职业规划起源于对未来的迷茫和憧憬。每当看到从事不同职业的人们,我都会想象自己是否也能成为他们中的一员。我羡慕教师的育人之乐,医生的救死扶伤,警察的正义执行。然而,我深知自己的兴趣所在,从中学到了定位方向的重要性。我对会计职业抱有浓厚的兴趣,这一职业既是我未来发展...

青年如何选择职业作文 怎么写比较好


目前,我在作家这个领域上认为最杰出的人是泰戈尔。很奇怪的是,他与我,竟有几分相似(当然这并不代表我以后也会成为一个好作家),同样擅长写散文,同样会作词作曲,因此,我立志将来要成为第二个他。 7. 关于未来职业的作文 我的性格不是特别的外向,也不是很内向,属于那种双重性的。 虽然我的家庭条件不是很好,父...

2023向往的职业作文篇2 每个人都有她自己的理想,我也不例外。未来是属于我们青少年的,树立远大的理想是我们走向未来的起点,它对我们的人生极其重要。职业理想是人生理想的一种类型,对于我们来说化工,树立正确的职业理想是有重要的现实意义的。它有助于我们正确判断未来职业的价值,提高选择职业的自觉性,虽然现在的职...

各位帮个忙,我今年4升5年级,要写一篇【我的梦想职业】的作文,500字左 ...
我的理想是当一名优秀的医生, 医生是一个崇高的职业,治病救人是医生的职责。医生救人小到门诊,大到手术,关系到人们的生命,因此,他们总是那么专心致志,不敢有一丝疏忽大意,他们知道一个小错就能酿成大祸。每当知道医生又救治好一个垂危病人,我的心里即羡慕有佩服,不由暗暗下定决心:长大了我也...


too, then I can read medical knowledges in English and the patients from all over the world can get my helps.翻译:我是一个14岁的男孩,是一名中学生。尽管我们现在都是学生,但我相信每个人都能够说出在将来他或者她的理想工作。我的理想是做一名医生。我想作一名著名的医生。我喜欢帮助病人...

拱墅区18045052468: 英语作文谈谈现在职业的发张,大型与小型企业,你更愿意在哪个工作 -
浑谭肾复: My favourite job 我最喜欢的工作 We all know about that there are various kinds of jobs in the world, but what kind of job do you like?Because different people are attracted by different jobs, everyone has his own interest and destination,For example ...

拱墅区18045052468: 关于职业发展和规划的英文作文 -
浑谭肾复: tired of living someone else g dream? well, maybe it's time to get out of the "family business." . we all know that hand-me-downs are often comfortable and easy to put on, but we are rarely happy in something a jacket or ajob-that we didn't choose. ...

拱墅区18045052468: 有关于职业的英语作文(60字) -
浑谭肾复: What do I want to be when I grow up: writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. Different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I ...

拱墅区18045052468: 英语作文our future谈谈我们未来的职业80个词 -
浑谭肾复: I think China has a brighter future in the approaching 30 years. As a result we will also have much more opportunities. For people who focus on engineering, they will have bigger market for their new designs. This results in that China gradually ...

拱墅区18045052468: 求一篇简单的英语作文,初二的!60词左右,关于未来的,关于职业,谢谢 -
浑谭肾复: As teenagers ,it is important for us to have a bright future . Now let me introduce my opinions about future jobs . To begin with , we should concentrate our attention on study . Besides , as is known to all , interest is the best teacher , so we had better ...

拱墅区18045052468: 你对自己的职业规划的英文作文.大学英语的作文.急 -
浑谭肾复: 140 words, that is not enough. But, let me try.This is what I want to be.If my English is as good as my Chinese, which I am working on, I want to be living with English. I will learn a trade in English, totally, such as a car technician. I will be able to use ...

拱墅区18045052468: 你对自己的职业规划的英文作文.大学英语的作文.急140字左右大概 -
浑谭肾复:[答案] 140 words, that is not enough. But, let me try. This is what I want to be. If my English is as good as my Chinese, which I am working on, I want to be living with English. I will learn a trade in English, totally, such as a car technician. I will be able to use ...

拱墅区18045052468: 英语作文:众所周知,目前就业形式越来越严峻.就业不仅是大学生无法回避的现实,也是高中生需要考虑的问请根据下面的要求,写一片120~150词的短文,... -
浑谭肾复:[答案] with the serious situation of being employed increasing sharply , this kind of stress is becoming a problem not only educated students should face to but also high school students must think about .分...

拱墅区18045052468: 英语作文未来的职业 -
浑谭肾复: my dream is to become a physical education teacher. first, i'm very good at running and other sports and i would like to use my strength. second, i like to see the students exercise and keep fit. i hope that i could teach them the skills and help them to ...

拱墅区18045052468: 未来职业关于兴趣和前途的英语作文 -
浑谭肾复: My future career as a designer and painter, because I was fascinated by the art of art, my mother asked me to learn the piano, I am halfway, I am not interested in the piano. Dad asked me to learn calligraphy, I learned half again not to learn, my ...

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