
作者&投稿:貊瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have a book which is about universe.
I like the children who are clever.
I want to give my mother a gift which is made by myself.

Contact the author's own experience and the "snake catcher" and other things reflected in the situation, it is not difficult to see his mood at this time. As before, the landscape gardening, originally want to escape from reality, dispel melancholy,

初一英语情景对话 阅读人数:962人页数:5页黄德刚 v 初一英语情景对话练习 1. 看病 What’s the matter? 怎么了?什么事? What’s wrong? 怎么了?什么事? What’s the trouble? 怎么了?什么事? My …hurt 我的……痛 How long have you had the 。

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解:设这本书有x页 25%x+25=1|2x 解得x=100 答:这本书有100页 希望可以帮到你

上午看了25*(2\/5)=10页 下午看了25*(1\/5)=5页 还剩25-10-5=10页 望采纳。

以下是生物化工与制药专业英语图书目录的概要,分为五个单元:Unit 1: PrefaceTranslation skills - 翻译技巧 (1-11页)Unit 2: Fundamental ChemistryElements and compounds - 元素与化合物 (14-25页)Organic solvent - 有机溶剂 (18-25页)Biochemical reaction - 生物化学反应 (22-25页)Unit 3: ...

一本书 第一天看25页 第二天看全书的1\/4 第二天看的是第一天的120\/100...

设共x页 25%x+25=1\/3x 可得x=300

解答: 解:一位数1~9共有9个数字组成;两位数10~99的共有2×90=180个数字组成;(666-180-9)÷3=477÷3=159,即页码中的三位数有159个,所以这本书共有9+90+159=258(页).答:小狗编的这本书一共有258页.点评:此为一个典型的页码问题,解决问题的关键是根据自然数的组成结构结合...

解:设这本书共x页。由题意得:(1\/9x+25):x=1:4 x=4\/9x+100 5\/9x=100 x=180 答:这本书一共有180页。

我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 对于一个初学者如何学好英语. 首先,你必须激起自己学习英语的勇气和信心,认为自己能学好! 第二步,学习26个字母,并且会背. 第三步,要学好音标,音标是很基础的,它能决定你以后发音是否准确,如果音标学的不好,你跟外国人交谈,他们就不一定听得懂了.我找了一下,这个网...


沙坡头区18830816573: 英语八年级上册UNIT2第27页1c仿写 -
巨浦抗肿: Jim has a great sports collection. He has 10 basketballs, 4 footballs,2 ping-pong balls, 15volleyballs and 9 baseballs. He doesn't have a ping-pong bat, but he has 8 tennis rackets. Of all the sports, He likes tennis best. He likes sports very much, ...

沙坡头区18830816573: 英语书八下33页1c仿写两句 -
巨浦抗肿: Great changes have taken piace in people's life in past 20 years. In the past , people kept in touch with relatives or friends mainly bu sending letters . They would listen to the radio for news and other programmes on TV. Nowadays some families ...

沙坡头区18830816573: 英语书八年级下册二十五页1c怎么写 -
巨浦抗肿: 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,60分) 1.When a lady customer intends to buy a coat with white stripes,what is she supposed to place an emphasis on if she says to the shop assistant?. A.“I'd like a red coat with white stripes.” ...

沙坡头区18830816573: 英语模仿造句,初二的. -
巨浦抗肿: She is working on a novel.She arrives early,in order to find a good seat.You can depend on him to make a right decision.祝学业进步!

沙坡头区18830816573: 初二英语,急急急!!速度啊,仿照例句
巨浦抗肿: 2 has he read stories? yes,he has. 3have your parents travelled to Europe? yes ,they have. 4has your brother been to classical concert? yes,he has. 5have they visited Beijing ? yes ,they have. 6has diana meet your mother ? yes ,she has. 7have you riden a horse? yes ,i have.

沙坡头区18830816573: 初二英语上册同义句
巨浦抗肿: let's go swimming this afternoon.

沙坡头区18830816573: 仁爱英语八年级上练习册25页作文怎么写? -
巨浦抗肿: Dear Cindy, How'severything going? Last week our school held a sports meet.I took part in the boys' 400-meter race.I did my best and was the first one to pass the finish line.I felt very happy to get this result.I'll keep trying.I want to be a good player ...

沙坡头区18830816573: 初二英语、帮忙、看图写句
巨浦抗肿: 没图啊· 是不是用所给单词造句? 1. After work,I bought a book to write .下班后,我买了一个本用来写字. 2.How about get her a album? 给她一个相册怎么样? 3.I get annoyed,because when I am reading,that boy is talking to me.我生气了,因...

沙坡头区18830816573: 初二的英语.(写句子) -
巨浦抗肿: 1. I am not sure whether they could do better.2. If you don't know these words, please look up the dictionary.

沙坡头区18830816573: 初二上册的英语 -
巨浦抗肿: 1.I'm will writing a letter tomorrow. 2.When is he back? 3.Mr Green is going to travel all over the world. 谢谢,望采纳.

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