
作者&投稿:舌利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


湖光山色,鸟语花香,淙淙溪水,都是宇宙的精灵,是大自然赋予人们美妙的文章和乐章。但这些文章和乐章却不是每个人都能读懂和听懂的。对有的人而言,泉水叮咚,在他听来是大自然奏出的美妙和谐的音乐;片片白云,在他看来是大自然铺就的最美的图画;( 声声鸟语,在他耳里就是捷报频传的阵阵凯歌),(缕缕花香,在他心中就是生活赐予的无限甜蜜 ).而有的人,面对大自然的美妙,听到的只是声音,看到的只是颜色,这样的人是无法领略到大自然的情趣的。


1. “溪水淙淙” 应为 “淙淙溪水”,以与下文“精灵”搭配;
2. “文章和乐章却不是每个人都能读懂和听懂的”,这里搭配不当,“文章” 不能与“ 听懂” 搭配;“乐章” 不能与“ 读懂”搭配;
3.“ 有的人”,在这里给下文作了主语,应该改为介词结构作状语。
4.“听到的只是声音颜色”,这里动宾不当,“听到” 与“ 颜色” 不搭配。

错别字: “富”予 应为 “赋”予

老板,你这道题是有较大难度的,不少人都不会做的,你看,到现在还没有人回答,一般人都 不会做的。你应该可以多给点分吧,5分也太不能体现劳动价值了,你说是吧?呵呵……

difficulties are not hate ---- we should not hate to meet difficulties
l got a ‘D’in maths --- i got a "D" (in maths可以删掉了因为前面提到了数学考试)
l felt very depressed and grieved.--- i felt depressed so much.
but l kown l must fighting -- but i know i must fight on
l do more maths exercises.last l made it .--after a lot of excercises i made it at last
l never give way to fate.--- i never give up

when wo met a difficulty,we should keep dispassion -- when we met difficulties we should carry on and make efforts.

大写算不算 !

when l (am faced with) difficulty

everyone (has been faced with) difficulties (in one way or the other). many people are afraid of difficulties.in fact,difficulties are not (to be hated).(For example,) in the last maths exam, l got a ‘D’in maths .l felt very depressed and grieved.but l (know) l must (keep) fighting.l (did) more maths exercises. (At last), l made it .l never give (in) to fate.when (we are faced with difficulties),we should keep dispassion



when l met difficulty
Everyone will have difficulties.Some of them feel afraid of it.In fact,it's not as terrible as they thought. I got 'D’in the last maths exam.I felt very depressed and grieved, but l know I must work on it.I work harder on it and finally I got it . I never give up when I face the difficulties and I think everyone should work harder and face it.

1.I think how munch tips you would pay depend on the food and services in the restaurant.我猜你想说的是:我认为你应该按照餐馆提供的食物与服务来给小费。改错:1.In my opinion,the amount of tips you pay in a restaurant should be based on the food and service provided.2.If ...

In my opinion, it depends on the girl's feeling towards the man. If she only pay atteneion to the man's money rather than his character, she may get stuck in her future life. On the contrary, if she really love the man, appreciate the man's character, she may find ...

帮我看看我这篇英语作文 语法或单词 有没有用错 我还是个英语新手...
我发现了许多语法和词汇运用的错误:Brokeback Mountain is a great movie. The two characters have a special love between them, because they are both men. But they really do love each other. Usually we do not take interest in a person of the same sex, but this movie changed my ...

这句话,我不知道你要说什么。如果你是要说,我喜欢整个暑假都在外面玩。你可以说成:I like travelling in my summer holidays.或者:这个暑假我呆在外面,我很享受。I enjoyed being out in this summer holidays.I thought these were very harry.这句话改成:I think it happy.I like my ...

第一篇:Dear Mr. Tan:I'm writing this letter to tell you something about our canteen.This canteen's waiters and waitresses are friendly;and the canteen is very tidy.But there still have some problems. For example: the price is little high;the variety of the food is limited;We...

result of, for example, from my perspective, as far as i am concerned, 之类的恩~顺便说一下,写作文的话,用一些从句会更能丰富你想表达的意思……单词什么的最好在多样化一点~不能说要表达污染的意思就光用pollute吧~还有contaminate、taint之类的恩~~加油加油~要把学过的东西用起来才行~...

写作思路:从文章的写作目的、中心主旨入手,结合自身感受,真实得描述,新鲜有趣的材料,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文:“can i see my baby?” the happy new mother asked.“我能看看我的孩子吗?”快乐的新妈妈问。when the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the ...

I'm really excited to be here to study. I came from China just a few days ago. I took the airplane from Beijing to Vancouver, and it was a horrible experience for me.Before I aboard the plane. I had an headache because of the hot temperature in Beijing. I felt dizzy ...

第一行Doing sports 第二行的my应该为My,第三行为It not only can make me happy,but also can give me a strong body.第四行you应为You。应在will be 后加“.”第五行应为Doing。 get better a grade ,a better body ,a better life.第六行exerise不加“s” ,so前加“,”。Dear ...

不过这是我发现很多学英语的人士都忽略了的一件重要东西,文章就算写得怎样好,若标点不确会有不同的效果,很容易会弄出我们中国人的"路不通行,在此小便"的笑话。而每个标点之间都要有个空格,空格是放在标点之後,不是在前! 句号之後新句子的第一个字母要大写。你若想学标准正确的英语,应要多多...

黄埔区13714959313: 帮我看看我的英语作文有什么错字或病句when l met difficultyeveryone will have difficulties.many people are afraidof difficulties.in fact,difficulties are not hate.in ... -
祖温养阴:[答案] difficulties are not hate ---- we should not hate to meet difficultiesl got a 'D'in maths --- i got a "D" (in maths可以删掉了因为前面提到了数学考试)l felt very depressed and grieved.--- i felt depre...

黄埔区13714959313: 帮我看下我写的这篇英语作文 可能有很多地方错了 请帮我改改谢谢hello everbody!Recently my English can impove a lotsinve i have some experence First,I ... -
祖温养阴:[答案] Recently my English can impove a lotsinve i have some experence 时态错,用现在完成时,has improved a lot.I have ... 改成my,统一人称的称谓 你通篇的称谓一会儿i/me,一会儿you/your的,太乱了,该什么用什么! Third,if you are free at the ...

黄埔区13714959313: 这是我写的一篇英语小短文.希望有人能帮我看看有哪些错误的地方The safety of the school service is geting worse and worse.To protect student ,The school ... -
祖温养阴:[答案] the school 应该为 school 没有特指那一间学校 geting 拼写错误,可替换选项为:getting 语法兼逻辑错误,没有“为了保护... to后不可加名词或代词) To protect student ,The school has taken some measures to it.改为The school has taken some ...

黄埔区13714959313: 请帮我改一下我的英语作文,看一下有没有语病,如果可以的话请帮我修改一下文章.my favorite starDo you know Wu Zun?He is my favorite star,and his ... -
祖温养阴:[答案] my favorite star Do you know Wu Zun?He is my favorite star,and his english name is Chun Wu. of course,Chun is very handsome,and i can say he is more pretty than (the)other actors.But it's not the most important reason. Many people think that Chun's ...

黄埔区13714959313: 请雅思大神帮我看看我写的这篇英语作文我感觉自己存在很多问题,请大神帮我看看,我的语法有没有问题,自己写的从句有没有问题,词汇用法有错误么.... -
祖温养阴:[答案] In the contemporary society,with the rapid increase of science technology and the advancement of human being`s living ... which have been) used before ,to let the children themselves realized the happiness and achievement from their hardworking. 文章...

黄埔区13714959313: 帮我看看这英语作文有哪些地方有问题~作文要求:1.我们要时刻注意预防疾病.如果你病了,请及时治疗,以防传染.2.不要喝未烧开的水,不干净的水很容易... -
祖温养阴:[答案] Today we found out many kinds of disease. (diseases) They made our body not health.(unhealthy) Although maybe we will die of them . (We will even die because of them) So we need find some ways to help our body health. (keep healthy) Wemust pay ...

黄埔区13714959313: 大家帮我看看,这篇英语作文有哪些错误?(非常感谢) -
祖温养阴: 没什么大的错误,一些动词形式写错了,单词拼错,有破句,总之我在你原文上直接修改了,请看:My hobby is reading books.I often read books in my free time.It makes me know a lot.I really enjoy reading and think reading can help me with my ...

黄埔区13714959313: 请帮我看看我的 英语 作文 有无 语法 错误,并 帮忙 改,thanks~
祖温养阴: are written in english 2.we can learn modern (developed}experience much better 3.we can learn modern science and technology much better and faster. 4.to serve matherland

黄埔区13714959313: 哥哥姐姐们帮我看看我的英语作文有没有错的地方~初一咋要写这么烦的题目呢~麻烦各位哥哥姐姐帮我看看有没有语法错误,那些什么文笔什么的都不管就... -
祖温养阴:[答案] There are many traffic accidents in Guangzhou every year.Some drivers like eating food or making telephone calls when they are driving cars.That's so dangrous!And some drivers will feel sleeply and tired when they're driving cars.It's very dangrous,too....

黄埔区13714959313: 大家帮忙看下我的英语作文,帮我改下,可能会有很多错误,越快越好!A survey shows that about 20% of the students have a bad habit of not having ... -
祖温养阴:[答案] A survey shows that about 20% of the students have a bad habit of not having breakfast.That's because lots of students always stay upfor studying,so they get up late,and have no time to eat breakfast...

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