
作者&投稿:纳柯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

[例句]It was a stunning act of radicalism , which has lasted.


adj. 极好的;使人晕倒的;震耳欲聋的
v. 把…打昏;使震耳欲聋;使大吃一惊(stun的ing形式)
比较级more stunning
最高级most stunning

adj. 令人晕倒(吃惊)的,震耳欲聋的;极好的,出色的;令人震惊的
v. 击晕(stun的现在分词)


adj. 极好的;使人晕倒的;震耳欲聋的
v. 把…打昏;使震耳欲聋;使大吃一惊(stun的ing形式)

No words found in this wordlist when searching for stunining.
No direct (one word) anagrams for stunining found in this word list.
Words formed by adding one letter before or after stunining (in bold), or to giinnnstu in any order:
o - nonsuiting outsinning t - unstinting

短语搭配:1、Stun Mastery:眩晕重拳;迷惑攻击。2、Stun Shot:顿杆。3、Trap Stun:陷阱无力化;陷阱麻痹。4、Stun Grenades:震撼弹;震爆弹。5、Stun Shoot:昏迷射击;眩晕射击;昏厥射击。6、Ranged stun:远程击晕。7、Stun Tilt:沉寂星震。8、Stun Ray:慑射线。双语例句:In this stage, ...

惊喜用英语怎么说 How to say surprise in English?
When it comes to expressing surprise in English, the term "stun" is often used to convey a strong sense of astonishment. For instance, when you say, "I was stunned when I saw my birthday cake," or "I stared in disbelief at the price tag on the dress," you're effectively...

求 英雄联盟 美服 外国人用英语对话 的暗语
12. Expressions such as "kill mage 1st," "stun that XXX 1st," and "cc the tank" are orders to prioritize certain targets. "Gather for mid" means to meet in the center lane.13. Describing a player as "a freak" means they are exceptional, but "im a freak" could imply ...


这个些词汇有时后会引起听者的不快。 补刀 补刀为魔兽对战RPG DotA术语,指的是抢最后一次攻击杀死...IH,In House的缩写,为魔兽对战RPG地图DotA术语,可译作“室内战”,是指两队的十名选手在同一个网吧...stun - 带有眩晕效果的技能的总称。 slow - 带有缓慢效果技能的总称。 ult - ultimate,英雄需要6级...

1. Players on the League of Legends American server frequently use English slang in their communications to speed up typing during games.2. Some common slang terms include "k" for "okay," "ty" for "thank you," "oom" for "out of mana," and "brb" for "be right back," ...


LoL dota 的专业术语及意思。
IH ——in house,指频道里起的私人游戏,一般都是和认识的人一起玩的。J jump ——在相持阶段2v1情况下,人多的一方派1人绕树林到敌人后方,同时发动进攻将其夹杀。类似弹墙2过1的战术。K ks ——Kill Steal,抢kill,某警察甲追小偷追了九条街,最后小偷给一个“顺道”...

这个些词汇有时后会引起听者的不快。 补刀 补刀为魔兽对战RPG DotA术语,指的是抢最后一次攻击杀死...IH,In House的缩写,为魔兽对战RPG地图DotA术语,可译作“室内战”,是指两队的十名选手在同一个网吧...Stun - 带有眩晕效果的技能,或有此种技能的英雄。Nuke - 能够在短时间内造成高额伤害的技能或技能...

[Dota常用语词典]A afk ——away from keyboard,玩家不在电脑前,纵是英雄亦枉然。上个洗手间固然在所难免,但长时间afk在BattleNet却是比中途退出更令人垢恨的事。all b ——all back,全体撤退。aoe ——area of effect,范围杀伤性魔法。axe ——斧王 B b ——back,后退 bd ——back door...

当雄县13690509607: stun怎么翻译? -
司马琳尿塞: stun作为及物动词意思是:击晕,打晕,或是使大吃一惊,使震惊的意思.I was stunned when I saw the beautiful girl.当我看到这个美女时我被震惊了!

当雄县13690509607: 惊喜的英语怎么读?
司马琳尿塞: 惊喜的英语单词是surprise,其读音为英 [s?pra?z] 美 [s?r?pra?z] .具体释义如下:surprise 英 [s?pra?z] 美 [s?r?pra?z]1、动词 vt.使惊奇;突袭;意外发现2、名词 n.惊喜,...

当雄县13690509607: surprise与stunned的区别,英语解释下 -
司马琳尿塞: surprise与stunned的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1、surprise的意思是:惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然;使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现 例句: The news greatly surprised them. 这消息使他们大为吃惊. 2、...

当雄县13690509607: 表情类英语单词
司马琳尿塞: 表情:expression,皱眉:frown,吃惊:stun,兴奋:excited,沮丧:depressed.狂喜的:ecstatic,窘迫的:embarassed.害羞的ashamed.陶醉的:intoxicated.

当雄县13690509607: 晨曦英文单词 -
司马琳尿塞: dawn 英文发音:[dɔːn] 中文释义:n.黎明;拂晓;破晓;开端;曙光;晨曦 例句: Gradually the window grew light as dawn illuminated the east. 窗口渐渐变得亮了起来,东方现出了晨曦. 短语: 1、mark the dawn 标志着开始 2、see the ...

当雄县13690509607: 取决于用英文怎么说? -
司马琳尿塞: 取决于英语可以翻译成:rest with、turn on、lie on、consist、depending on. 1、rest with 英 [rest wið] 美 [rɛst wɪð] 在于, 取决于. 示例:Usually, I would keep the best for myself, and share the rest with other people. 往常我都会把最好的...

当雄县13690509607: 在早晨的英文 -
司马琳尿塞: 在早上的英文:in the morning. 英:[in ðə ˈmɔ:niŋ];美:[ɪn ði ˈmɔrnɪŋ] morning用法: 1、n.上午,早晨 I shall work in the morning and play tennis in the afternoon. 我将在上午工作,下午打网球. 2、黎明;凌晨 The fighting went ...

当雄县13690509607: 讨厌的英语单词是什么 -
司马琳尿塞: 讨厌的英语单词:hate 读音:英 [heɪt] 美 [heɪt] v. 憎恨;厌恶;讨厌 n. 憎恨;厌恶 词汇搭配: 1、hate cabbage 讨厌洋白菜 2、hate drink 讨厌饮酒 3、hate milk 讨厌牛奶 4、hate the sight of sth 讨厌看到某事物 常见句型: 1、He hates us to ...

当雄县13690509607: 经验的英语单词怎么写 -
司马琳尿塞: 经验 [词典] experience; [电影] Tadjrebeh; [例句]她是一个有经验的主妇. She was a housewife of experience. 希望采纳,您的采纳是我们前进的动力

当雄县13690509607: 英语单词关于害怕 -
司马琳尿塞: fear; afraid; scared; be afraid for sth.; show the white feather; be afraid that ...; be in fear of; for fear of; strike fear into; be overcome with fear; be overcome by fear; be fearful; have a dread of; dreadful; dread; frighten; frightful; tremble [shake] in one's ...

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