
作者&投稿:璩牧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

First of all,make a proper plan for each subject and improve learning methodshen you feel you are too busy.Second,get the chance to communicate with your parents so that they can understand your ideas better when you are not allowed to go out over the weekend.What is more,choose a hobby every day,for example,today to play basketball and play the piano tomorrow.


My living room is big and beautiful. There is a desk in my living room. It is near the window. On the desk, there are three cups and a book. There is a computer on it, too. In front of the desk, there is a chair. There is a big TV in my living room. On the TV, you can see a photo.

My living room. islarge.Tere is a television in the room.



There is a big and sweet living room in my house.
the wall is blue and white . the floor is wooden.
there is a large TV on the wall and a comfortable sofa on the floor.
the beautiful clock is above the TV.
there is a coffee table in the middle of the living room on the rug and I often spille coffee on it.
beside the coffee table there is an armchair and an end table.
the window is very big and bright. the curtains are lovely .
in my livingroom there is also a big bookcase and there are lots of books in it. I liking reading and I often read books in my spare time ---sitting on the armchair and drinking coffee


坐在沙发像上看,首先你会看到一个水晶灯,水晶灯虽然不是很大,但特别亮。因为水晶的形状可以把一个灯泡反射成几十个灯泡。如果再像上看,便是金泊,金泊自身含有金子的成分,但不多。有了金泊,旁边的小灯就显得格外美丽!我的大厅美吧?【第2篇】我家的客厅作文400字 走进家门,映入你眼帘的就...

3. 我家的客厅作文五年级 我有个温暖的家,爸爸妈妈热爱它,我也热爱它,特别让人感到舒服的是美丽的客厅。 我家的客厅有二十多平方米,客厅里摆着木沙发、茶桌、饮水机、电视柜,还有金鱼缸,最显眼的是常年绿色的发财树。我最喜欢的是鱼缸里的金鱼,水里面有假山,各种颜色的石头堆在一起,给美丽可爱的小鱼们藏身,...

以下是我为大家整理的我的家作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 我的家作文1 我的家是怎样的呢?想知道就请往下看。 我家住在“丽日豪庭”,进我家的客厅四必需经过一条长3米左右长的通道。我家的大厅是长方形的,一边是客厅,另一边是饭厅。我家客厅的沙发扶手是用皮坐的,做的地方是用布做的。我家有两个阳台一...

这就是我们一家人,这就是我独一无二的家。 我的家作文5 久晴大雾必雨,久雨大雾必晴。”天气变化无常,却又暗藏着某种规律,而今果应了这句话,天空中开始飘起了小雨,薄薄的,轻轻的,像细细的小雪,斜斜的织着。天气似乎变得冷了许多,而我心里却一直暖烘烘的,是一股流动的热泉——久违的家的味道。 来到广益...

在日常生活或是工作学习中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是我精心整理的我爱我家作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 我爱我家作文1 三间卧室,两间厕所,一间客厅,一间厨房,三个阳台。虽然面积...


虽然发烧让我时而昏睡,时而清醒,但是我知道,只要在他们身边,我就是世界上最幸福的孩子。 这就是我的家,一个温馨,安全的家,它是我永远的避风港,我爱它。 我的家作文4 家是什么?有帅气的爸爸、漂亮的妈妈和一个可爱的我,就组成了一个快乐、可爱、温馨的家。 一进门,一个宽大的客厅就呈现在眼前。躺上去像...

我家每个角落都洋溢着温暖,每当夜幕降临,客厅的台灯亮起,我心中的温暖感觉仿佛化作一股暖流,缓缓流淌。以下是我精心整理的关于我家的作文,希望您会喜欢。作文一:我温暖的家 我的家是一个充满爱的温馨小天地。家里有爸爸、妈妈、弟弟和我,我们四个人组成了一个幸福的家庭。爸爸在一家工厂工作,...


青山湖区18778463178: 有没有好的英语作文我的客厅要50词要英语的(50词) -
邹录牛黄:[答案] My living room is one of my favorite places in the house.It is bright and spacious,with sofas and tables.We have had many guests,who enjoyed sitting in our living room.I also like being there to read a book or watch TV or talk to my family.I love my living ...

青山湖区18778463178: 以我家的客厅写一段英语作文 -
邹录牛黄:[答案] My living room is big and beautiful.There is a desk in my living room.It is near the window.On the desk,there are three cups and a book.There is a computer on it,too.In front of the desk,there is a chair.There is a big TV in my living room.On the TV,you can ...

青山湖区18778463178: 以我家的客厅为题(英语)写一个小作文5句话 -
邹录牛黄:[答案] The Living Room of My HouseThere is a comfortable living room in my home.It is about twenty square meters,not very large.It is very clean and beautiful,my mother cleaned it every day.There is a landsc...

青山湖区18778463178: 英语作文我的客厅,必采! -
邹录牛黄: There is a big and sweet living room in my house. the wall is blue and white . the floor is wooden. there is a large TV on the wall and a comfortable sofa on the floor. the beautiful clock is above the TV. there is a coffee table in the middle of the living ...

青山湖区18778463178: 有没有好的英语作文我的客厅要50词 -
邹录牛黄: My living room is one of my favorite places in the house. It is bright and spacious, with sofas and tables. We have had many guests, who enjoyed sitting in our living room. I also like being there to read a book or watch TV or talk to my family. I love my living room!

青山湖区18778463178: 给我一篇英语作文名字叫“我家的客厅” -
邹录牛黄: The small living room in my home is clean and beautiful. there is a positive landscapes of Guilin on the wall, so that I can enjoy the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Below the landscape painting are pale of yellow sofa, is very ...

青山湖区18778463178: 英语作文用there be写家里客厅的样子 -
邹录牛黄:[答案] Our Living RoomMy family lives in a big house.It is beautifu.The living room in our house is beautiful,too.There is a twenty-five inch TV set on the wall.Opposite the TV,there is a section of sofa .Th...

青山湖区18778463178: 写客厅的英语作文,50字 -
邹录牛黄: 1.my living room is small. there is a refrigerator in the room. the refrigerator is white. it is near the door. there is a table in the room. the table is near the refrigerator. there is a television on the table . there is a bed in the room. the bed is near the ...

青山湖区18778463178: 介绍家的客厅的英语作文.带翻译 -
邹录牛黄: When you come into our living room, you will see a shoe shelf. There is a sofa opposit it. Beside the sofa, there is a tea table.There are some cups, a teaport, and a vase with lots of beautiful flowers on the table. On the right corner, there is a green ...

青山湖区18778463178: 英语客厅作文,10句. -
邹录牛黄:[答案] 我来帮你做做看 先额外送你4个句子. There is a big and sweet living room in my house. the wall is blue and white .the floor is wooden. there is a large TV on the wall and a comfortable sofa on the floor. the beautiful clock is above the TV. there is a coffee ...

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