
作者&投稿:雍福 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Hello!I’m a future robot.My name is mini.I have two small eyes,a small nose and a very big mouth.I can read and write,and I can speak Chinese and English.I can play football,basketball and badminton quite well.And I can sing and dance very well!But I can’t run and swim.I always cook the breakfast for my master.My master is Sally.She is a pretty girl.She plays hopscotch very well.
I love my master very much.

I have a cute robot. I call it Tom. I received it at my birthday. He can do many things for me,such as cleaning the room and turning on the TV by itself. Welcome to my house to know about Tom.

第一篇:我的机器人 我想,现在的清洁工肯定是四点多钟起床,来为人们打扫清洁。这样的话她们肯定非常的累。我想,我要设计一个机器人,它们天天起的非常的早、非常的准时。来为人们打扫清洁,这样人们就不用起这么早了,可以多睡一会。如果每一家的人都有一个机器人,天天就可以安排它们打扫清洁...

我的机器人作文250字1 假如我有一个机器人。 我的机器人是这样的:它个子不高,不超过一米;圆圆的脑袋像个大皮球,它没有鼻子,也没有耳朵,嘴巴形状很怪,像个漏斗一样安在脸上,眼睛是两块黑玻璃;胳膊和腿又细又长,象四根竹竿似的挂在身上,长得又滑稽又笨拙。 我的机器人还能干很多事情呢!瞧,它正在帮我打...


1. 小学三年级关于写《机器人》的作文 一天,我去门口散步,突然,一颗陨石从天而降,正好落在我的面前。 突然,石头裂开了,里面蹦出来一个机器人,好奇的看着我,只见它有一只眼、两双手,每只手上四根手指,用轮子走路。过了好长时间,它才说:“你是地球人吧?我是从冥王星上来的机器人,我因飞船故障,所以掉了下...

我的机器人朋友作文1 我有一位机器人朋友,叫做Lisa。Lisa是一个很漂亮的机器人。它那圆圆的脸上镶着两只又大又圆的眼睛;下面长着一张小巧的嘴巴;它还有个修长的身体和一对长而有力的手臂。它总爱穿一双擦得锃亮的黑皮鞋,平日里时不时地能听到Lisa“嗒嗒”的脚步声,清脆而响亮,像是一支优...

求一篇以My robot为题的英语作文,字数60~70左右。(要用一般将来时...
The robot I want 我想要的机器人 The robot I want is like a beautiful and lovely rabbit because I like rabbits. But it will walk like a human being.我想要的机器人就像一只美丽可爱的兔子,因为我喜欢兔子。但它会像人一样走路。If I want to listen to music,it will turn on like...




东源县15763066977: 以我的机器人为题目用英语写五句话写写 -
骑宇阿昔:[答案] Hello!I'm a future robot.My name is mini.I have two small eyes,a small nose and a very big mouth.I can read and write,and I ... 未来机器人 I'ma未来机器人.我的名字是小.我有两个小眼睛,一个小鼻子和嘴很大.我可读写,我可以说中文和英文.我可以踢...

东源县15763066977: My robot写话,至少三种句型,五句句子怎么写? -
骑宇阿昔: My robot is called Jimmy2020. He has been serving my family for half a year. He is manufactured by a high technology company in China. As artificial intelligence is one of his key features, he uses it to learn and perform the tasks we assign to him. He helps us to handle a lot of household chores everyday.

东源县15763066977: 以“my robot”写一篇作文文,不少于五句话 -
骑宇阿昔: My Robot Last night, I had a beautiful dream.I was very excited that a robot cameinto my home . I called her Pink because she was wearing a pink dress. She did all my jobs around the house . She cleaned my house ,mopped the floors , made my ...

东源县15763066977: 以我的机器人为题写一篇100词英语作文快 -
骑宇阿昔:[答案] My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. ...

东源县15763066977: 英语作文 我的机器人 -
骑宇阿昔: my name is Lin Tao. I always have a dream to own a robot in 2008 named Superman. It will be a product of AI(artificial intelligence) and it can do so many things for me, including helping me with all of my housework, especially cleaning the floor ...

东源县15763066977: 帮我写1篇7句话的英语文章MY FAVOURITE ROBOT要求:不用太写很好, -
骑宇阿昔:[答案] My favourite robot Nowadays,there are more and more science product coming to our daily life.Robot is one of those helpful products.My favourit robot is the little cleaner.My mother bought it last month.It is like a discman and it is automatic.When it is ...

东源县15763066977: 以my mothar为题写一篇不少于5句的英语作文 -
骑宇阿昔: My mother my mother named XXX.she is a kind and gentle woman.when i did something wrong,she always communicate with me instead of hitting me.She is not very tall but she has a long stright hair(外貌可以自己修改).she is (多少岁你自己写...

东源县15763066977: 以我的机器人为题写一篇100词英语作文 -
骑宇阿昔: My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was ...

东源县15763066977: 怎么用英语介绍自己的机器人最多三句话 -
骑宇阿昔: 为您解答 My robot is very useful. It can help me clean the house and help me with my homework. I like it very much. 我的机器人很有用处.它可以帮忙做房屋清扫,还可以帮我辅导作业.我好喜欢它.

东源县15763066977: 求一篇以My robot为题的英语作文,字数60~70左右.(要用一般将来时写) -
骑宇阿昔:[答案] The robot I wantThe robot I want is like a beautiful and lovely rabbit because I like rabbits.But it will walk like a human being.If I want to listen to music,it will turn on like a radio.If I feel lo...

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