
作者&投稿:佴苛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There's no need to remember the words by rote. During the time when you are learning Chinese, after graduation of college, do you still try to remember new words? You don't, right? You hear and use a lot in your daily life, so that your vocabulary will be improved. Furtermore, it will be hard to forget.

My grandmother stayed in bed all day yesterday.

Just now,I've listened your call,you said that once you went out you would like to learn something before coming back.It deeply strike me.And I think about my present situation ,father more,I can imagine your bright future.

I herd ya cal, ya said: So that I am out, I have to lern sth. I was moved. I can imagine ya promising prospect, and can c my own state now.

Just now I listened to your phone. You said since you have been out,you should learn something. I am struck by your words. Your bright future come into my mind soon as well as my current situation.

By your words on the phone,you said that,as you went out,you should have learnt something.This sentence touched me,and let me think of your beautiful future,and due time I am.

just now ,you said : so i am out ,i have to lern some things . i was moved as imaging your bright future. ,and can image my own state now .

Don't think he has the more severe, sometimes you really can not compare with others.Can say to yourself, work hard, let the bread will have.自己翻的。望采纳。

和中文各意思比较接近的英文谚语有 If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.要想求知,就得吃苦。Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。"Actions speak louder than words."直译:行动比言语更响亮。意译:事实胜于雄辩。"Every rule has its exception."翻译:任何规则皆有例外...

Received the notice from your agency today, due to the shipment company's problems, the originally ship date 11st Oct have delay to 18th Oct,Please confirm it with your agency. Thanks in advance!have delay to 这里的have to 表示有“不得不”的意思。 不得不延迟 ...

It has snowed for two days and I could only stay at home and could not go anywhere.2:让别人好好注意身体,直接说take care行不行,还是得说take care of yourself 直接说take care就是保重的意思 可以这么说的 美剧里分别的时候常会说这句话的 take care of yourself 更为完整一些 ...

请大家帮忙翻译一句话 急用
The liquid turned into iron oxide red (initially it was semi-transparent yellow); there are cakings that can't be dissolved.

我不喜欢我的工作,我想了很久,但是还是找不出一点喜欢的理由。I don't like my job, I thought for a long time, but still can't find out a little like reason.我要处理一切有关办公室的杂事,这些琐事整日一刻不停地困扰着我,我的同事们就像残疾人一样,快递也要我写,上班对我来说...

不认为这是可取的做法是家长剥夺家长剥夺 孩子的自由 不认为这是可取的做法 因为孩子们希望 他们有自己的空间和 度过闲暇的时间他们的自由孩子度过闲暇时间,因为他们希望




深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译一句话 -
桓房双北: nowadays, our study becomes more and more tense, i think doing some sports exericise during the short break is a good choice.

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译几个句子 高悬赏~~~~~急!!!! -
桓房双北: 1. dream expresses by means of language 2. this firm lacks of effective promotion methods 3. i can't figure out who he is 4. a famous dancer popularizes this hairstyle 5. her novel is the most influential in youth

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译几个英语句子 -
桓房双北: 1.芙蓉镇是一个依山傍水的小镇 Furong/lotus town is a small town, whose location is close to mountain and beside river.2.解放以来,人们的生活发生了很大变化 Since the liberation, there have been great changes in people's life.

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译一个英语句子,谢谢大家 -
桓房双北: If going to university doesn't work out, student pay very little if any of their tution fees back.意思是:如果上大学不成功,学生们只需支付很少的学费.

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译个英语句子
桓房双北: 来吧,为了你的梦想.现在没有困难,遇到困难再害怕 望采纳

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译下句子~谢1.今天过得怎么样?2.我永远祝福你3.
桓房双北: 1.今天过得怎么样?Howaregettingtoday?2.我永远祝福你Blessyouforever!3.永远记得:自己快乐才是真正的快乐Remem 只有爱自己才能够爱别人Onlylovingyouself,thenyoucanloveothers.问题补充:5.有一种爱叫付出,不求回报.Onlyonekindoflovecallspayingneverrequiting.6.为了你的幸福我能放弃一切,包括你.Onlyforyourhappiness,Icangiveupanything,includingyou.最后这句搞不懂,不知包括你是啥意思?

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译一句话“有钱固然是好的”.、 -
桓房双北:[答案] No doubt to be rich is a good thing/deed(2选1).It is undoubtedly that be a wealthy guy is not bad.It is true that being a rich is somewhat all right....供参

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译个句子 -
桓房双北: We can't find out the truth.We are not able to find out the truth.倾情奉献,祝你进步.不懂的话请追问.满意的话请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译个英语句子~!谢谢!Today the figure is 80 percent, and these countries account for 95% of poopulation growth. -
桓房双北:[答案] 现在这个数字是80%.这些国家的人口增长占到了95%.

深州市15374979006: 请大家帮忙翻译一个小句子? -
桓房双北: 英语口语中的'我期待你'翻译为:I look forward to your

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