
作者&投稿:屠诗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Your performance is very good this term.

The comic book will be published tomorrow.

Paul is to take part in tomorrow's election.

You are the chief candidate.

Paul is editing a picture.

I want to give you a suggestion.

Your experiences are pitiful.

Paul will vote tomorrow.

I'm your secretary.

Your responsibility is to clean the room.

A section of the apple belongs to you.

Here is your list.

These dishes are free.

You have to pay for these dishes.

I'm considering letting you take part in the exam.

The TV play finally concluded.

He is a fan.

We'll go to the library together tomorrow.

Are you the mayor of the city?

Let's march.

What is this circle?

How beautiful is the blue sky!

I won't join this activity.

Is this stall yours?

Look, there is a jar.

This is an instrument.

This is a piece of equipment.

This includes everything I have.

This is my band.

Congratulations, you have been admitted.

It's your turn to deliver a speech.

You look very nervous.

You are really a person with too much confidence in yourself.

This dress is quite in fashion.

You are already a teenager now.

This dress is designed by you.

I want to write a feature about you.

You can't do it at present.

You are one of the members of my band.

I want to join the committee.

This is the latest edition of homework.

I'm very pleased.

I will take you to a clinic.

This item is returned to you.

It's class break now.

I will be waiting for you in that department.

You must have been very lonely!

I never trust anyone.

You should be polite to other people.

1.I prefer to buy a house by the sea rather than buy a apartment with a garden in the center .
2,I am going to Europe to take a holiday with my family nex year .
3,I want to spend more time on my study.
4,We are living in a high-class guesthouse with good establishment .
5,Do you get up when you wake up ?
6,How often do you stay up all night ?
7,Who is your favourite film star?
8,Which part of china do you like best ,the North or the South ?
9,He was enrolled in the school in the Sep 1 this year .
10,It is so cold outside that i have to put on my swarmest clothes.

The best memory of my famely is eating dinner . Because my parents are busy during the day ,I have many classes,too.
So we don't have much time together. When we eat dinner,My father always tells jokes make my mother and I feel happy. So I think this memorie is very nice.


the best memory of my family is having dinner together, for dad and mom all both busy at daytime, and i also have a lot of lessons.We don't have much time together. when we are having dinner, my dad always tell jokes to make me and mom happy, that's why i think it is a nice memory.

The best memory of my family is the time when we have dinner together, because my parents are very busy during daytime, while i have to have lots of lessons as well. There is not enough time to stay together for my family. When we have dinner, my father always tells jokes which delight my mother and i very much. Therefore, i often feel that the memory about having dinner together is fabulous.


The best memory of the family is dinner,because my parents are busy during the day,I have a lot of class.So we have few time to get together.When we have dinner,father always talks jokes, make me and mother happy, so I think this is very good memory.

Best memories is the family dinner because my parents are busy during the day, I have a lot of class to the. So much time together. When we eat dinner, my father always telling jokes, let me and my mother happy, so I think this is very good memories.

1. I take him until you come to the bus stop 2. Dawn, we got up and set off 3. We can hardly decide to go east or west, take the 4. In recent years, the new government has been working to improve the living conditions of farmers (using devote .. to)5. Specially ...

1.After seeing this photo,could you please make some prise for the Guilin landscape you seeing now?2.How wonderful is the Guilin moutain,just looks like oldman,giant elephant,thecamel,with cliffy peak spreading out.3.How beautiful is the Guilin moutain,looks like emerald green ...

I have shoes on that? Them under the bed What you buy? I bought an ice-bullying and three bottles of fruit juice. Well you want some cherries? Do you have a plum? I'm sorry I did not Invited two sachet of sugar. You Here they are To your coat ...

绝对手翻!!1我们得把感情放在一边,从专业的 (professional)角度来对待这件事。(from a ... standpoint)we should set aside the emotion factor and treat it from a professional standpoint.2这部戏非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于惊动人心的剧情之中。(lose oneself in)this paly was very exerl...

1.我认为我们新的邻居会在下星期搬来。I think our new neighbour will be moving in next week.2.你知道什么时候会下雨吗?Do you know when it is going to rain?3.张先生是我们新来的隔壁邻居。Mr. Zhang is our new next door neighbour.4.这些空中小姐后天将回到北京。These stewardess ...

您一走出这个帐篷,就会大吃一惊。As you walk out of the tent, you will get a big surprise.一位您很熟悉的女人将向你冲来对您说点什么然后带你走。A woman of you are familiar with will come to you for you to say something and then take you away.占卜完了,就是这些。Divination...

As long as I am happy, to give up has no difficult at all;Memories will be piled up and the memories will be faded away as the time passed;As things repeated,whatever feeling will be lightened;Everyone should cherish our happy times,and I believe that we'll all have our ...

Lunar calendar August 15 is China's traditional holiday -- the Mid-Autumn festival.(每年农历八月十五是我国的传统节日——中秋节)At this time a year autumn, in the middle of the so called Mid-Autumn festival. (这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋)The Mid-Autumn festival moon ...

1、杀虫剂不仅能杀死害虫,还能杀害益虫Pesticides can not only to kill pests, and beneficial insects can kill 2、使用杀虫剂过量,通过食物链被人食用危害人体健康 不懂 3、使用杀虫剂过量,会危害动植物和破坏土壤 Use of pesticides excess, will harm the plants and animals and destruction 4...

小学五年级英语: 将下面的句子翻译成英文。
1、一年有多少个月?How many months are there in a year?———2、在夏天,我们经常去度假。In summer, we ofter go on a vacation.———3、我爸爸在家从不做饭。My father never cooks at home.———4、我最喜欢春季。I love spring best.———5、第一学期在12月份结束。This first...

古田县19595362871: 下面句子用英语翻译的话是什么?高手帮忙一下,哪怕回答一个也可以!1.我已经看过你的信了.2.让我们成为好朋友吧!3.希望你能经常给我写信,让我们俩... -
真肥伤湿:[答案] I have read your letter. Let us be good friends! I hope you can always write to me,so that both of us are more familiar with.

古田县19595362871: 英语翻译用英文翻译下面的句子;我有很多兴趣爱好.比如摄影.游泳.我很擅长摄影.并获了很多奖.并且我语文学的很好.成绩都能让自己满意. -
真肥伤湿:[答案] I have many interests,such as taking photos,swimming.I am good at taking photos,and I have won a lot of prizes.I also do well in my Chinese.The grades I make can satisfy me.

古田县19595362871: 英语翻译 翻译下列句子. 1.我会帮助把城市的公园打扫干净.    I'll help - ___ - ____ - the city parks.2.他看上去很伤心,让我们使他高兴起来吧.     He ... -
真肥伤湿:[答案] 1.clean up 2.cheer,up 3.come up with 4.put off 5.set up

古田县19595362871: 英语翻译把下面的句子翻译成英文1如果你有麻烦,我会尽可能帮你2由于这位老人领路,我们已经没有任何困难就找到了那个地方3在英语方面,你花的时... -
真肥伤湿:[答案] 1如果你有麻烦,我会尽可能帮你I will do all that I can to help you when you are in trouble.2由于这位老人领路,我们已经没有任何困难就找到了那个地方Because of the guide of the old man, we have no difficult...

古田县19595362871: 英语翻译翻译下面的句子(1)西当太白有鸟道,可以横绝峨眉巅.(2)青泥何盘盘,百步九折萦岩峦.(3)扪参历井仰胁息,以手抚膺坐长叹!(4)上有... -
真肥伤湿:[答案] 1长安西面太白山阻挡,峰峦起伏只剩一条飞鸟的路线蜿蜒曲折,一直爬上巍巍的峨嵋山巅. 2青泥岭上路,盘旋又盘旋,百步九折绕山峦 3从秦入蜀,就好似仰面朝天,屏住呼吸,摸着星辰前进.在这样艰难困苦的旅程中,行人都手按着胸膛,为此而...

古田县19595362871: 用英语翻译下列句子
真肥伤湿: 1. I want to study hard and get better result. 2. I hope to earn more money someday. 3. We hope there would not be too much homework to do on weekends. 3. We don't hope too much homework to do on weekends.

古田县19595362871: 用英语翻译下面的句子
真肥伤湿: I find it difficult to learn Chinese. It takes me two hours to do my homework. Her hobby is about collecting stamps. Please take an umbrella in case it rains. After the whole day working hard, I am so tierd that I just want to go to bed.

古田县19595362871: 帮我用英语翻译下面的句子,(龙卷风能卷起汽车,火车,甚至房子,把它们卷到旁边的街道) -
真肥伤湿:[答案] Tornadoes are able to roll up cars,trains,and even houses,it can roll them to the side of the street.

古田县19595362871: 用英文翻译下面句子
真肥伤湿: smile (微笑), believe in youself that you will have happiness. See the truth, smile instead of cry.扬起嘴角 英文没这个说法 所以就直接说微笑了

古田县19595362871: 用英文翻译下面的句子
真肥伤湿: there are two types including black and red ones in all sizes.

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