Enrique Iglesias--wish i was your lover中文歌词

作者&投稿:相杨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Wish I Was Your Lover的歌词~

I Wish I Was Your Lover

That old dog has chained you up alright
Give you everything you need to live inside a twisted cage
Sleep beside an empty rage
I had a dream I was your hero
Damn I wish I was your lover
I'll rock you till the daylight comes
Make sure you are smiling and warm
I am everything
Tonight I'll be your mother
I'll do such things to ease your pain
Free your mind and you won't feel ashamed
This monkey can't stand to see you black and blue
Give you something sweet each time you
Come inside my jungle book
What is it just too good
Don't say you'll stay
'Cause then you go away
Damn I wish I was your lover
I'll rock you till the daylight comes
Make sure you are smiling and warm
I am everything
Tonight I'll be your mother
I'll do such things to ease your pain
Free your mind and you won't feel ashamed
Shucks for me there is no other
You're the only shoe that fits
I can't imagine I'll grow out of it
Damn I wish I was your lover
If I was your girl believe me
I'd turn on the Rolling Stones
We could groove along and feel much better
I could do it forever and ever
Give me an hour to kiss you
Walk through heaven's door I'm sure
We don't need no doctor to feel much better
Let me in
Forever and ever and ever and ever
I sat on the mountainside with peace of mind
I lay by the ocean making love to her with visions clear
Walked for days with no one near
And I return as chained and bound to you
Damn I wish I was your lover
I'll rock you till the daylight comes
Make sure you are smiling and warm
I am everything
Tonight I'll be your mother
I'll do such things to ease your pain
Free your mind and you won't feel ashamed
Shucks for me there is no other
You're the only shoe that fits
I can't imagine I'll grow out of it
Damn I wish I was your lover

Amy Pearson-希望我是她



(Chorus 1 )









歌手名:enrique iglesias
歌曲名:wish i was your lover
You Know你知道
I got this feeling这种感觉
ThatI just can’t hide不能隐藏
I tried to tell you how I feel我试着告诉你我的感受
I tried to tell you about me我试着向你展现我自己
Words don’t come easily但难以说出口
When you get closer I shaken当你靠近我,我颤抖
I watch you when you smile我看你笑
I watch you when you cry看你哭
I still don’t understand我还是不能理解
I can’t find a way to tell you我为什么找不到告诉你的方法
I wish I was your lover我希望我是你的恋人
I wished you were mine我希望,你是我的
Baby I got this feeling宝贝我这种感觉
That I just can’t hide无法隐藏
Don’t try to run away别离开我
There is too many things I wanna say我想说的太多
No matter how it ends无论它如何结束
Just ? me when I tell you让我告诉你
I wish I was your lover我希望我是你的恋人
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
All I need is memory recall我需要的只是回忆
Oh baby all I need is you我需要的就是你
All I need is the love you give是你给我的爱
Oh baby all I need is you
Baby you...
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
Just wanna be your lover
Just wanna be the one
Let be your lover
Let be the one


歌手名:enrique iglesias
歌曲名:wish i was your lover
You Know
I got this feeling
ThatI just can’t hide
I tried to tell you how I feel
I tried to tell you about me
Words don’t come easily
When you get closer I shaken
I watch you when you smile
I watch you when you cry
I still don’t understand
I can’t find a way to tell you
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
Don’t try to run away
There is too many things I wanna say
No matter how it ends
Just ? me when I tell you
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
All I need is memory recall
Oh baby all I need is you
All I need is the love you give
Oh baby all I need is you
Baby you...
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
I wish I was your lover
I wished you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can’t hide
Just wanna be your lover
Just wanna be the one
Let be your lover
Let be the one

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局衫罗塞: 姓名:安立奎·伊格莱西亚斯( Enrique Iglesias) 全名:安立奎·米格尔·伊格莱西亚斯·普斯勒 生日:1975年5月8日(星期四) 国籍:西班牙/美国 星座:金牛座 身高:180 厘米 体重:80 公斤 妻子:安娜·库尔尼科娃 职业:歌手、作曲人 演唱类型:流行音乐、拉丁流行、R&B 唱片公司:Interscope 出生地:西班牙马德里 现住所:迈阿密 嗜好:听音乐、看电影、学习飞行 喜欢的颜色:黑、灰、白 欣赏的演员:安东尼霍普金斯 喜欢的食物:寿司、汉堡、热狗 喜欢的车:吉普车 喜欢的运动:足球 喜欢的杂志:Billboard

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局衫罗塞: 你说的是“拉丁王子” -- Enrique Iglesias 安立奎·伊格莱西亚斯吧?? 1975年5月8日,Enrique出生在西班牙的马德里,其父就是大名鼎鼎Julio Iglesias(胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯).当他还是个孩子时就随父亲迁居到了美国的迈阿密. 所以是西班牙裔美国人

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