
作者&投稿:漕雄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
English英语题 高手进 在线等~

首先放在开头必须用动名词V-ing形式 chat with sb. 固定搭配
for比较有指向性,指特定在某方面所给予的建议.give suggestion for sth.
won't表示不愿意 而can't则表示由于某些缘故不能,做不到。拒绝别人比较委婉,更说得通。

应该是问aren't you a pig?你难道不是一头猪吗?
Yes I am:不,我是一头猪
No I am not 是的,我不是


Everyone goes to picnic, but sometime it is a disappointing experience when a longtime prepared picnic is spoiled. I ever experienced this.

It is a sunny day and we prepare to go for a picnic. We drive to a quiet suburb place and put down our picnic things.

A moment later, a few of wasp come, and we do not pay attention to them. Soon after that, a swamp of them come for their nest is just on the tree and we cannot drive them away. So we have to pack up and get to the car to evade them.

So is our longtime prepared picnic and our pinic dreams.

The topic I bring here today is magic. I don't think that magic is strange to you guys, or I even can believe that magic is everywhere. Magic brings us surprise, shriek and, of course, fantastic visual effect. But we all know that magic is just fake. Liu Qian has been ...

翻译好了。欢迎交流,提出意见。W: Son, when will you visit your friend Well?S: I am not sure. Maybe tomorrow, or maybe next week.W: How about you, my daughter-in-law? What will you do tomorrow?Z: I'll go shopping or have my hair dyed.w: Who has time to go bungee...

日语高手进 形容动词词干+な究竟是什么 意思
1,形容动词词干+な 就是接名词(体言)时的形式(称为连体形),如:静かな町\/ 有名な医者。形容动词 一般是由状态性或评价性名词(词干)+だ(词尾)构成,如:有名+だ \/ 梦中+だ \/ 绮丽+だ \/ 阴気+だ \/ 危険+だ 等等。2,形容词的词尾都必定是い、如:おいし(词干)...

语言学或者语义学高手进。“de er and de dicto”翻译成什么样的专业...
应该是de re and de dicto [拉丁语:关于命题的]“从言”命题和“从物”(de re,拉丁语,关于事物的)命题的区分,由于T.阿奎那的工作而获得流行。从言命题用某些词项对作为一个整体的主谓式命题作出断言,从而形成一个二阶陈述。从物命题则用某些词项对主词作出断言。这一区分有广泛的应用,但在...

最宽的嘴巴 ――口若悬河 最贵的话 ――一语千金 最难的话 ――一言难尽 最快的话 ――一言既出 驷马难追 最重的话 ――一言九鼎 最准的话 ――一言为定 最有价值的话―― 一诺千金 最忠诚的语言 ――金玉良言 最大的誓言 ――海枯石烂 最广的话 ――一言千里 最有学问的人―― 无...


1 きた 2こない 3くる 4きたい 这句话意思是: 我想小王马上要来了.将来时态用动词原形.2王さんはまだ___とおもいます。1きない 2きたい 3くない 4こない 这句话意思是: 我想小王还不会来.将来时态的否定式。“来る”的否定式就是“来ない”3わたしは一年前に___ことがありま...

一、棉花和雪花 棉花白,雪花白,棉花像雪花,雪花像棉花,棉花不是雪花,雪花不是棉花。冷冰冰的是雪花,暖烘烘的是棉花。我还发现( 香蕉 )像 ( 月牙 ) 。二、喷色画 画你喜欢的一个图形并剪下来,放在一张白纸上。用一把牙刷蘸调好的颜色后,再对着这张白纸刷,颜色就会喷到...

34. --对不起,我把我的作业忘在家里了。 --没事,不要忘记下午把它带到学校来。(I'm sorry that I left my homework at home.---Nothing serious(或It's OK),don't forget to bring it this afternoon.)35. 奶奶要求李锋帮她买些东西。(Grandma asked Li Feng to buy aomething for ...

问几个日语语法 高手进
1.いただくように 把いただくように分开来看,いただく 是もらう的丁宁语 ように用法挺多的 在这里表示 委婉的命令和希望 例: 今後ともよろしくご指导くださいますように 意:今后还要请您费心指导。也含有希望您以后继续指导之意。这里的ように就是含有两个意思 例子的 ように 和 い...

龙口市19716284233: 英语高手进 -
赤俭奕丰: easiest是形容词的最高级,这句话本来的结构是:it is+adj.(形容词)+to do sth现在就是本来应该用原级的地方换上了最高级,如果你想加the也不是不可以,那就变成另一个句子:it is the easiest thing to...

龙口市19716284233: 英语高手进 -
赤俭奕丰: 1.the bus is owned buy a company which is ofen takes the children to school. 2..the man is Mr Fisher who works in the bank. 3.the woman is a scientist who you met in my office yesterday. 4.the lady is Helen Jones who is getting off the bus. 5.the ...

龙口市19716284233: 英语高手进. -
赤俭奕丰: I went to see a doctor yesterday morning. I PUT FORWARD my left foot which was swollen and red. “Did you EXPOSE your feet to any POLLUTED water or something?” the doctor asked. “APART FR...

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赤俭奕丰: English people have many sayings about the weather.英国人(最好是British,不要写english)有很多关于天气的说法 Perhaps this is because English people talk about the weather a lot.大概是因为...

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赤俭奕丰: Though i am not a brilliant student, I will work hard because i don't want to make you disappointed.

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赤俭奕丰: Brother, I'm so sorry....I apologize....my apologies.Forgive me, my brother.口语:I'm sorry bro!或Sorry, pal.如果哥哥的意思就是 friend older than yourself 那么:forgive meI'm...

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赤俭奕丰: 因为妈妈的回答是一种建议,would rather可用作虚拟语气,A中didn't过去式表虚拟语气

龙口市19716284233: 英语高手进!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
赤俭奕丰: my beloved mumon your birthdayI wish you all the bestbest of everthing, everydaytill your next birthdaythen again,I will w...

龙口市19716284233: 英语高手进一下,急...... -
赤俭奕丰: 第一题选A,要表达的意思是“别担心,还有时间呢” BC2个答案都表否定,意思变成“没时间”了且few不与time搭配,排除BC剩下AD,any time明显句意不符,故选A第二题选C,意思是“把另...

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赤俭奕丰: affect vs. effectaffect vt. 1)大多数的情况下表示“影响”Eg.Your repution has been badly affected by your unrelaible behaviour.The new goverment policy does not really affect the general pu...

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